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Forums Forums Epistemology and Philosophy Human Nature/Fitrah As Compared To That Of A Toy

  • Human Nature/Fitrah As Compared To That Of A Toy

    Posted by Ahmad Shoaib on October 16, 2020 at 10:36 pm

    A toy has a specific way to function and that is its fitrah. It’s impossible for s toy car to act like a drone or a cat. Because it fitrah does not allow it. So how can humans desensitise themselves from their fitrah?

    Sheharbano Ali replied 4 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Human Nature/Fitrah As Compared To That Of A Toy

    Sheharbano Ali updated 4 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator October 17, 2020 at 1:35 am

    A toy car can’t act like a drone or a cat. Humans can’t act like the fish or the airplanes either.

    One of the attributes of the human fitrah is it’s innate capability to differentiate between the good and the evil. However, humans are also given free will. Despite possessing the capability to differentiate between the good and the evil, humans are not bound to use this capability in every decision that they make. When they consistently use this capability, it becomes stronger and stronger with time. In contrast, when they consistently ignore it, it becomes weaker and weaker with time – sometimes to a point where it no longer functions at all.

  • Sheharbano Ali

    Member October 17, 2020 at 10:15 am

    The fitrah has the potential for both. ‘Imma Shakirun Wa Imma Kafoora.’ (Whether you chosse to be grateful or whether you choose to disbelieve. This potential is not found in trees or the sky, let alone a toy car. Its how you shape it using your faculties and the revealed knowledge by God.

    This is what Surah at Tin is about. By believing in the unseen and Amal Saleh you can reach the climax of your self. Which is evident in the personalities of Messengers like Nuh, Isa, Musa, Muhammad (saw) and all other believers who believed like them.

    Or you can reduce yourself to cattle. Completely ignorant of your surroundings.

    This sensitisation and desensisation all comes down to one sole reason – the love for this life. If one uses their intellect to look beyond the apparent of things one can overcome or rather prevent themselves from this desensitisation. This is the test.

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