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  • Performing Hajj In Pandemic Situation

    Posted by Muhammad Mohsin on June 25, 2020 at 6:38 pm

    My Question is, can we (Muslim) perform Hajj Virtually being under Pandemic Situation where travel for the Hajj Pilgrims has been cease ? Here Virtual Hajj considerations are for, if Saudi government is live telecasting all of the Hajj Rituals, day by day.

    The Question primarily is for those who wishes to perform Hajj and have made travel arrangements.

    Muhammad Mohsin replied 4 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Performing Hajj In Pandemic Situation

  • Farhan Saiyed

    Moderator June 25, 2020 at 7:47 pm

    People who have made arrangements have been blocked by circumstances, they should let their nails and hair grow during dhulhajj and cut nails and hair on Eid day after qurbani. IA their Hajj would be accepted.

  • Umer

    Moderator June 25, 2020 at 9:01 pm

    As a principle, all the Ibaadah can be performed as a ‘Nafal’ given the terms and conditions (i.e. preconditions) of the said Ibadah’ are met. These terms and conditions may include, but not limited to, locality, state of ‘Taharat’, particular time and day on which they are to be performed. Like ‘Salah’ has certain timing restrictions (very limited restrictions though), so in the allowed timings it can be performed even at home as a ‘Nafal’. However, Hajj and umrah both have a precondition to be performed in the presence of ‘Maabad’ which is ‘Masjid-e-Haram’ in this case. Hajj also has a specific days on which it can be performed only. So given the nature of preconditions, it can be said that Hajj and Umrah cannot be performed virtually because physical presence in ‘Maabad’ is a necessary precondition for it to be a valid ‘Ibaadah’.

  • Umer

    Moderator June 25, 2020 at 9:55 pm

    Kindly refer to following video from 56:14 to 1:06:38.

    Here Ghamidi Sahab is explaining the whole scheme of Hajj, specifically as to how it includes Muslims from every sphere of life and what other Muslims can do in case they can’t perform Hajj physically, whether due to financial or other constraints, all inclusive.

  • $ohail T@hir

    Moderator June 25, 2020 at 11:08 pm

    “Nope, because for Hajj, presence at site is essential” – Dr. Shehzad Saleem


  • Muhammad Mohsin

    Member June 26, 2020 at 11:08 am

    JazakAllah Khair everyone for answers.

    So what I understood, in a nutshell, “to perform Hajj, presence at site is essential”.

    As for the prospective pilgrims, who cannot perform Hajj due to external situations, they can expect the rewards from Allah-swt provided they must keep their intentions, keep their steadfast during Hajj days(Niyat & Irrada ) with utmost presence in prayers, they should let their nails and hair grow during dhulhajj days and may give Qurbani in order to expect the reward from Allah-swt, may equivalent to a Hajj, insha’Allah. But it can not be considered as Virtual Hajj.

    • $ohail T@hir

      Moderator June 26, 2020 at 12:55 pm

      @Idris bhai that is a good summary. We will mark this thread closed EOD if there are no more follow-up comments. Thank you

    • Muhammad Mohsin

      Member June 26, 2020 at 5:31 pm

      Yes, please mark this thread closed. JzK

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