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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran 8:1 Vs 8:41


  • Quran 8:1 Vs 8:41

    Posted by A Hasan on January 25, 2021 at 2:23 pm

    They ask1 you about the spoils of war.2 Tell them: “All these spoils belong to God and the Messenger.”33. Ie., God’s verdict about the spoils of war that have been collected at this time is that no one has any right over them. All of them belong to God and His messenger and they hold discretion in dispensing them in whatever way they like. This verdict was given because most wars fought in the times of Muhammad (sws) were fought to punish people who deliberately denied the truth after it had been conclusively communicated to them. Those who fight these wars are no more than agents of the implementation of this Divine scheme. It is at the behest of God that they entered the battlefields and won these battles with the direct help of His angels. It was for this very reason that they did not have any share in the booty obtained from these wars. However, in spite of this, they are told later in the surah that only one-fifth of it will be used by the Almighty and His Prophet (sws) for collective needs. The rest, out of God’s grace, will be distributed among the warriors.
    [You had asked; so] be informed1 that a fifth of whatever spoils of war you have acquired belongs only to God, His Prophet, the near relatives [of the Prophet], the orphans, the needy and the wayfarer.2
    2. It has been stated earlier that God has not granted any right to the warriors on the spoils of war in the battles fought in the times of the Prophet (sws). It is thus said that all of them belong to God and His messenger. Here is it is stated that instead of all the wealth only one-fifth of it will be used for collective needs and the rest would be graciously distributed among the warriors. It is evident that this distribution was done because people had in fact fought the war and made use of their personal provisions and other needs like weapons, camels and horses. Consequently, in military campaigns, where the services of Muslim warriors and combatants were not used, they were told by the Qur’an in verses 6-8 of Surah al-Hashr that all the booty obtained would be used for the collective purposes of the state and religion and for the poor and needy: none of it would be given to the warriors. The verse under discussion has explained the heads of these collective needs.

    From Ghamidi sahab’s al-bayan.A question may be askers by someone who doesn’t find the Quran divine that this seems to be an internal inconsistency. In one place the spoils of war are said to be only for God and his messenger, and later on that only one fifth is for God and his messenger. What context is there ayah 1 that it was only for a bit that the spoils would be withheld then later distributed? Is it because of the lack of a mutalliq bil khabr muqadam? @Irfan76

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Quran 8:1 Vs 8:41

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar January 26, 2021 at 8:14 pm

    All soils of war belong to God and His messenger however He took only one fifth of it and rest of allowed to be distributed to the warriors. Since all belonged to Him so He used His authority to made proportions for its distribution.

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