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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Bani Israel As Chosen Ummat After Musa AS

  • Bani Israel As Chosen Ummat After Musa AS

    Posted by Faraz Azam on January 2, 2021 at 1:03 am

    I understood that Bani israel as a qaum was chosen for the similar role as a whole, what a rasool gets. This trend was started after Ibrahim AS. Allah Ta’ala decided to choose from the progeny of Ibrahim AS to be responsible for being center of Tauheed.

    Now few questions related to this if this whole set of people were chosen then what was the reason to send a individual Rasool again in form of Musa AS and end with Isa AS. Was it only to do final itmam-e-hujjat on the derailed Bani Israel as a qaum?

    Why not shahaadat was taken during time of Yaqoob AS. Why Allah ta’ala chosen to wait till coming of Musa AS?

    Umer replied 4 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies

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