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  • Dajjal Antichrist Armilus

    Posted by Muhammad Ahmed on January 7, 2021 at 1:16 pm

    We see that figure of messiah is in islam christianity and jewism that he will come at the end of time. Ghamidi saab discussed how such a concept resided in all religions.

    But what intrigued me was that the concept of dajjal also seem to imbedded in all these religions. Also near day of judgement and messiah and anti messiah concept. Oki in islam we see some narrations regarding messiah dajjal. But in christan amd jew history what has been the cause of it.

    Mohammad Yaseen replied 4 years ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Dajjal Antichrist Armilus

    Mohammad Yaseen updated 4 years ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • Mohammad Yaseen

    Contributor January 7, 2021 at 8:36 pm

    One can see the handiwork of a singular painter in all his paintings.

    One can see the style of a singular writer in all his books.

    Similarity could suggest a common denominator.

    Stay blessed, always.

  • Muhammad Ahmed

    Member January 8, 2021 at 2:10 am

    Sir can you kindly elaborate your answer. So that i can understand what your thought is leading to. Maybe that all these are stories prevailing in all religions?

    Much appreciated.

  • Mohammad Yaseen

    Contributor January 8, 2021 at 6:00 am

    As I see it.

    These are information, from my perspective. They are common in the monotheistic religions, and also found in other religions. These show that the source is the “same” God.

    That takes us to another door. This God of Judeo-Christian-Islam tradition has been guiding humans for thousands of years. He has a style and that style is what we see in these similar religions. These are not stories but are rendered stories, a degradation of sorts, with the passage of time.

    When they unearthed the city of UR, then they thought, hmmm, the Ibrahim person was actually a real person. This is indirect inference, of course but we do find a link between a story and real city as that raises the credibility of a myth into a near-truth possibility.

    Stay blessed, always 🤲

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