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Ask Ghamidi Live Q&A Video Archive (Episodes 01 To 40)
Posted by Haris Virk on February 18, 2021 at 11:21 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 1 – 25th October 2020
Q. In the context of the rise of post-modernism and atheism, what should our youth do in order to understand religion and its case, and to make this endeavor easier? From 02:01 to 08:39
Q. How is the amount of zakat calculated for a salaried person? Is it calculated on the basis of gross salary? Is the tax paid considered as zakat? From 09:13 to 11:38
Q. Surah Al-Nisa Verse 24 reads “women who are already married are prohibited for you except those who come into your possession”. How was this morally correct when the women were already married? If their previous nikkah had become invalid after coming into the possession of Muslims during war, that too was forceful. How can this be justified? From 11:57 to 13:41
Q. Is it permissible to make dua (pray) in ruku and prostration? Can Quranic verses be read in these two positions? From 14:13 to 15:35
Q. If someone debates the reports or certain events present in the Quran, can they be considered to have gone astray? From 16:04 to 18:57
Q. Ghamidi sahab says that if it is confirmed that a divorcee or widow is not pregnant, then “iddah” is not required. This seems contradictory to what is said in the Quran. So, can Shari’ah evolve? From 19:14 to 23:28
Q. On what principles has Ghamidi sahab determined the list of Sunnah? Why is beard not present in it? From 23:50 to 26:25
Q. While Ghamidi sahab’s explanation of pardah (women’s covering and veil) makes sense, why is it that Saudi Arabia, the center of Islam, has so many strict laws and restrictions which make veil a compulsion for women? From 26:45 to 27:37
Q. Should Allah be worshipped out of His right to be worshipped or out of fear? From 27:54 to 30:06
Q. If the women are wearing ornaments, should they cover their hands and faces? From 30:42 to 32:28
Q. In the context of increasing religious intolerance in India, how should a Muslim share the message of Islam with Hindus and other non-Muslims? From 32:42 to 34:04
Q. Should religious scholars also acquire knowledge of social sciences and other worldly subjects in order to become more relevant? From 34:24 to 36:24
Q. What is the significance of the Book of Revelation of John the Baptist in Bible? From 36:39 to 39:37
Q. How do we know that God is not lying to us? From 39:55 to 41:53
Q. Is the amount of zakat on income determined according to one’s situation? For example, the taxable amount is reduced if there are more number of dependents. From 42:05 to 43:00
Q. Shouldn’t the Quran be translated in a way that makes the addressees of a particular verse clear in order to avoid ambiguity about various issues and orders? From 43:17 to 45:09
Q. If the entire religion has been delivered through the Quran and Sunnah, how can we understand various implications of the Quran which are only explained by the reports and narrations attributed to Prophet Muhammad SAW? From 45:22 to 48:52
Q. If both a Muslim and a Christian do not try to acquire knowledge about their respective religions and just follow their predecessors, but both do good deeds in their own right, are they equal in God’s court? From 49:10 to 52:03
Q. There is a narration in Sahih Bukhari wherein Syeda Ayesha RA says that she was once left behind during a battle and that she hid her face from a stranger. Doesn’t this report contradict Ghamidi sahab’s views about veil? From 52:18 to 54:24
Q. Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to make will about donating her organs after death since a stranger (non-mehram) might handle them? From 54:40 to 56:22
Umer replied 6 months ago 3 Members · 40 Replies -
40 Replies
Ask Ghamidi Live Q&A Video Archive (Episodes 01 To 40)
Haris Virk
Moderator February 18, 2021 at 11:23 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 2 – 22nd November 2020
Q. Is ego inherently a negative trait or is it its expression that makes it good or bad? From 02:22 to 06:34
Q. Can we establish, through our existing knowledge, that the Creator of the universe is self-sufficient? From 06:50 to 10:00
Q. Islam prohibits adultery and extra-marital relationships to protect the institution of family. If a person, owing to some distress, does not want to create the institution of family or raise children, what is the justification of this prohibition? From 10:12 to 12:05
Q. While Islam emphasized on the abolition of slavery, why didn’t Prophet Muhammad and his companions free all the slaves? From 12:22 to 16:58
Q. Why is there a difference between Imam Amin Ahsan Islahi and Javed Ahmad Ghamidi in the translation of “Fabi-Ayyi Ala-I Rabbikuma Tukazziban” (Surah Ar-Rehman)? From 17:11 to 19:06
Q. There is a hadith narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah that Isha should be offered somewhat late. Aren’t we supposed to offer all the prayers at the earliest? From 19:17 to 21:57
Q. Why are there so many differences of opinion among scholars about the calculation of zakat on salaried income and its deduction from tax? From 22:05 to 24:38
Q. Why hasn’t God revealed a comprehensive treatise on the entire content of religion? From 24:45 to 27:35
Q. How can one become a scholar of religion without associating to a particular sect? From 27:48 to 29:09
Q. In his commentary of Surah Al-Fatihah, Imam Amin Ahsan Islahi has explained the meaning of “Rahman” as God having great fervency and enthusiasm. Is it appropriate to attribute these qualities to God? From 29:43 to 33:19
Q. In the laws of inheritance, the parents get equal share when the deceased has children or siblings i.e., one-sixth. In case of their absence, the father’s share is two-third and the mother’s share is one-third. Why is the share not equal in the second situation? From 33:30 to 35:08
Q. Is there a difference between ‘Iblees’ and ‘Satan’? Is there only one ‘Satan’ or are they numerous? How is Iblees’ mission being carried out? From 36:00 to 39:10
Q. Are there any original scriptures of Torah, Zaboor and Injeel existent? Have they been transmitted through consensus and perpetual recitation like Quran? How do we know about their authenticity? From 43:23 to 47:37
