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Law Of Guidance And Misguidance For Prophets
Posted by Sheharbano Ali on October 17, 2020 at 11:21 amIs the law of Guidance and Misguidance same for the Prophets of God in its larger context? Are they also searching for the truth just like any other human being before they are given or rather informed about their Nabuwat?
Umer replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Law Of Guidance And Misguidance For Prophets
Moderator October 19, 2020 at 5:04 pm…”Not only this, the prophets of God are also blessed with the light of innate guidance – the light which every person has been blessed with – in its most ultimate form. They always keep its flame fully alight and shield it from the storms that arise within man’s inner-self. Thus before they are blessed with divine revelation from God, their heart and mind are very pure and the truth is already evident to them to a great extent. The Quran calls this state of their inner enlightenment as بَيِّنَةٌ (bayyinah). It is evident from various incidents from the lives of the prophets that they present divine revelation as an evidence for this inner enlightenment and the vision they possess“…
See this for details:
Sheharbano Ali
Member October 20, 2020 at 12:37 pmSo for a Prophet like Hazrat Isa (as), what would his criteria be? Or God knew that he would be searching for the truth anyway when he reaches the age of consciousness? And would be grateful for the knowledge as opposed to adopting a rebellious attitude?
So Isa (as) deserved that in His Wisdom and Knowledge and thus it was based on merit. Is this what it is?
Saad Anwar
Member October 20, 2020 at 6:04 pmHazrat Isa (A.S) was given nabuwat when he was born right?
Moderator October 20, 2020 at 8:42 pmAllah’s ilm which is absolute, perfect and exists beyond the realm of time and space. In this very Allah’s ilm, beginning of life on earth, its end, the prophethood of prophets, Jannah and hell are not bound by limitations of past, present and future. Therefore, the prophethoods starting from Adam (AS) to Muhammad (SWS) were all existent in Allah’s ilm even before the birth of these prophets, just like His ilm occupies our start and our end. But to reach this end, a person has to use his freewill for his own itmam-e-hujjat for the day of judgement and his guidance and misguidance depends on the same law, same is the case with Prophets.
It is not that after speaking as an infant, Jesus (as) continued to talk regularly. To some extent, you can understand this with reference to Ehd-e-alast, where the memory of that event was erased. Jesus (AS) grew up normally and reached to a point where He was given proper prophethood with the objective of completing final itmam-e-hujjah on Bani-Israel.
Speaking of Prophet Esa (AS) in his infancy was a miracle which served two purposes (all miracle have a purpose considering the effectiveness of the holistic scheme of God in the given circumstances):
i) It saved Maryam (AS) from accusation of adultery.
ii) It served as a message to Bani-Israel (as can be seen in Bible as well [1]) because it was going to be final Adalat for Bani-Israel and they were to face eternal punishment for their transgressions and that is the reason Jesus (AS) has been called a sign of Qiyamah.
If I were to sum it up:
– Jesus (AS) just like every other Prophet was prophet in God’s Knowledge, therefore, speaking at infancy doesn’t mean that his prophethood was given to him at the moment when he was born.
– Just because He spoke in infancy based on Allah’s izn and ilm, doesn’t mean he didn’t have to grow up like other prophets who valued that innate guidance and reached apex of piety through the same law of guidance and error.
– Speaking of Jesus (AS) was a miracle that served two major purposes and it was not meant to give him effective nabuwat at that time.
[1] Matthew and to some extent Luke say that news of Jesus’s (sws) birth spread in somewhat these words “King of the Jews has been born; a promised Messiah who will restore the kingdom of Israel“. Such news disturbed King Herod, who was the Roman ruler at that time; so he ordered all boys of two or below the age of two to be killed. According to Matthew, King Herod found out about Jesus by one magi who studied stars and had come from the east to see the newborn Messiah. They first asked about him at Herod’s court in Jerusalem and then they followed the light of a star to Bethlehem. The star went ahead of the magi and “stopped over the place where the child was”: (seems to be pure romantic literature, as one critic puts it, as no scientific contortions will deal with the behavior of this star except if one is willing to believe in retrograde planetary motion). There they found Jesus and gave him gifts of gold.
The Quran says that after his birth Mary (sws) carried Jesus (sws) in her arms, and returned back to her own people. According to Quran:
They said: O Mary! Indeed you have brought a thing that is mighty unheard of. O sister of Aaron, Your father was not a man who used to commit adultery nor your mother was an unchaste woman. Then she pointed to him. They said how could we talk to one who is child in cradle. He (Jesus) said: Verily I am a slave of Allah, He has given me the scriptures and made me a prophet. And He made me blessed where so ever I be, and has enjoined on me prayer, and charity as long as I live. (19:27-31)
It was probably this miracle, Jesus (sws), speaking in the cradle, which spread as the news that a “Saviour” of Israel has been born. This could have urged Herod to search for the baby and that ultimately led to flight of Mary (sws) with Jesus (sws) to Nazareth.
Saad Anwar
Member October 20, 2020 at 9:04 pmSo Isa (A.S) said That Allah has made me Prophet infront of Marium (A.S) and everyone. How did he grew up normally after this? For example in case of Muhammed (SAW) no one knew he was going to be Prophet. But in case of Isa (AS) everyone who was there when this miracle happened knew he’s a Prophet.
Moderator October 20, 2020 at 9:27 pmJust because my mother or some people around me are telling me something about my childhood that I have no memory of, how does that change my quest to search for the truth?
Also, we know that Bani-Israel rejected His Prophethood when he did claim it formally, so I found this highly unlikely that he was given any special treatment till that time.
There are also a wide range of places where they both migrated to and from, from time to time, ranging from Nazareth to Bethlehem to Jerusalem to Egypt which greatly mitigates the specificity of this miracle to Jesus (AS) in person in the eyes of Public.
Sheharbano Ali
Member October 21, 2020 at 5:31 amI completely get the point you’re trying to convey when you say that the said event in my childhood doesn’t prevent me from searching the truth once i reach the age of consciousness. This point is also picked up and elaborated in Surah Duha, when it comes to the life of Prophet Muhammad (saw). That how from the very beginning of his life he was provided with all that was needed to nourish him in a manner that was needed, and in the long run prove positive for his future mission.
And this is the same thing we’re discussing regarding Hazrat Isa (as). The only thing I want to confirm is whether
A) This special treatment from the beginning is because of their own self (purely based on merit). Their own efforts and quest for truth, whether it all manifests at a later stage in life but regardless, it was due to their own self.
B) Their quest for truth or search for guidance at a later stage in life began because of these very extraordinary things that they went through in their lives from the very beginning, that might have compelled them to think.
Moderator October 21, 2020 at 2:45 pmI think your answer lies here, give it another read:
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