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  • Historically- Did Muhammad SAW Study Philosophy Or History

    Posted by A Hasan on February 1, 2021 at 5:42 pm

    Recently I came across this: Saying things like how could a man who hasn’t studied for 23 years produce the Qur’an with consistent philosophy is not a good argument. How do you know he hasn’t studied? What is the answer? How do we not know that Muhammad SAW studied or that he didn’t? Surely these are all akhbaar e ahad related history events so easily forged.

    Nadeem replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Historically- Did Muhammad SAW Study Philosophy Or History

    Nadeem updated 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • A Hasan

    Contributor February 1, 2021 at 6:21 pm

    Because how do we know whether there weren’t other tries or efforts and the Quran is just the final representation of all those efforts

  • A Hasan

    Contributor February 1, 2021 at 6:25 pm

    I vaguely remember this being discussed in zavia e Ghamidi- anyone have the exact episode number?

  • Nadeem

    Member February 2, 2021 at 6:45 pm

    I have heard such kind of baseless arguments from deniers of other religions and atheists. They are just guessing and assuming and that is all their argument. If you answer one guess and shoot it down, then another guess comes up and it never ends.

    While these people use conjecture, guess and opinion, they demand absolute undeniable and scientific proof of whatever you say when what you say is backed by pretty reliable references.

    Back to prophet being illiterate. It is stated in Quran and reliable history. I think he was bestowed prophethood at the age of 40 and over the next 23 years the Quran was revealed to him.

    If someone has read the Quran, it has such knowledge from past, present and future that no human could have had that amount of knowledge even if all humans had joined together.

    There are still so much in it in terms of scientific references that have been recently proven, or not yet proven Similarly are the prophecies.

    This is a clear proof it is not the work of a human…literate or illiterate. If it is a work of a higher being then why would such intelligent being partially lie and partially state the truth.

    Here are some items I recently put together that are amazing.

    Big Bang: The heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence and from water all living things were created 21:30

    Expansion of universe 51:47

    In my opinion it seems like, there may be possibly slow or sudden loss of gravity or disappearance of dark matter in the universe and that would perhaps cause the following as described in the Quran.

    Sun’s expansion to near earth orbit and merging with moon and sun is rolled 75:5-10, 81:1

    Earth spewing lava and oceans aflame 81:2, 99:2

    There will be severe Earthquakes 56:4, 99:1

    Mountains will be flying like fluffy wool and turning into dust 18:47, 19:90, 20:105-107, 69:14, 73:14, 77:10, 78:20, 101:5

    Stars will lose their light and crash into each other 77:8, 81:2,

    Sky will turn to rose color 55:37

    Sky will violently shake and thunder and rupture/crack will appear 52:9, 77:9, 84:1, 55:37

    Clouds of dust/smoke visible on the sky 44:10, 52:44

    Universe will be rolled to an end (big crunch) and then bounce back to a new universe, with a new Earth

    14:48, 21:104

    • A Hasan

      Contributor February 2, 2021 at 6:48 pm

      Just wondering- do you accept evolution?

    • Nadeem

      Member February 2, 2021 at 6:50 pm

      Yes, it is possible and it doesn’t negate religion

    • A Hasan

      Contributor February 2, 2021 at 6:50 pm

      Ok right

    • Nadeem

      Member February 2, 2021 at 6:57 pm

      Actually Islam supports evolution. All living things created from water, dirt and aged mud. Some walk crawl, etc. It is all evolution. I think humans may have existed as animals before Adam pbuh. Perhaps first intelligent beings with self awareness would be prophet Adam and Hawa. Perhaps Allah just transferred their souls into existing beings already on earth.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor February 2, 2021 at 7:03 pm

      I do tend to lean towards this view and am asking Sajid Hammed sahab about the exact ayaat he feels that wouldn’t allow for it. Maybe we can make another discussion for this.

      For this post: How do we know Muhammad SAW never proposed any other literature? How did this become established history? Some Christians say that Muslims simply took the amazing kalaam as Quran and discarded problematic ones (maybe as ahadith).

    • Nadeem

      Member February 2, 2021 at 7:25 pm

      Here are verses in support of this theory.

      [2:35] We said, “O Adam, live with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom generously, as you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you sin.”

      [2:36] But the devil duped them, and caused their eviction therefrom. We said, “Go down as enemies of one another. On Earth shall be your habitation and provision for awhile.”

      [2:37] Then, Adam received from his Lord words, whereby He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.

      [2:38] We said, “Go down therefrom, all of you. When guidance comes to you from Me, those who follow My guidance will have no fear, nor will they grieve.

      Thst means earth already existed perhaps with all sorts of animals.

      [7:12] He said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud.”

      [7:13] He said, “Therefore, you must go down, for you are not to be arrogant here. Get out; you are debased.”

      [7:14] He said, “Grant me a respite, until the Day of Resurrection.”

      [7:15] He said, “You are granted a respite.”

      [7:16] He said, “Since You have willed that I go astray, I will skulk for them on Your straight path.

      [7:17] “I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find that most of them are unappreciative.”

      [7:18] He said, “Get out therefrom, despised and defeated. Those among them who follow you, I will fill Hell with you all.

      [7:19] “As for you, Adam, dwell with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom as you please, but do not approach this one tree, lest you fall in sin.”

      [15:32] He said, “O Iblis (Satan), why are you not with the prostrators?”

      [15:33] He said, “I am not to prostrate before a human being, whom You created from aged mud, like the potter’s clay.”

      [15:34] He said, “Therefore, you must get out; you are banished.

      [15:35] “You have incurred My condemnation until the Day of Judgment.”

      [15:36] He said, “My Lord, respite me until the day they are resurrected.”

      [15:37] He said, “You are respited.

      [15:38] “Until the specified day and time.”

      [15:39] He said, “My Lord, since You have willed that I go astray, I will surely entice them on earth; I will send them all astray.

      [15:40] “Except those among Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone.”

      [15:36] He said, “My Lord, respite me until the day they are resurrected.”

      [15:37] He said, “You are respited.

      [15:38] “Until the specified day and time.”

      [15:39] He said, “My Lord, since You have willed that I go astray, I will surely entice them on earth; I will send them all astray.

      This also shows that Earth already existed and humans were living there, but Adam and Eve were still in paradise at that time. They were sent on earth later. Or perhaps Iblis knew that Allah will create humans on Earth that he planned to misguide.

      [7:22] He thus duped them with lies. As soon as they tasted the tree, their bodies became visible to them, and they tried to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise. Their Lord called upon them: “Did I not enjoin you from that tree, and warn you that the devil is your most ardent enemy?”

      [7:23] They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers.”

      [7:24] He said, “Go down as enemies of one another. On earth shall be your habitation and provision for awhile.”

      [7:25] He said, “On it you will live, on it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”


      [15:28] Your Lord said to the angels, “I am creating a human being from aged mud, like the potter’s clay.

      [15:29] “Once I perfect him, and blow into him from My spirit, you shall fall prostrate before him.”

      The above verses show, humans, perhaps adam was created on Earth, Earth was a paradise, then their bodies were revealed or created.


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