Q. Does the soul have a gender? Does it develop gender after seeping into the body? From 47:54 to 49:30
Q. According to the law of Itmam-e-Hujjah, the punishment imposed upon the Jews is till the Judgment Day. Why is it imposed on those Jews who were not the direct addressees of Prophet Jesus sws and came to the world after his times? From 49:42 to 53:12
Q. What is the evidence of the claim that Adam sws was expelled from a garden situated in this world and not from Paradise? How is the birth of Prophet Jesus sws similar to that of Prophet Adam sws? From 53:30 to 57:30
Q. Did Shariah change with the advent of every new Prophet? Are there some special instructions for Bani Israel? From 57:37 to 01:00:02
Haris Virk
Moderator February 18, 2021 at 11:25 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 3 – 20th December 2020
Q. If life in this world is a test, then why should we endeavor to excel in any worldly affairs at all? From 02:18 to 07:55
Q. Isn’t the Khanqahi system parallel to that of mosques? How can we interpret Prophet Muhammad’s dream about Prophet Jesus sws and Dajjal (Antichrist) as narrated by Imam Malik? From 08:10 to 17:20
Q. Surah Yousaf verse 42 reads that Prophet Yousaf asked the freed man to mention him before his master, but Satan made him forget to do that, and so Yousaf remained in prison for many years. Why did God let Satan do this? From 17:30 to 19:20
Q. Why has Ghamidi sahab not written as many books as most of the traditional scholars? From 19:35 to 20:18
Q. How can we understand the tribulation of Dajjal (Antichrist)? Is it possible that it refers to electronic media? From 20:30 to 25:20
Q. If the popular story about the Cave of Hira is incorrect, then when and how did Prophet Muhammad sws receive the first revelation? From 25:32 to 28:50
Q. How did Prophet Ibrahim sws and Prophet Ismail sws complete their calls towards their nations? Were their nations punished by Allah in accordance with the law of Itmam-e-Hujjah? From 29:00 to 32:20
Q. Is paying interest permissible only for the purposes of needs or is it also allowed for financial and business purposes? What modes of financing are permissible? From 32:28 to 36:57
Q. When non-Muslims read the Quran, they are unable to believe the various reports and supernatural events narrated in it. How can we explain these events to them? From 37:10 to 38:56
Q. What is Islam’s view on fate and predestination? From 39:03 to 40:07
Q. What is the meaning of the terms “Laat” and “Uzza” written in the verse 19 of Surah Najam? From 40:19 to 42:23
Q. Ghamidi sahab maintains that “Rasool” comes as a court of Allah and is protected by Him, for example, Jesus sws was protected from the cross. However, in Surah Al-Imran, verse 183, Allah says that many messengers were killed. How is Ghamidi sahab’s view plausible then? From 42:34 to 45:58
Q. Quran says about Jews and Christians that those who do good deeds amongst them will be rewarded. Is this valid for non-Muslims of today? From 46:30 to 48:44
Q. While we believe that God has only good attributes, there is a verse in the Bible which says that your God is a jealous God. How can we understand this verse? From 48:50 to 50:46
Haris Virk
Moderator February 18, 2021 at 11:27 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 4 – 24th January 2021
Q. While we are allowed to spend on our own well being, what is the limit beyond which spending is considered as extravagant and immoral? How can we avoid that? From 02:05 to 06:55
Q. Can we shorten our prayers during travel? What are the conditions under which we allowed to offer the Qasr Prayer? From 07:18 to 12:15
Q. If itmam-e-hujjah was done only on those Jews who were addressees of Prophet Jesus sws, why are all the Jews being punished till the Judgment Day? In case of the earlier ‘Rasools’ (messengers), Allah’s punishment came for everyone, but why did this not happen in case of the nations of Prophet Jesus sws and Prophet Muhammad sws? From 12:34 to 21:42
Q. If we have to do ‘Ijtehad’ in our everyday problems, what principles should we keep in mind? From 21:54 to 27:08
Q. If Allah is not anyone’s father or son, why does Bible use the terminology of “Father” for Him? Hajr-e-Aswad (the Black Stone) is considered as a symbol of the hand of God. Isn’t it a form of idolatry? From 27:17 to 31:17
Q. If young people wish to marry before completing their education, is it permissible for parents to have this condition written in the nikkah that the couple won’t consummate the marriage before the formal rukhsati, that is, after completing their education and obtaining a job? From 31:29 to 33:36
Q. Should we obey Allah out of fear of punishment and the longing for rewards or should we do it only to propitiate God like Sufis? From 34:10 to 37:42
Q. In his commentary of Surah Al-Nisa Verse 23, Ghamidi sahab maintains that the real reason for prohibition on marrying a wife’s daughter from previous husband depends upon whether or not the husband has had conjugal contact with the wife (the mother of the girl), instead of whether the girl has been raised under his guardianship or not. How could that be morally justified? From 38:15 to 40:17
Q. The Quran mentions a person present in Prophet Suleiman’s court, who, through his knowledge of the God’s law operating in the universe, brought the throne of the Queen of Sheba in the blink of an eye. Was he a prophet or angel? How is it possible that a comman man be given such tremendous powers? From 40:26 to 43:44
Q. What is the authenticity of the claim that the Gospel of Barnabas was written by Muslims? From 43:53 to 47:10
Q. How can we achieve maarfat-e-Ilahi? From 47:22 to 48:20
Q. If science succeeds in defeating death, would it mean that the case of religion has been defeated? From 48:29 to 50:52
Q. Is saying Adhan in the new born baby’s ear bidda’h (innovation)? From 51:00 to 52:00
Q. While our mind and senses confirm that we have a Creator, how do we know that He is the God mentioned in the Quran? From 52:10 to 53:36
Q. Is it permissible to recycle or dispose of the papers with Quranic verses written on them? From 53:47 to 55:05
