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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Hazrat Maria Qibtiya Radhi Allah Anha In Conversing Islam 10

  • Hazrat Maria Qibtiya Radhi Allah Anha In Conversing Islam 10

    Posted by Afia Khan on December 18, 2020 at 12:15 pm

    In episode 10, marriages of Prophet Muhammad MPBH, no discussion about Hazrat Maria Qubtia Radhi Allah Anha. There must be some miss understandings regarding her just like the age of Hazrat Ayesha RAA. If they can further explain about her please, that whether Hazrat Mariyara was kept by the Holy Prophet MPBH as a wife or a slave-girl? There are authentic Ahadith that when Prophet Muhammad MPBH died, he did not leave even a single slave.

    Following is Ahmadiya’s view that she WAS the wife which makes sense.

    “In any case, there are two points which are definite. Firstly, that the Holy Prophetsa instructed Hazrat Mariyara to observe Purdah from the very beginning, and with regard to this injunction, it is established that this was only observed by free women and wives. As such, there is a narration that after the Ghazwah of Khaibar, when the Holy Prophetsa married Safiyyah, the daughter of a Jewish Chieftain, the Companions fell into a disagreement as to whether she was a wife of the Holy Prophetsa or merely a slave-girl. However, when the Holy Prophetsa advised her to observe Purdah, the Companions understood that she was a wife, not a slave-girl.

    “The second point to note is that history proves that the Holy Prophetsa never kept a slave for himself, rather he would release any slave that came into his possession, whether female or male. In this respect as well, it is unimaginable and unacceptable that the Holy Prophetsa would have kept Hazrat Mariyara, the Copt as a slave-girl.” (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets, Vol. 3, p. 210)

    In Wikipedia

    Umer replied 5 days, 1 hour ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
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