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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy What Is Injustice?

  • What Is Injustice?

    Posted by A Hasan on December 24, 2020 at 5:22 pm

    If God chose to throw us all in hell for no reason would that be injustice? What is the definition of injustice? What is the value of someone’s pain? If I hit someone I am causing unnecessary pain. My conscious shouts that it’s wrong. But what is the evidence that injustice actually exists as a concept. Because if we argue that God is just that means he doesn’t do injustice. So we need a definition for injustice and someone or thing that would give value to that statement.

    Is it just pain and harm, mental or physical is injustice? Where do we get this idea from? Is it just a divinely integrated knowledge?

    A Hasan replied 4 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • What Is Injustice?

  • A Hasan

    Contributor December 24, 2020 at 7:31 pm

    Another reason we require an objective definition of injustice is that if the being we call God is playing a game with us- then we have to be able to apply this definition of injustice to this action of his so that we can connect the argument and say that no- he is just, he wouldn’t commit this act of injustice.

    So the application of this definition is highly important

  • A Hasan

    Contributor December 24, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    I think I know the answer now- the concept of the justice that God would have is the same concept that humans would have since he is the one who have that concept to us- and we take injustice to mean harm and going against rights etc so God would not be playing a game with us because that is deception which is an immorality- why? Because we humans would not like it for another human to put a person with the faculty of reason in a false laboratory/exam (life)- as it is deception. So if we don’t like it- how could the creator of us humans like it?

    The only real question is why is deception bad? If the deception leads us to live pure lives with excellent character then is it really bad?

  • A Hasan

    Contributor December 24, 2020 at 8:13 pm

    The answer I guess would be that this deception can be because of three reasons:


    You are in a difficult situation

    A practical joke

    The first two are negated by the fact that this creator couldn’t need anything from us. The third is negated by the reading of the contents of the Quran and a contemplation on this universe

  • Nadeem

    Member December 24, 2020 at 9:13 pm

    Great in-depth thoughts. Excellent. I did not get your statement of holding Allah to the standards of justice. He created us and he also created the standards that we consider justice or injustice. Anything, that gives us mental, psychological, physical, emotional or financial discomfort that is caused by another human being. The same when caused by Allah is called our test in this World by Muslims and for non-believers it is additional mental anguish as they can’t figure out why they are going through pain or sufferings.

    I think when Allah created us, he gave us option to be like his other creations without free will or be better than other creatures and have a free will. We chose free will. To get the status of Allah’s best creation, Allah asked us to go through a test. The test was that if we use free will for the purpose of good, he will reward us with Junnah and if we misuse it, he will punish us in hell. We accepted this test to be better than other creatures and to earn heaven. I think Allah then put some basic knowledge of righ, wrong, justice and injustice in our boot sector of our brain (computer analogy) and erased all other memories and sent us to this World.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor December 25, 2020 at 1:24 am

      What I meant was basically that since Allah’s creation, us humans, have such a deep love for justice and fairness, our creator must also be just and fair- he could not be some oppressive tyrant since then how would we be just and fair?

      And the standards of justice would be the same concepts as us- since we got out concepts from him- so eg pain is bad etc

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