Q. What is the religious perspective on ideologies like feminism? From 55:34 to 57:01
Q. If someone has committed crimes against people, and is unable to compensate them for various reasons, for example, due to their death, would those sins never be forgiven? From 57:15 to 58:39
Haris Virk
Moderator March 4, 2021 at 10:11 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 5 – 28th February 2021
Q. How can we keep a balanced approach in forgiving people? Should we keep on forgiving people even if they do not take heed from their mistakes? From 01:37 to 07:42
Q. In the context of the rise of women’s rights movement, it seems very difficult to justify the four marriages for men. Is it possible that this instruction was only for a particular period? From 08:25 to 13:59
Q. How can we understand verse 167 of Surah Al-Araaf wherein God says that He will keep on punishing Bani Israel until Qiyamah? From 14:12 to 16:58
Q. How can an ordinary Muslim verify the authenticity of a Hadith? Should we study Quran before turning towards Ahadith? From 17:11 to 23:35
Q. Keeping in mind the principle of “Amruhum Shura Baynahum” (42:38), what is the guidance of the Quran for those who believe that democracy is detrimental and that authoritarianism can work, as it did in China? From 23:45 to 28:20
Q. How should we deal with those who declare us to have gone astray or issue fatwas of kuffar against us? From 28:44 to 30:50
Q. Once we attain intellectual freedom, we start viewing things differently and consequently face resistance by our families and the society. How should we deal with that situation, especially in matters related to our own life and its decisions? From 30:59 to 33:54
Q. Why is it that we cannot understand religion without first believing some fundamental cases? From 34:10 to 38:21
Q. While the Quran says “La Ikraha fiddeen” (there is no compulsion in religion, 2:256), it simultaneously warns by narrating the stories of Aad, Samud and other nations. Isn’t that akin to compulsion? From 38:28 to 40:08
Q. What is the reality of evil eyes? Does the Quran refer to it in the verse 51 of Surah Al-Qalam? From 40:18 to 44:08
Q. Did the companions of the Prophet pbuh fight against Musaylimah al-Kadhdab (kazzab) in accordance with the Law of Itmam-e-Hujjat or due to his false claim of prophethood? From 44:18 to 48:20
Q. Considering that we live in the end times, will we get any concession in the Afterlife owing to the difficulties of our circumstances? From 48:29 to 51:15
Q. Can someone be held accountable by God for refraining from learning about religion when he has the opportunities to know and learn? From 51:16 to 52:14
Q. Ashab-e-Kahf were ordinary people chosen by God for miracles. What was the reason for selecting them despite the fact that they were not Prophets? Why hasn’t this kind of event happened again? From 52:23 to 54:44
Q. If nobody created God, what do we know about His origins? From 54:53 to 59:03
Q. Ghamidi sahab argues that the Prophet and His companions fought against the polytheists in accordance with the Law of Itmam-e-Hujjat after they had refused to believe. But doesn’t the verse 13 of Surah Al-Tawbah imply that Muslims fought against the polytheists only because they had broken their pledges? Why were the polytheists given the option to evade punishment by believing and establishing salah and zakat? From 59:12 to 1:02:57
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 31, 2021 at 9:04 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 6 – 28th March 2021
Q. Man is always faced with contradictions between knowledge and actions. Why is it important to control and overcome such contradictions? From 01:34 to 11:30
Q. If the Quran is universal, why doesn’t it address faiths/ideologies other than those that existed in the Arab? From 11:56 to 19:04
Q. If it becomes possible through modern technology to produce meat artificially, could a religious edict be issued that animal slaughter is no longer permissible? From 19:14 to 21:37
Q. What is the importance of “bayt” (oath of allegiance) in Islam? From 22:14 to 25:39
Q. How could man be held responsible for murder or suicide if Allah has already decided upon everyone’s death? From 26:00 to 28:35
Q. What does it mean to love God? If love for God is embedded in our fitrah, then why do we have to cultivate it through worship, etc? From 28:49 to 30:57
Q. It is said that the scientific development in the Golden Age of Islam went into decline due to the philosophical ideas of Imam Ghazali. What is Ghamidi sahab’s opinion regarding this? From 31:36 to 36:09
Q. Can disobeying the commandments of Allah and staying preoccupied in the worldly matters be categorized as “shirk” (polytheism)? From 36:18 to 37:46
Q. Why did Abdullah Ibn Sa’d Ibn Abi Sarh leave Islam? Is it true that he misread the Quran and the Prophet (pbuh) did not correct him? From 37:53 to 39:25
Q. Why is it compulsory to read some azkaar of salah in Arabic? From 39:46 to 42:19
Q. It is said that Tasawwuf (Sufism) is a path to achieve ‘maarfat’ of God and the orders of Shariah help in this endeavor. Is this correct from a religious perspective? From 42:39 to 44:07
Q. To what extent can one follow Tasawwuf (Sufism) while staying within the limits of Shariah? From 44:56 to 48:18
Q. Does the Quran use the word “اِنَّمَا” for enlisting the halal and haraam food or for describing restrictions in certain situations? From 48:43 to 52:22
Q. Can the rituals of Nafal prayers in the mosques on certain occasions be characterized as Bid’ah (innovation)? From 52:30 to 54:34
Q. Why is it not possible to create the institution of marriage on the basis of equal partnership between husband and wife? From 54:43 to 59:27
Faisal Haroon
Moderator June 3, 2021 at 10:10 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 7 – Dated 30th May 2021
Q. How are desires, feelings and pleasures stimuli of human action? What are their boundaries which should be taken into account? From 01:35 to 8:58
Q. If salah is to be meaningful and valid, is it obligatory to understand the meaning of the Quran and learn the Arabic language? From 9:47 to 12:22
