Why This App Is Slow???
This app is very slow…it hangs…Does it happens only with me or with you also ?
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This app is very slow…it hangs…Does it happens only with me or with you also ?
I am also face thz problem in thz app ,use ask ghamidi web on Google for better experience
Ok thanks
We do indeed have some network related issues going on and we’re working very hard to resolve them. Please pardon the inconvenience and bear with us. Insha’allah we’ll have it resolved as soon we can.
There were some network issues in the last couple of days, however, Ask Ghamidi was just updated and it should function normally now. Sorry about the inconvenience this might have caused you.
Also please remove bottom bar while typing it became very difficult.
@faisalharoon Also make this app available on the Microsoft store.
Version 1.0
by Muhammad Faisal Haroon
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