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  • Why Different Interpretations Of The Qur’an By Scholars

    Posted by Rafia Khawaja on August 22, 2020 at 5:47 pm

    There is one Qur‘an, so why is it so many different renowned scholars and Ulema cannot many times agree to the interpretation of the Surahs and verses regarding so many important directives in the Qur’an?

    Like Is it our duty to bring every one in the fold of Islam, is killing for apostasy and blasphemy allowed, are all non Muslims kafirs and should be killed? Will God only send Muslims to heaven and all non Muslims will go to hell unless they accept Islam. ?Is Jehad allowed by a group of people? Can Shariah be evolved for present time? Did Islam abolished slavery? Yet slavery continued and was finally abolished by Saudi Arabia in 1960 after pressure from the Western countries.

    Do women have to do Purdah,? can Muslim Women marry chaste men from Ahle Kitab, Is mixing of men and women allowed in pursuit of their education and work, etc. ? Is it wrong to give a loan to a relative or friend and then ask for profit on it? What about the loss in the value of the money and inflation ?

    Can your Zakat be deducted from your taxes? Will Jesus Christ return?

    Which was the first Surah Of the Qur’an revealed to Prophet sws, ? Some say it was Surah Fatiha and some others say Surah Al Alaq .Which is correct?

    These are some of the topics on which I have read and heard so many different views from different scholars.

    What is the truth? All these scholars are fluent in Arabic so please tell me why are there so many different interpretations? Jazak Allah

    Rafia Khawaja replied 4 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies

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