Q. Is it permissible to listen to the translation of Quran in Taraweeh prayer? From 12:22 to 13:04
Q. If even the Prophet Abraham sws prayed to Allah to show him some sign in order to strengthen his faith, how is it possible for us, ordinary human beings, to develop absolute faith? Is it enough to just believe that is a greater likelihood that God exists? From 13:14 to 16:20
Q. In Surah Tawbah, Verse 20, it is said that Jews say that Uzair is the son of God while the Christians say that Jesus is the son of God. Why does the Quran say this while we know that not all the Jews believe in Uzair as the son of God? From 16:30 to 20:04
Q. If this life is a test and our real destination is the life in the Hereafter, and if God has set some rules for this world and won’t intervene in it until Qiyamah, should we just pray for guidance to succeed in the Hereafter or should we also pray for worldly matters? From 20:14 to 22:18
Q. If the meaning of “Hoor” is fair-colored women, doesn’t it look like that the Quran is giving superiority to white color at the expense of people of color? Why does the Quran use this term for women of Jannah? From 22:27 to 24:44
Q. In the Law of Itmam-e-Hujjah, isn’t it a use of force to ask people to either believe in Islam or get ready to die? And how is it meaningful if such people are spared just because they have declared faith from their tongues but do not believe in their hearts? From 24:53 to 27:42
Q. Women are increasingly becoming active participants in the economy and job market. Shouldn’t financial responsibilities of the household become obligatory on them as well? From 27:50 to 30:31
Q. Why is it a sin to not breastfeed a child? What about those mothers who are unable to do so because of medical or some other genuine reasons? From 30:41 to 32:24
Q. Is it forbidden to give zakat to Ahl-e-Bayt? From 32:44 to 34:26
Q. Is Ghamidi sahab planning to write some book on historical events related to religion? From 35:30 to 36:46
Q. Will those Muslims go to Jannah who have not consciously discovered God but just act upon it due to the fact that they are born in a Muslim family? From 36:55 to 38:15
Q. There is a Hadith that Salman Farsi RA transcribed some verses of the Quran into Persian and the Prophet (pbuh) did not object to it. Can we not infer from this that Salah can be offered in our own language? Is it compulsory to offer Salah in Arabic? In what language was Salah offered before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? From 38:25 to 41:27
Q. What is the Quran’s stance on the fate of children in the event of divorce? Do they stay with their father or mother? What’s the difference between Shia and Sunni understanding in this matter? From 41:40 to 43:22
Q. What is the nature of the test of Jinns? From 44:22 to 45:35
Q. Why is it not obligatory for Muslims to learn Arabic language? From 45:45 to 47:34
Q. Man has developed social and political systems on his own. Why does he need religion? From 47:50 to 49:18
Q. Why was the Quran revealed in the Arabic language? From 49:52 to 51:28
Q. Surah Nur, verse 26, says that vile women are for vile men, and vile men are for vile women. It is also said that men and women will go through process of purification before going to Jannah. How are these two things reconcilable? From 51:50 to 53:40
Q. How can the nations of Aad and Samud be hujjat (evidence) of divine punishment for the Quraesh since they lived some 3000 years before Quraesh? From 54:18 to 56:08
Q. Why are there some changes in the topic of “Peghambar ki Dawat” in the chapter of “Qanoon-e-Dawat” in the later editions of Ghamidi sahab’s book “Mizan”? Why are the chapters from the Quran quoted haphazardly? From 56:10 to 58:24
Q. A religious person does a good deed for the sake of reward in the Hereafter. On the other hand, an atheist does a good deed just for moral reasons and not for any rewards. Isn’t the atheist better on the moral compass then? From 58:32 to 59:57
Haris Virk
Moderator June 29, 2021 at 2:32 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 8 – 27th June 2021
Q. In the context of the rise of science, discoveries of scientific laws, and theories like evolution, what should be our approach in understanding these developments and their relation with religion? From 1:30 to 7:50
Q. Why did God Almighty not destroy the nation of Jesus (pbuh), like the nations of other “Rasuls”, after they denied his message? From 7:51 to 10:48
Q. What is the source of Ghamidi sahab’s argument that apart from the compulsory parts in Arabic, the remaining salah can be offered in one’s own language? From 10:57 to 11:52
Q. If we are paying taxes to the state, can we deduce that amount from Zakat or should Zakat be paid separately? From 12:05 to 13:57
Q. Is it permissible to consume foods in which alcohol is used as a solvent or for processing? From 14:09 to 15:04
Q. How is the bank interest equivalent to Riba? From 15:17 to 18:42
Q. If someone finds a particular view or ruling too difficult, is it okay to refer them to scholars who have relatively lenient viewpoint on that issue for the sake of ease? If they find out that their opinion was mistaken, will they be held accountable for this? From 18:50 to 22:37
Q. In the Quran, God says that angels were ordered to prostrate before Adam. Since Satan (Iblees) was a Jinn, why was he punished for not prostrating? What was the wisdom in the incident of Adam and the forbidden fruit? From 23:10 to 27:25
Q. What is the reality of the Hadith that a “mujaddid” (reformer) appears after every 100 years? Is it permissible to consume foods which contain red wine vinegar or white wine vinegar? From 27:50 to 31:40
Q. How could the Prophet’s (pbuh) letters be enough for the completion of proof (Itmam-e-Hujjat) to the surrounding states of Arab? From 32:05 to 34:03
Q. Why does God Almighty frequently exonerate Prophet Abraham (pbuh) in the Quran by mentioning against his name that he was not from amongst the polytheists? From 34:25 to 36:14
Q. How did non-Arabs learn the Quran in the times of the Prophet (pbuh) since there were no tildes or circumflex (aa’raab) on the words of the Quran? From 36:38 to 38:30
