Animals In Islam
AOA, I know that eating pork is Haram but is it permissible to keep pig as a pet?
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AOA, I know that eating pork is Haram but is it permissible to keep pig as a pet?
I mean eating a dog or cat is haram too and you can keep them as a pet right?
There’s no prohibition on keeping a pig as a pet. As with any other animal, you just need to make sure that your living space remains clean. Please keep in mind that purity/tazkiya has the central importance in Islam.
@faisalharoon sb
Isnt keeping pet should be with some kind of purpose? Without purpose, its better for animal to live free in their habitats right?
It’s true that animals naturally belong in the wild, and it’s also true that we should not unnecessarily take away their freedom. However, over a period of time humans have domesticated a lot of animals that have lived amongst us for generations. If we leave these animals out there in the wild, they won’t be able to survive.
Thanks for clarification
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by Muhammad Faisal Haroon
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