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  • Wrong Methods Of Giving Divorce (Triple Divorce In One Sitting Etc.)

    Posted by Umer on June 24, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    As per the procedure outlined in the Islamic shari‘ah for divorcing a wife, no one has the right to divorce his wife without taking into consideration her ‘iddat, pronouncing divorce in rage, not calling in witnesses at the time of divorce, declaring divorce during her menstrual cycle or during her period of purity in which he has been intimate with her or utter more than one divorce sentences in one go or send a written divorce to her by writing many divorces at the same time. All these methods are extremely undesirable. The Prophet (sws) showed great anger on whichever of these methods were adopted in his times or emanated from a person in his presence. So much so, at one instance he is reported to have said: “Is the law of God being toyed with even though I am present among you?”[1]

    In spite of this, ninety percent of the people in our society are guilty of the above referred to wrongdoings while giving divorce. In the thirty years of my public life, barring one or two, almost all cases of divorce which have come to me are afflicted with one or more of these wrongdoings. This is something very worrisome. However, does this mean: do people intentionally disobey the law of God and have no sense of what is lawful and what is not left in them? They no longer fear God in this regard and do not think that one day they will be held accountable before God? In my opinion, none of the above is the case. People indulge in these wrongdoings not because they want to be rebelleious before God. On the contrary, they commit these wrongdoings unintentionally. The reason for this is that a vast majority of them in the first place do not even know that these things are prohibited in the shari‘ah of God. Secondly, scholars and jurists not only do not inform people of these wrongdoings, they even enforce every divorce that is given while adopting wrong methods. Thirdly, if the person who has given divorce goes to a registered oath commissioner or marriage registrar or some lawyer and asks them to write a divorce document, then they too without taking all these wrongdoings in consideration write three simultaneous divorce sentences. This has become so common that seldom do we see a person divorce his wife according to the shari‘ah of God and according to the norms prescribed by it.

    The consequences of this approach are very grave. The benefits which the shari‘ah methodology of divorce holds are sacrificed. All options of reconciliation and saving the family are dashed to ground. No possibility remains for the children, adults and friends to resolve the situation. A permanent basis of rivalry between families is laid. When people who have divorced their wives turn to scholars to make amends for what they have done, the answer they get is to do halalah. The words of the Prophet (sws) regarding this heinous act is that God curses the one who undertakes it and and the one who has it arrangened.[2] In short, as soon as divorce is uttered from the mouth, it becomes a regret for the whole life.

    The following measures are essential to redress this state of affairs.

    1. In their Friday sermons, gatherings and lectures, scholars should inform people of these mistakes. They should make them aware of their grave nature. They should continuously place before these people the sayings of the Prophet (sws) related to divorce. They should inform them that the right way to divorce a wife is to always pronounce it once only, and that it should be given in a calm and calculated way in the presence of two witnesses giving due regard to the ‘iddat period and it should not be given during her menstrual cycle or in her period of ritual cleanliness when the husband has had intercourse with her.

    2. Like the marriage form, the government should also issue a standard divorce form and place it in the custody of marriage registrars. It should be made mandatory on every person who intends to divorce his wife to fill this form. If he does not do so, then he must be necessarily punished.

    3. Jurists, scholars and courts of law instead of implementing wrongly given divorces should adopt the way the Prophet (sws) adopted in such cases. Two of these cases are very important:

    The first of these is the case of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (rta). When he divorced his wife during her menstrual cycle, ‘Umar (rta) presented his case before the Prophet (sws). The Prophet (sws) expressed great anger when he was informed of these details and said: “Ask him to take her back and retain her in wedlock until she enters her period of purity and then again passes through her menstrual cycle and is pure again. Then, if he wants, he can permanently retain her or divorce her without having intercourse with her because this is the beginning of ‘iddat keeping regard of which the Almighty has directed a husband to divorce his wife.”[3]

    The second case is that of Rukanah ibn ‘Abdi Yazid.By gathering all the narratives of this case, the whole situation that comes to light is that he had divorced his wife three times in one go. He then felt ashamed and presented his case before the Prophet (sws). The Prophet (sws) inquired: “How did you divorce her?” He replied: “I divorced her three times in one go.” The Prophet (sws) again inquired: “What was your intention?” He answered that he wanted to divorce her once only. The Prophet (sws) told him to reply on oath which he did and then said: “If this is the matter, then take her back. Only one divorce has been implemented.” Rukanah remarked: “O Prophet of God! I had divorced her three times.” The Prophet said: “I know, take her back and this is not the proper way of divorcing a wife. The Almighty has said that if one must divorce his wife, he should do so keeping in consideration the ‘iddat.[4]

    (Javed Ahmed Ghamidi)

    (Translated by Dr Shehzad Saleem)


    [1]. Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman Ahmad ibn Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’i, Al-Sunan al-mujtaba, 2<sup>nd</sup> ed., vol. 6. (Halab: Maktab al-matbu‘at al-islamiyyah, 1986), 142, (no. 3401).