Q. Which books of Hadith are being analyzed in Ghamidi sahab’ Hadith project? When will it be published in the form of book? From 38:40 to 40:11
Q. Did the Prophet (pbuh) receive revelation other than the Quran? If yes, why was it not made part of the Quran? From 40:20 to 41:55
Q. During salah, can we read the Urdu translation of the Quran after reciting the compulsory Arabic parts? From 42:22 to 43:22
Q. It is generally argued that ideas like those of Ghamidi sahab have never become mainstream which is a proof that the traditional understanding is correct. How should we respond to this? How can we convince people that they should listen to these ideas? From 43:33 to 47:48
Q. Why don’t people find God even though His signs are so obvious? From 47:55 to 48:48
Q. Are these two viewpoints that women can lead salah and that some parts of salah can be offered in one’s native language, derived from the same principle, i.e. there is no specified instruction of the Prophet (pbuh) in this regard? From 49:10 to 51:16
Q. In the Quran, it is said that angels are placed with every person. What is the exact number of these angels? What is the meaning of the Hadith wherein it was reported that Prophet (pbuh) said that a Jinn (satan) is placed with every person and that he (pbuh) had converted his satan into a Muslim? From 51:44 to 53:59
Q. What is Ghamidi sahab’s view about the Quranists? What is the relation between the guidance from the Prophet, the Quran and Sunnah? From 54:05 to 57:41
Q. If someone requests financial help from us, and we are not sure whether they are eligible for Zakat, should we pay them Zakat or not? From 57:54 to 59:35
Q. In the context of the coherence of the Quran, how is the distinctive subject matter of every chapter of the Quran determined, especially if the broader theme is the same in some chapters? From 59:43 to 1:01:57
Faisal Haroon
Moderator July 28, 2021 at 1:00 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 9 – 25th July 2021
Q. While theists argue that religion is required for moral guidance, atheists argue that morality does not require religious tenets and that atheists are better than theists because they do good acts irrespective of reward or fear of punishment. What is Ghamidi sahab’s view on this? From 01:20 to 8:25
Q. In Islam, what are the rights of a wife? What is Quran’s guidance in this regard? From 8:27 to 12:58
Q. With the exception of the UAE, why are the Islamic countries not progressing in the world? From 13:54 to 17:35
Q. Shiites believe that Mut’ah is permissible and women can divorce their husbands. Among some Sunnis, Misyaar is permissible but women cannot divorce. Why are there such major differences in these matters? What is the reality of these contracts? From 17:36 to 21:52
Q. Is there any religious obligation on Muslims to strive for the formation of an Islamic government? From 22:11 to 24:15
Q. Wouldn’t it have been ideal if Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been sent in modern times as the modern means of communication would have enabled Itmam-e-Hujjah conclusively across the world leaving nobody with any excuse? From 24:16 to 27:08
Q. When does a grudge or enmity become a sin/crime? Is backbiting a major sin? From 27:10 to 30:30
Q. Is it permissible to wish for death in order to meet Allah sooner? From 30:31 to 33:08
Q. Why is there a difference between Imam Farahi and Imam Islahi on the coherence of the Quran with regards to the groups as Imam Farahi considers there are 9 groups while Imam Islahi considers 7 groups? What is the nature of the coherence then? From 33:09 to 37:22
Q. How can a common man know the real guidance of Islam? From 37:54 to 39:09
Q. An incident is narrated that a prostitute would go to Jannah for feeding a thirsty dog. Can a principle be derived from this incident that kindness towards animals or any good deed may lead towards Jannah even if the act is not accompanied with any admission of guilt for one’s sins and without asking for forgiveness? From 39:10 to 42:07
Faisal Haroon
Moderator August 31, 2021 at 8:35 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 10 – 29th August 2021
Q. Critics of religion argue that religion caused immense violence throughout the course of history. To what extent is this claim true? From 01:00 to 8:12
Q. When someone converts to Islam, are all his sins forgiven? If major sins such as murder are forgiven after conversion, isn’t that injustice? From 8:15 to 12:00
Q. In countries like Australia, sexual education is imparted to children in schools. What should be the attitude of parents in such situations? From 12:01 to 14:36
Q. Does the Quran mention that there would be ranks in Jannah or is this concept found only in Ahadith? From 14:37 to 15:37
Q. In the current context, autocratic regimes such as China seem to be excelling in the world and the Western democracies are facing countless challenges. What then is the future of democracy? From 15:38 to 19:18
Q. Why can’t we argue that the world came into being by mere chance, without any will or intention? From 19:19 to 20:24
Q. Which are the four sacred/inviolable months? Are these months different from the ones mentioned in Surah Tauba? From 20:37 to 22:18
Q. What is the source of the prayer/dua we recite after Azaan? Why do we say the words “innaka la tukhliful miyaad” (verily God does not violate His promise) when we already know that God fulfils His promises? From 22:19 to 25:52
Q. What are Ghamidi sahab’s views about reciting Quran with “Tajweed”? Why are there some differences in this tradition? Is it okay to recite Quran in one’s own accent? From 25:53 to 29:52
Q. Is believing in the Prophets mandatory for the People of the Book? From 30:00 to 31:22
Q. When someone starts studying religion it is expected that their actions too would change overnight. Is this expectation realistic or is the process of transformation gradual? From 31:23 to 34:14
Q. What is the difference between “Muhkamat” and “Mutashabihat” verses of the Quran? From 34:31 to 37:46
Faisal Haroon
Moderator September 27, 2021 at 10:04 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 11 – 26th September 2021
