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  • The Journey Of Miraj

    Posted by Usama Ahmed on November 6, 2020 at 10:39 am

    So this query is related to the Journey of Miraj. Ghamidi Sb has explicitly stated that it was a spiritual journey ( a dream) rather than a physical one.

    – My confusion is that how come the majority of scholars or clerics believe otherwise. If it was indeed a spiritual journey, then where do certain terms or myths come from, such as Buraq ( the supposedly ride ) and the characteristic associated to it, also the quite common perception, that when the Prophet SAW came back the handle of lock was still vibrating (kundi kharak rahi thi) and so on.

    – One may argue that these are all fabricated or cock and bull stories, but then I begin to ponder why is this the predominant version in the Muslim world ? I mean how could a flawed version can attract or gather so many supporters?

    – On the other hand, their version could be right, and it is indeed a physical journey based on a miracle. Travelling with such speed will slow down the time and can even stop it if you travel with speed of light. Off course physically its impossible, but again we are talking about miracle which is beyond the physical boundaries we are living in.

    – Apart from Ghamidi sb, can you please narrate any other notable Muslim scholars (local or international) who share the same beliefs.

    Thanks a bunch for your time.


    Ali replied 2 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • The Journey Of Miraj

    Ali updated 2 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 6, 2020 at 11:29 am

    Quran is very clear in verse 17:60 that meraj was a dream. Once we have such clear evidence, then the other things are irrelevant.

    Please see the following:

    Discussion 32963 • Reply 33288

  • A Hasan

    Contributor November 6, 2020 at 2:31 pm

    The same way Hinduism literally became a religion of these supernatural mythical stories. The same way folklore spreads.

  • Usama Ahmed

    Member November 7, 2020 at 8:05 am

    I understand, which bring me to the follow up

    how come the majority of scholars or clerics believe otherwise ? If it was indeed a spiritual journey (which is crystal clear from Quran), then where do the prevailing myths such as Buraq come from ? I mean what’s the source behind all these prevailing concepts/ideas and how could a flawed version can attract or gather so many supporters.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor November 7, 2020 at 8:07 am

      Ahadith dogmatism and probably israiliyaat or myths from the Byzantine empire converts

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 7, 2020 at 8:27 am

    One can spend time and energy to dig deep trying to find the exact cause of each one of the many such misconceptions, but I’m not sure what would be the benefit of such an exercise. Personally, when I know something with certainty, I would much rather expend my energy into gaining knowledge that would be beneficial for me and my children in this world and the hereafter.

  • Ali

    Member March 5, 2022 at 1:01 pm

    Not a scholar but the way I see is since Meraj is a dream according to Ghamidi sahab so there is symbolism in Meraj.
    I am confused about the depiction of people being in skies in the meraj narration(like 5th heaven and so forth)
    So the following is how I see it.

    Just like Yusuf a.s sees 11 celestial objects,sun,moon bowing down in dream. I think the symbolism of dreams is usually according to what people are familair with, yanee their culture. I mean in our culture and age we see in cartoons, dad asks child “where is Grandpa” and then child points at the sky or some star. I think this is why those celestial objects were the symbols that Yusuf a.s saw in his dream. Ghamidi sahab says “khwab mai cheezain dramatise karkai nazar atee” yanee characters aur tamtheel kee surat.

    1-I have heard narrations about Prophet muhamad meeting other prophets in bait al maqdis. I think since bait al maqdis is the place of bani israel, thats where all other prophets of bani israel were from. Yaqoob,Yusuf,Musa,Eesa. Ghamidi sahab says woh ilaqa bani israel kai liyay khaas. So it makes sense to see bait al maqdis in this manner in dream with prophets of that place. The only thing that can explain this is meraj was a dream, if it wasnt then how could dead people be met.

    2-I have heard Meraj narrations of hazrat adam being in some level of heaven/sky. To see prophets ancestors, like Hazrat Adam in sky as part of the dream also makes sense. I remember seeing in TV children pointing at sky to say grandpa or father is there. One might hear such things in songs in poetry as well. Since its a dream so that is how things will be depicted imho.

    3-Not sure about buraq. I mean given people were familiar with such stuff which Ahmed Shoaib mentioned, then one can argue, that such thing appear in dream as a symbolism to dramatise/symbolise a journey accross the universe?
    I searched on sunnahcom
    and it seems from the narrations that even prophet muhamad was surprised and laughed at idea of horse with wings. Though how truthful are the stories of winged horse of Sulaiman a.s mentioned in the narrations? Other narrations mentioned curtains of winged horse. So stories about winged horses had existed, not sure if people saw that as just culture or believed in them?

    4-People call hazrat musa kaleemullah. Not sure about accuracy of 50 namaz meraj narrations. But for hazrat Musa to be depicted in dream as someone who asks Allah on behalf of Prophet makes sense. I see it as since hazrat Musa is kaleemullah so he is depicted in this manner.

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