    [2]. Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yazid ibn Majah al-Qazwini, 1<sup>st</sup> ed., vol. 1 (Beirut: Dar al-kutub al-‘ilmiyyah, 1998), 623, (no. 1936).

    [3]. Al-Bukhari, Al-Jami‘ al-sahih, vol. 5, 2011, (no. 4953); Muslim, Al-Jami‘ al-sahih, vol. 2, 1095, (no. 1471).

    [4]. Abu Da’ud Sulyman ibn al-Ash‘ath al-Sajistani, Sunan, vol. 2 (n.p.: Dar al-fikr, n.d.), 267, 270, (nos. 2196, 2206); Ibn Majah, Sunan, vol. 2, 521, (no. 2051); Abu ‘Īsa Muhammad ibn ‘Īsa al-Tirmidhi, Al-Jami‘ al-kabir, 2<sup>nd</sup> ed., vol. 2 (Beirut: Dar al-gharb al-islami, 1998), 466, (no. 1177), Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad, vol. 1, 438, (no. 2383). These narratives have weak chains of narration; however, if they are collected and collated, this weakness is dispelled

    Umer replied 2 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Wrong Methods Of Giving Divorce (Triple Divorce In One Sitting Etc.)

    Umer updated 2 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator June 26, 2020 at 3:25 am

    As does happen with prescribed laws and procedures, situations arise in which a person is guilty of breaching the law and deviating from the right course. Human nature is prone to extreme emotional conditions in which it deviates from the path set forth by the Almighty. These deviations, it is extremely evident, are not part of the sharī‘ah; they fall into breach of law category and it is up to the legislature of a country to enact laws about such departures. At times, such cases are even left to the discretion of the judge and at other times the judge himself is bound by the legislation done in this regard by the parliament.

    In case of divorce, keeping in view various precedents, this deviation is generally of two types:

    i) A husband divorces his wife during her menstrual period, or divorces her after he has had contact with her in her period of purity.

    ii) A husband divorces his wife by pronouncing the divorce sentence thrice.

    As far as the first deviation is concerned, an Islamic government can ask the husband to revoke his decision and carry it out in the proper manner at the proper time. The Prophet (sws) in his own times dealt with the case of ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar (rta) in a similar manner. When he was told that ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar (rta) had divorced his wife during her menstrual cycle, he was really annoyed and remarked:

    مرة فَلْيُرَاجِعْهَا ثُمَّ لِيُمْسِكْهَا حتى تَطْهُرَ ثُمَّ تَحِيضَ ثُمَّ تَطْهُرَ ثُمَّ إن شَاءَ أَمْسَكَ بَعْدُ وَإِنْ شَاءَ طَلَّقَ قبل أَنْ يَمَسَّ فَتِلْكَ الْعِدَّةُ التي أَمَرَ الله أَنْ تُطَلَّقَ لها النِّسَاءُ

    Ask him to take her back and keep her in wedlock until she is through with her menstrual cycle and then once again passes through this cycle and then is through with it. After this, he can either detain her [in wedlock] or divorce her before having sexual intercourse with her. Because it is this beginning of the iddat keeping regard of which the Almighty has directed [believers] to divorce their wives.[1]

    In case of the second deviation, a deliberation on the injunctions of divorce, particularly on their linguistic aspects, reveals that there are three possible solutions:

    (a) The husband can be called to court and asked to testify to the nature of these pronouncements: if he testifies that he had pronounced the three sentences in anger to only strongly assert his decision or that he had thought that pronouncing three sentences was the correct procedure of divorce, the court, if satisfied by his statement, can re-unite the husband and wife. If on the other hand, a person testifies that he had consciously uttered the three sentences knowing that he was exercising his three rights in one time, the wife, of course, shall be divorced from him. The case of Rukānah ibn ‘Abdi Yazīd (rta) was decided in a similar manner by the Prophet (sws).[2]

    (b) A second possible solution in this regard is that a state, while observing that people have adopted a carefree attitude in following this procedure, legislates that three divorce sentences shall be considered as three whether pronounced in anger or in a normal emotional state. A precedent of this solution can be found in the times of the caliph ‘Umar (rta). He himself, in the capacity of a ruler in consultation with the members of the shūrā, upon seeing that people had adopted a very careless attitude in this regard, as a punishment, promulgated three divorce sentences as final.

    (c) A third possible solution in this regard is that the state while observing the fact that people are mostly ignorant of the correct procedure and in their ignorance think that the correct way of divorce is to pronounce the sentence three times, legislates that the three pronouncements shall be considered as one.

    Any of these three ways can be adopted keeping in view the welfare of the Muslims. However, in adopting the second or third solutions, it is necessary that a legislation be done in their favour, but as far as adopting the first solution is concerned, no prior legislation is needed and the matter can be left to the discretion of the judge.

    (Dr. Shehzad Saleem)


    1. Al-Bukhārī, Al-Jāmi‘ al-sahīh, vol. 5, 2011, (no. 4953).

    2. See, for example: Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan, vol. 2, 263, (no. 2206).

  • Umer

    Moderator May 28, 2022 at 2:38 pm
  • Umer

    Moderator May 28, 2022 at 2:39 pm

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