Q. What is the guidance of Islam regarding the responsibilities of Muslims towards earth and environment? In the context of opposing opinions regarding climate change, what should be the behavior of Muslims? From 01:02 to 9:51
Q. Is criticism a negative thing? How is it different from fault-finding? From 9:52 to 14:57
Q. Is it possible that one of the signs of Qiyamah (when a slave lady gives birth to her master) mentioned in Hadith of Gabriel refers to the idea of surrogate motherhood, and not the end of slavery as Ghamidi sahab has interpreted? From 14:58 to 16:46
Q. Why is renting a usable thing not equivalent to ‘interest’? From 16:47 to 19:32
Q. How can we understand the supernatural/unusual experiences of Sufis? Are they real or hallucinations? From 19:33 to 22:43
Q. The Islamic Shariah requires that the adopted child must be addressed with the name of his father. If the father of the adopted child is unknown, how can this situation be dealt with? From 22:43 to 26:20
Q. Why does the Quran repeat several points over and over? From 26:21 to 28:03
Q. Suggestion regarding the schedule of Al-Bayan lectures? From 28:04 to 29:04
Q. Is it permissible for parents to select sex/gender of the child through modern fertility techniques? From 29:05 to 30:10
Q. Are there any conditions/requirements to be an Imam? Is it okay to offer salah behind an Imam who is deviated? From 30:10 to 31:34
Q. How can the nisab of ushr be determined for agriculture? If there is a loss in agricultural income, how can one offer ushr? From 31:35 to 34:04
Q. What is the meaning of the Quranic verse which says that your wealth/saving is the right of the needy? If one pays the due zakat and goes on to spend in Allah’s way as much as possible, would it still be sinful to have savings for one’s own future needs? From 34:05 to 37:35
Q. How can we share and spread Ghamidi sahab’s scholarly contributions? From 37:36 to 40:18
Faisal Haroon
Moderator November 2, 2021 at 2:19 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 12 – 31st October 2021
Q. How important is it for young people to understand the intellectual ideas and premises of religion instead of blindly following the prevailing societal ideas and practices in religion? From 01:02 to 8:35
Q. If the sources of religion are Quran and Sunnah, then why do we refer to Ahadith in matters where the Quran is silent (e.g. beard)? From 8:55 to 11:46
Q. Is it possible to learn directly from Ghamidi sahab? From 11:47 to 13:30
Q. How can we encourage our children to offer salah? From 13:30 to 16:47
Q. What is Ghamidi sahab’s view on the current system/method of divorce followed in Pakistan? From 16:48 to 19:24
Q. If the deceased had asked his family to pay his debts but unfortunately could not name the lenders before dying, what should the family do when they do not know the lenders? From 19:25 to 21:08
Q. What is religion’s guidance on the nature of overseas job/work since it affects the family and marriage? From 21:09 to 23:25
Q. If there is a loss in the business income, what should one do about zakat? From 23:26 to 27:22
Q. How does Islam view dying/killing for one’s country? From 27:23 to 30:35
Q. Can we offer salah behind Ahmedi Imam? From 30:36 to 31:22
Q. How should we view such statements which equate victory in a cricket match as the victory of Islam? From 31:22 to 33:13
Q. It is generally believed that the Prophet (pbuh) used to recite Surah Al-Fatiha and some verses of the Quran in the first two rakahs of salah and only Surah Al-Fatiha in the remaining rakahs. What is the source of this narrative and what is the correct method? From 33:14 to 34:41
Q. In Surah Al-Fath, verse 29, God says about the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) that they are compassionate among themselves. How do we understand this verse in the context of the conflicts (e.g. Battle of Siffin) between the companions? From 35:00 to 37:14
Q. What is “Irfan-e-Ilahi”? What is Quran’s guidance in this matter? From 37:50 to 40:03
Faisal Haroon
Moderator December 1, 2021 at 2:54 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 13 – 28th November 2021
Q. Does man’s belief in God originate from observation of anfus-o-afaq (inner and outer worlds) or is it that man initially starts believing without any deliberation and later the guidance provided by the Prophets solidifies his belief? From 01:19 to 7:55
Q. Why is it that Ghamidi sahab maintains there is only a single meaning of each verse of the Quran while traditionally it is believed that the Quran has multiple meanings? From 8:15 to 12:26
Q. Is tobacco haram? Would consuming tobacco be considered sinful? From 12:49 to 15:45
Q. In Surah Al-Anbiya Verse 10, God says “We have revealed a Book to you which has your share of reminder (zikrukum)”. Ghamidi sahab says that we do not derive general meaning from such verses, as referring to ourselves, because they have their own context. Why is that so? From 16:11 to 18:15
Q. Is it forbidden to offer sajdah (prostrate) and read the Quran during some parts of the day? From 18:23 to 20:24
Q. What is the nature of the orders of “Sadd-e-Zariya”? Are these such kind of orders which are left to our own choice or do these concern the reasoning behind certain things? From 20:26 to 21:42
Q. Critics of religion argue that religion presents a God who is strict, jealous and unforgiving of Shirk, and they argue that one can be scared of such a God but can never love Him. How do we respond to this objection? From 21:52 to 25:31
Q. If a musician performs in front of an audience among which there are those who drink and use drugs, would it be sinful for the musician, even though he himself refrains from these things? From 25:39 to 27:55
Q. Would Ghamidi sahab like to share some moments from the course of his research which could be termed as ‘moments of discovery’? From 28:09 to 29:27
Q. Do angels have their own will? From 29:39 to 31:13
Q. There is a lot of emphasis on the rights of LGBTQ in schools and workplaces in the United States. What should be our behavior as Muslims towards these ideas and how can we educate our children about Islam’s teachings in this regard? From 31:23 to 34:27
