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Forums Forums General Discussions 6:8 Itmam E Hujjah And Miracles

  • 6:8 Itmam E Hujjah And Miracles

    Posted by A Hasan on January 7, 2021 at 5:12 pm

    If8 We had revealed to you [O Prophet!] a Book that was written on parchment and they were also able to touch it with their own hands, even then these disbelievers would still assert: “This is but plain magic.”9 They ask: “Why was not an angel [openly] sent down to him?” [These fools do not understand that] if We had sent down an angel, a verdict would have been delivered by now; then they would not have been given any respite.10 And [they do not understand that] if We had sent him as an angel, We would have sent him in the form of a human.11 And [in this way] would have inflicted them with the very doubt they are now in.12 In reality, before you also messengers were made fun of; so these people were destroyed by what they would make fun of. Tell them: “Roam a bit in the land to see the fate of those who disbelieved.”13 (7-11)

    10. This is a reference to the established practice of God: this world has been created to test the knowledge and intellect, intention and will of people. When the veil will be lifted and people will see the reality with their own eyes, professing faith will not be of avail to anyone. Only faith which is professed without seeing God, merely on the basis of evidence drawn from intellect and human nature is of benefit – something to which prophets called.

    If God uses this reasoning to not show the disbelieves of makkah miracles then why did he show previous nations miracles? Isn’t the whole purpose of itmam e hujjah for the matter to be settled anyway?

    Ahsan replied 4 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • 6:8 Itmam E Hujjah And Miracles

    Ahsan updated 4 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar January 14, 2021 at 6:46 am

    God never showed the miracles to any people which they asked for, instead, He showed them only such miracles and evidences as He chose for them to make them convinced that the message they were receiving was truly from their God.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator January 18, 2021 at 8:59 am

    In recent Q&A Session with Ghamidi Sahab on Questions selected from ASK GHAMIDI Platform:

    For answer to your question, please refer to the video below from 01:15:54 to 01:21:41

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