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  • Contingency Of God

    Posted by A Hasan on December 1, 2020 at 12:02 pm
    The reasoning given by Ghamidi sahab to the answer of the first question was, that the being, if he was contingent upon something, it must be greater than it. But, for example, we are contingent upon food and air- which are arguable less complex than us.So why is the matter different for an ultimate creator? Is it simply because there was nothing before him to be contingent upon?

    ودود replied 4 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Contingency Of God

  • A Hasan

    Contributor December 1, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    And can we even argue about this being since it is using tamseel of cause and effect to a being that lives in a higher state of reality?

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator December 1, 2020 at 3:16 pm

    We’re not contingent upon food and air – we’re contingent upon the Creator of food and air. If He so willed, we could have directly derived energy from the earth and the sun like the plants, or if He so willed, we could have lived without any definitive source of energy. However, He has created many dependencies in this universe, and they’re so that we could be tested in many different dimensions.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor December 1, 2020 at 3:17 pm

      We are still contingent on food and air in our current state. Take out either and our life will cease to exist. Of course that food is contingent on its creator.

      But what about the idea of using tamseel for contingency to establish that there must be an ultimate creator?

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator December 1, 2020 at 3:24 pm

    There’s no tamseel there – it’s just a reasonable human understanding given the constraints of human sources of knowledge. There’s nothing being proven or rejected either.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor December 2, 2020 at 5:21 am

      Causality is being inferred of how beings are dependent on other things and that means they must be created.

      We are assuming that cause and effect occurs for the ultimate creator too- so that’s why he can’t be dependent on anything

  • ودود

    Member December 2, 2020 at 4:22 am

    If one is dependent on something it must exist before his birth. Since God is Awwal meaning the first and the foremost there was nothing before him so logically He cannot be dependent on anything. Since this inference of God is free from any dependencies is supported by sura Ikhlas so we can sure that our inference is true.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor December 2, 2020 at 4:52 am

      But we are not talking about God right now. We are talking about an ultimate creator. We must establish this possibility by ilmi imkaan before we look to scripture otherwise it would be blind faith. So how can we establish it?

  • ودود

    Member December 2, 2020 at 6:46 am

    If a god has a creator then he is not the God. The ultimate creator who triggered a the causal chain is the God.

    Even if one believes the causal chain is circular it has to have a trigger. So the one who trigger it has to be outside the causal chain and if there are more than one causal chains, the term God refers to the entity who triggered the very first causal chain.

    Any entity that is a part of the causal chain is not Allah.

    In other words, we are saying that it’s hard for human wisdom to figure out who triggered the causal chain and therefore the only possibility could be that there is an entity outside the cause and effect system who we call the Creator. There is no other rational explanation.

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