This narration was first taken by Imam Malik in His Muwatta and is categorized as Sahih by Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai (
The same narration was later on accepted by both Imam Bukhari ( and Imam Muslim in their Sahih.
There is no separate interpretation of this dream done by Prophet Muhammad (Sws). It mainly depends upon how you see this whole issue in the light of Quran and Sunnah. It has potential to be interpreted in both ways (i.e. second coming of Jesus or Advent of Dajjal only who would claim to be Masih).
If you agree with Ghamidi Sahab’s take on the matter, the explanation of this dream would be the one mentioned above, otherwise you’re free to interpret it in the light of other narrations on second coming of Jesus and Advent of Dajjal as available in other Hadith books.