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  • To The Community – Read Please

    Posted by Aamir Khan on October 17, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    (This is my personal opinion and I am NOT affiliated with GCIL)

    I think people are asking every bits and pieces that comes to their mind over here. Access to information is so ubiquitous these days, kindly READ the books or other written materials, WATCH videos/online material and GOOGLE stuff. Genuinely put in your own effort towards your learning first before utilizing this limited resource and encourage people who really need it to use. Please respect moderators time and do not overburden them.

    Faisal Haroon replied 4 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • To The Community – Read Please

  • Umer

    Moderator October 17, 2020 at 8:52 pm

    Asslamualaikum Amir Sahab!

    As much as I appreciate your concern regarding moderators time and for people to act more responsibly, at the same time, we need to understand that this is exactly the purpose of this forum, to help others reach and understand the content otherwise easily accessible and easily understandable to few. Some of us might take all this for granted, but there might be many out there who due to a number of reasons may find this mode of communication more convenient and more helpful. Therefore, let’s not judge people and try to help them out instead. In rare cases, if someone does act irresponsibly, we always have the option to suspend their account but we try our best to use it in extreme cases only.

    • Aamir Khan

      Member October 17, 2020 at 9:15 pm

      W.salam Qureshi Sahab

      I cannot thank enough for the work you and your team to put in to enlighten us. Ma Sha Allah, you all are doing incomparable work and I felt some people went a little overboard. I agree, I was being judgmental and looking only through my perspective but my intention was never to discourage learning.

      That’s the beauty of Ghamidi sahab and his students. Your character and zeal in helping others is par excellence. Much prayers and love for everyone!

    • Umer

      Moderator October 17, 2020 at 9:34 pm

      JazakAllah Brother!

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator October 17, 2020 at 10:01 pm

    Thank you so much Aamir sahab for your concern and kind words. It really means a lot to the Ask Ghamidi team!

    As Umer sahab also stated, we try to accommodate everyone and entertain all questions to the best of our capability. We have our ustad Ghamidi sahab’s example in front of us who always patiently responds to every question, even if it’s way below his stature, and even if he has already covered the exact same question time and again in his books and videos. His take is that one should never assume where a questioner stands in his/her journey of knowledge, and we definitely try our best to imitate him in this regard.

    As you might have already noticed, every Sunday we have Ghamidi sahab directly respond to selected questions from Ask Ghamidi. Of course people can use this invaluable facility to post questions on those topics that really matter to them now and our next generations can benefit from. Or they can ask trivial questions that mostly don’t require any feedback from the most learned religious scholar of our time. Since Ask Ghamidi is a community driven forum, the community gets to decide how to make the best use of it!

    Once again, your feedback is deeply appreciated!

  • Sheharbano Ali

    Member October 18, 2020 at 11:14 am

    I have been wanting to convey this to the people affiliated with AskGhamidi in specific and Al Mawrid in general, and through them, to all of the readers who come across this message.

    I don’t want to write a long paragraph (again), but my journey of coming back towards the Book of God, when I was just barely holding onto it to a point infact where it all seemed nothing more than chaos to me, is worth mentioning.

    In short, around that time (which is last year March-April) I came across the Zavia-e-Ghamidi series. It was like Allah brought me to it. Then things started making sense and everything started falling into place. All the gaps were being filled. All of my questions were getting answered that were keeping me from considering the book of God again, when I realised that it is the Final Testament of God, not the only.

    A few months later I went to the Al Mawrid Office to meet Dr. Sajid Hameed and there I also met Jawad Sb. I shared with him, how, as a 23 (then 22) year old the Zavia-e-Ghamidi series had helped. Im not even going to try to put it into words how it did. But the point I want to share with you guys is the statement I made to Jawad sb. “Aisa koi project ya programme nahi kar saktay jahan bus aisay he Ghamidi sb bethay hon aur sub bus sawaal karain audience main. Sirf sawaal, aur jo marzi sawaal.” To which Jawad sb replied “ho tou sakta hai lekin aye ga kon?”

    AskGhamidi is the fulfillment of that wish of mine, Alhamdulillah. It happened just a couple of months after that meeting! I just want to thank you (everyone on this forum) for all of your efforts. AskGhamidi is my university. JazakAllah khair to each one of you. May Allah guide us, increase us in knowledge and most important give us the ability to accept and mould ourselves according to The truth, whatever it may be, InshaAllah.

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