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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia The Political Shariah (Qanoon-e-Siyasat): Introduction And Content

  • The Political Shariah (Qanoon-e-Siyasat): Introduction And Content

    Posted by Umer on October 1, 2020 at 4:28 pm

    Man, by his nature, is a social being: a social set-up is an essential requirement of the nature on which God has created him. However, to protect this social set-up from the misuse of his God-given free-will he, soon or late, is forced to protect the created social set-up by organizing it as a collective system. In the history of mankind, politics and governments have originated as a result of this desire of man for a social set-up and this need of his to safeguard it from disorder. As long as man remains true to his nature, he cannot get rid of either this desire or this need. Therefore, prudence demands that instead of dreaming of a stateless society in this world, he should strive to constitute a social contract that cleanses the state system from evils and develops it in the right direction thereby providing it with the basis of a fair and upright government.

    No doubt, for the most part, man’s own nature instructed him to constitute such a social contract. However, the results alone of his labours that can be seen clearly by everyone attest to the utmost to the fact that, as in other affairs of human life, human intellect is unable to decisively resolve certain basic issues in this regard without divine guidance. It is to fulfil this need that the Gracious Almighty has given man a detailed political shariah through His Book and through His last Prophet (sws).

    This shariah consists of the following issues:

    1. The Basic Principle:

    Discussion 32024

    2. The Real Responsibility:

    Discussion 32029

    3. Religious Obligations:

    Discussion 32032

    4. Citizenship and the Rights of Citizens:

    Discussion 32040

    5. The State System:

    Discussion 32046


    Discussion 32056

    Q&A Session:

    Discussion 32061

    (Javed Ahmed Ghamidi)

    (Translated by Dr. Shehzad Saleem)

    Umer replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
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