Q. On the issue of the return of Jesus (pbuh), Ghamidi sahab said in the ‘Response to the 23 Questions’ series that ulema should sit together to interpret the dream mentioned in the Hadith present in Imam Malik’s Muwatta. What is Ghamidi sahab’s own interpretation? From 35:42 to 40:26
Haris Virk
Moderator December 31, 2021 at 10:39 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 14 – 26th December 2021
Q. There is a philosophical concept called “God of Gaps” wherein it is argued that religious people attribute all the phenomena which humans do not understand to God, but increasingly science is explaining the causation of these things and hence there is no need of God. How do we understand it? From 01:03 to 5:28
Q. How do we draw a distinction between ‘bukhl’ (parsimony) and ‘israaf (extravagance) on the occasions of marriages? From 5:44 to 9:25
Q. Why don’t we simply refuse to engage with Hadiths which contain such instructions that are not present in the Quran? From 9:43 to 12:32
Q. There has been a rise in leaked audios/videos of celebrities, politicians and common people. How does Deen view the action of recording other people secretly in their personal spaces? From 12:44 to 15:10
Q. How does Deen view materialism? Are we instructed to maintain a balance in material life and religiosity? From 15:22 to 18:08
Q. If Tauheed is present in our fitrah, why do so many people continue to deny it? How do we respond to those who defame religion? From 18:22 to 23:14
Q. How is zakat calculated on land which has been leased to someone for farming? From 26:30 to 27:53
Q. If adultery is such a major sin, why isn’t there so much emphasis regarding this in our society? From 28:24 to 29:08
Q. Ghamidi sahab argues that in the countries where the state is collecting taxes, we should consider the slab of tax exemption as nisab for zakat. But in some countries, income tax is not being levied, so there is no such slab available. In this case, if we consider the nisab of 653kg of dates, will we compare it then to the monthly salary or annual salary? From 29:28 to 30:43
Q. In the West, many people are in live-in relationships where partners live together without marrying. How does religion view this? From 30:57 to 34:07
Q. If a pregnant woman finds out through ultrasound that the child is defected and abnormal, can she get abortion on medical grounds? What is the time period within which abortion is allowed by Islam? From 34:19 to 35:13
Q. What is Islam’s instruction regarding superiority among Prophets? From 35:30 to 39:08
Faisal Haroon
Moderator February 1, 2022 at 7:15 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 15 – 30th January 2022
Q. How do we understand the moral foundations of merit, keeping in view the different contexts and social environments in which people grow? From 01:08 to 10:27
Q. What is the Islamic view on human genetic enhancement? From 10:42 to 13:47
Q. It is generally said that we’ll have the same personality or nafs in the afterlife. But there are many people who are not able to fully develop certain aspects of personality due to poverty, disease or early death. Will these people have the same undeveloped personalities in the afterlife? From 14:00 to 18:17
Q. Muslims generally believe that all non-Muslims will go to hell. What is Islam’s correct point of view in this regard? How will God judge non-Muslims who are morally upright? From 18:48 to 21:30
Q. What is the fundamental principle regarding Riba in cases of debt, rent and higher purchase? From 21:43 to 24:36
Q. If the insurance companies use the endowment funds further in various investments, is it still permissible for us to take insurance policies from such companies? From 24:50 to 28:41
Q. Are there any problems in the auqaaf (punctuation marks), pauses and other such devices which have been employed in the Quranic script? From 28:58 to 31:13
Q. Apart from the basic obligations, what are some important measures that Muslims should consider to understand religion and strengthen their faith in modern times? From 31:22 to 35:49
Q. A husbands sends divorce to his wife in written form three times, but their relatives don’t let it reach the wife. Later on, the husband and wife reunite. Has divorce occurred or not? From 36:00 to 37:54
Q. If Islam is a complete code of life, why does it not give any instruction regarding health and exercise? From 38:06 to 40:30
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 1, 2022 at 11:31 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 16 – 27th February 2022
Q. What is Islam’s guidance regarding the “mind-body problem”, and the philosophical debates regarding idealism and dualism? From 01:09 to 9:54
Q. How can we recognize Allah’s qadr, and how can we obey His rights? From 10:53 to 14:27
Q. Do verses 7-9 of Surah As-Sajdah indicate that man was created through evolution? Why does Ghamidi sahab oppose Darwin’s theory of evolution? From 15:12 to 20:10
Q. Ghamidi sahab’s comments on the idea of nazm in the works of Maulana Hussain Ali and Maulana Ghulamullah Khan? From 20:22 to 22:13
Q. How should Ghamidi sahab’s students deal with those who discourage them from studying Ghamidi sahab’s works? From 22:21 to 25:11
Q. How should Muslims living in Germany (Europe) determine the day of Eid al-Azha? After which ritual of Hajj is Eid al-Adha celebrated? From 25:20 to 29:05
Q. How did the Prophet (pbuh) and the Arabs offer salah even before the first revelation? From 29:13 to 31:41
Q. There are several traditions in both Christianity and Islam which refer to some major wars before Qiyamah as its signs. What is Ghamidi sahab’s view on these? From 31:50 to 35:16
Q. Evolution in Ghamidi sahab’s views on Islamic punishments and their relation with state From 35:30 to 37:16
Q. How is it that those in the West are distant from religion but morally far better than us? What are the manners of inviting non-Muslims to Islam? From 37:27 to 41:11
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 30, 2022 at 2:11 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 17 – 27th March 2022
Q. Is there a specific training process for learning how to ask well-constructed questions? What is the methodology behind effectively framing a good question? From 00:47 to 5:50
