Is Gender Change Permissible?
The following question was privately received from an Ask Ghamidi member who didn’t want to post the question directly:
What are the options for an individual who identifies as the opposite gender to that of which they are assigned at birth? If the individual has felt “different” from a very young and their effeminate/masculine behaviour is natural and not an act, how can they see to rectify this problem they have that not many scholars understand? If they are mortified of marriage because they believe it can drive them to suicide or bringing shame to their family if their spouse will ridicule them for lacking the qualities one expects of the individual, and also being unable to have relations with them, and which will lead to a breakdown in the marriage and eventually divorce, how can this individual complete one-half of their faith since marriage is half of faith? How can one reconcile religion and their innermost feelings of gender dysphoria that otherwise will lead them to suicide if left untreated? Should this individual continue to live in the body Allah has assigned them at birth or is it permissible to seek modern medicinal treatment and even surgery to help them with their dysphoria and also help them avoid major sins?
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