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  • Amazing Facts For Your Review, Commentary And Corrections

    Posted by Nadeem on January 18, 2021 at 6:58 pm

    I wrote something to peek atheists interest. Please feel free to help improve if you like.


    Proof: There is Allah and Quran is the book from Allah

    Answer this! How is this possible! How a certified authentic book narrated by an illiterate person 1400 years ago states that…

    1. The universe came into existence from a single unified mass (21:30)

    2. Initially the universe was just gas, smoke or dust (41:11)

    3. The universe is expanding (51:47)

    4. There are currently seven universes in layers on top of each other with a similar Earth in each (2:29), (7:54), (17:44), (23:17,86), (41:11), (65:12), (67:3), (71:15), (78:12)

    5. Only this, the lowest universe contains planets and lit up stars (37:6), (41:12), (67:5)

    6. Predicts and provides clues when universe will end and what it will look like (21:104),(39:5), (2:210) , (7:187), (11:104), (14:48), (16:77) , (18:8), (18:47), (19:90), (20:15), (20:105-107), (21:40), (21:96-97), (21,104), (22:2), (25:25), (26:202), (27:88), (39:67-68), (44:10), (47:18), (50:44), (52:6), (52:9), (52:10), (52:44), (55:37), (56:4-6), (69:13-16), (70:8-9), (73:14, 17-18), (75:7-9), (77:8-10), (78:19-20), (79:6-7), (79:35), (81:1-7) (81:11), (82:1-4), (84:3-4), (99:1-2), (101:3-5), (13:2), (31:29)

    7. Details how this universe will end and a new universe will be created out of this universe and then there will be 8 universes (69:15-17)

    8. How Earth in the newly created universe will be perfectly flat and without mountains (20:105-107), (84:3)

    9. States that all heavenly bodies are rotating and orbiting and heading in certain direction (21:33), (39:5), (13:2), (31:29), (36:40), (81:16)

    10. Everything in the universe is pre-recorded to the particle level in a master record. Everything a human thinks and does is being recorded every moment in a master record (6:59), (11:6), (13:39), (17:71), (18:49), (21:49), (22:70), (27:75), (34:3), (35:11), (36:12), (45:28-29), (54:52-53), (56:78), (57:22), (58:6), (78:29), (82:9-12), (83:7-9,18-21)

    11. We are being accompanied , monitored and protected by invisible beings each and every moment of our lives (50:17), (82:9-12), (83:18-21)

    12. The fate of every human being is tied to his neck (17:13)

    13. The Sun produces light and the Moon reflects light (10:5), (25:61), (71:16), (78:13)

    14. All life is created from water (24:45) , (25:54)

    15. The Earth is egg shaped (79:30)

    16. Humans are created like plants from water, dust and aged mud (6:2), (15:26), (15:28), (23:12), (25:54),(30:20), (32:7), (35:11), (38:71), (40:67), (55:14) (71:17)

    17. People in the past lived as long as 950 years (29:14)

    18. At one time the whole Earth was covered with water (11:7)

    19. The mountains are not stationary, but moving like clouds (27:88)

    20. Provides clues to exactly calculate speed of light (6:96), (9:36),(22:47), (32:5), (70:4), Speed Of Light 12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day (

    21. Gives us a proof that two types of waters do not mix (27:61)

    22. Tells us about existence of advanced civilizations and alien life in the universe. Some described as having extra-ordinary capabilities and advanced knowledge (2:102), (6:100), (7:11), (15:26-27), (18:94-100), (21:26, 79-82, 95-97), (23:17), (27:16-44), (31:10), (34:10-12), (35:1), (37:6-10), (38:34-37), (42:29), (51:56), (55:15,33), (70:4), (72:6-12)

    23. The Sun and Moon and heavenly bodies will expire after the designated duration (30:8), (39:5), (46:3)

    24. Predicts invasion of Earth, possibly by aliens (18:94-99), (21:26)

    25. Predicts a creature made of earthly material to appear in the future (27:82)

    26. Predicts Egyptian pharaoh (Fir’awn – فرعون), Rameses II’s body will be preserved as long as humans are around. Currently it is preserved and displayed in Egyptian Museum (10:90-92)

    27. The book containing 77000 words that was narrated by an illiterate person over 23 years contains numerous related words with exact count.

    28. The word “Sea” (water) and “Land” (Dry Land) is exactly repeated with the same ratio as water and dry land on this Earth (71.11% water to 28.889 land)

    29. How elsewhere in the universes a day is as long as 1000 years on this Earth (32:5)

    30. Travel time between two universes, at likely the speed of light, is equal to 50,000 years on this Earth (70:4)

    31. Gives exact and accurate details of child development in womb starting from inception , (22:5), (23:13-14), (32:8-9), (35:11), (40:67) (75:36-39), (76:1-2), (77:20-23), (86:6-7), (96:2)

    32. All fruits are created in pairs (13:3)

    33. There is no person in this World with two hearts (33:4)

    34. Refers to the frontal lobe of brain as responsible for thinking and decision making (96:15,16)

    35. How all worker bees are females and diseases can be cured with honey of various colors (16:68-69)

    36. Describes uniqueness of human finger prints (75:3-5)

    37. Plate tectonics is described with the movement of mountains like clouds (15:19), (16:15), (21:31), (27:88), (41:10), (78:7),

    38. Provides numerous mysterious codes and numbers to decipher to an unknown conclusion (2:1),(3,1),(7:1),(10:1),(11:1),(12:1),(13:1), (14:1),(15:1),…..(74:1,29-31)….(86:1-3), (89:1-5),…. (Too many references to list here)

    39. It is the only book with over 77,000 words that 100s of thousands of people are able to memorize exactly word for word… Even some children as young as 5 to 7 years of age

    40. This is the only book that is miraculously authentic and complete after 1400 years

    41. And there are hundreds or other such proven and not yet proven scientific facts and future predictions in the book

    How many proofs of existence of Allah, the deniers can deny? How much efforts deniers put into denying Allah, but they can only bring speculation, conjecture and false arguments. There are sufficient proofs for the intelligent and sincere ones who are seeking the truth. All the proofs are there except Allah coming down and proving himself…and when this would happen it would be too late and the only thing left will be an eternal regret and torment.

    Think! What if it is all true? Even if there is a slightest chance that it could be all true…the risk of eternal loss and regret is too great. Isn’t it worth the mere belief in one Allah against possible eternal misery? Allah doesn’t ask you for your money, minimally, just a belief and to avoid injustice against others. Isn’t a negligible insurance premium of believing in one Allah worth a peace of mind against “what if it is all true”? Is the measly payment of belief in one Allah too much of investment at risk in exchange for potentially an eternal happiness and bliss?

    Nadeem replied 4 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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