Q. How can we reconcile the notion that Allah Almighty did not create this world solely based on the principle of justice, with the coexistence of the law of recompense for deeds (maqafat-e-amal)? From 6:09 to 9:35
Q. Is it allowed to utilize zakat funds for initiatives such as building water wells, schools, mosques, and hospitals? What is the origin of the concept requiring a trustee for zakat? From 9:45 to 12:38
Q. Does highlighting our own mistakes, whether on an individual or societal level, constitute negative thinking? From 12:49 to 15:07
Q. Between the years 300 Hijri and 1400 Hijri, if Ghamidi sahab had the chance to meet three prominent religious figures, who would be his preferred choices? From 15:27 to 17:08
Q. Has Allah Almighty stressed the importance of acquiring all worldly knowledge or solely focusing on the Quran? Given that our ultimate success is tied to the Hereafter, what drives the pursuit and proliferation of diverse branches of knowledge? From 17:20 to 20:15
Q. What steps can we take in today’s age to ensure that our acts of worship are truly characterized by devotion, rather than being mere habits or rituals? From 20:25 to 21:48
Q. If the possibility of time travel existed and Ghamidi sahab could journey into the past, what advice would he offer to his 22-year-old self? From 22:00 to 23:27
Q. What does the act of engaging in ‘bait’ (pledging allegiance) at someone’s hand actually mean, and is it permissible for us to do it? From 23:35 to 24:48
Q. Doesn’t it seem that while Ghamidi Sahab’s opinions are often quite rational and satisfying, doubts about his intentions tend to arise when his views go against the consensus (Ijma) of scholars? From 24:55 to 26:07
Q. What is the proper sequence for performing massah (wiping) during the process of wudu (ablution)? From 26:25 to 27:38
Q. What is the truth behind the supernatural incidents attributed to Allama Iqbal, as recounted by his servant Ali Baksh and documented in numerous books? From 27:53 to 32:00
Q. Detractors of religion often contend that religious individuals tend to be driven by sentimentality and lack logical and rational reasoning. How does Ghamidi Sahab address this perspective? From 32:12 to 33:51
Q. Is the practice of ‘qurbani’ (ritual sacrifice) mandatory during the Umrah, and when should the head be shaved? From 34:00 to 35:42
Q. In the month of Ramadan, is it more appropriate to offer the ‘witr’ prayer after the ‘Tarawih’ prayer, or is it preferable to offer it later during the night at the time of ‘Tahajjud’? From 35:50 to 37:50
Q. In the context of unfavorable conditions prevailing in one’s home country, what is the guidance regarding the choice to remain in a foreign country after the expiration of a fixed contract? From 38:05 to 39:47
Q. In the presence of an institutional dress code that prohibits the wearing of the Hijab, should Muslims adhere to it? From 39:55 to 41:44
Q. How can we strike a balance between doing good deeds and ensuring that our acts of kindness do not become overwhelming burdens for us? From 42:00 to 44:14
Q. The Quran mentions sending Messengers to all nations. Who were the Messengers for Africa, China, Australia, and South America? If no Messengers were sent, what religious practices are people in these areas required to follow? From 44:56 to 46:34
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 28, 2022 at 11:21 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 18 – April 24, 2022
Haris Virk
Moderator June 28, 2022 at 1:27 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 19 – 26th June 2022
Faisal Haroon
Moderator September 2, 2022 at 9:35 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 20 – 31st July 2022
Faisal Haroon
Moderator September 2, 2022 at 9:36 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 21 – 28th August 2022
Faisal Haroon
Moderator October 4, 2022 at 8:52 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 22 – October 2, 2022
Faisal Haroon
Moderator November 30, 2022 at 8:53 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 23 – November 27, 2022
Faisal Haroon
Moderator January 3, 2023 at 8:15 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 24 – January 1, 2023
Faisal Haroon
Moderator January 31, 2023 at 10:20 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 25 – January 29, 2023
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 4, 2023 at 10:45 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 26 – February 26, 2023
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 30, 2023 at 2:16 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 27 – March 26, 2023
Moderator May 4, 2023 at 9:43 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 28 – April 30, 2023
Moderator June 1, 2023 at 7:47 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 29 – May 28, 2023
Moderator June 28, 2023 at 5:13 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 30 – June 25, 2023
Moderator August 5, 2023 at 2:25 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 31 – July 30, 2023
Moderator August 31, 2023 at 4:04 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 32 – August 27, 2023
Moderator November 1, 2023 at 7:55 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 33 – October 29, 2023
Moderator December 4, 2023 at 12:25 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 34 – November 26, 2023
Moderator January 6, 2024 at 12:33 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 35 – December 31, 2023
Moderator January 31, 2024 at 1:44 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 36 – January 28, 2024
Moderator March 8, 2024 at 9:19 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 37 – February 25, 2024
Moderator May 6, 2024 at 12:42 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 38 – April 28, 2024
Moderator July 4, 2024 at 3:50 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 39 – June 30, 2024
Moderator August 2, 2024 at 2:22 amAsk Ghamidi Live Episode 40 – July 28, 2024
Moderator September 2, 2024 at 2:24 pmAsk Ghamidi Live Q&A Video Archive (Episodes 41 & Onward):
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