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FAQs About Heaven And Hell
Posted by Haris Virk on February 20, 2021 at 10:35 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 1
Q. What are the reasons for the establishment of Heaven and Hell? Is it possible, through our existing knowledge, to have a perfect understanding of the inner conditions of heaven and hell? From 1:56 to 4:49
Q. Is there a difference between the garden from which Adam sws was expelled and the heaven where the righteous shall live in the afterlife? From 4:49 to 5:59
Q. What is the nature of the rewards of Heaven and the torment of Hell? From 6:00 to 8:12
Haris Virk replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
FAQs About Heaven And Hell
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:36 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 2
Q. If the afterlife is material in nature like this world; won’t there be the same shortcomings like boredom and dissatisfaction? From 0:03 to 3:03
Q. What is the need to describe the rewards of Heaven? From 3:11 to 4:56
Q. What is the reason that the rewards of Heaven mentioned in the Quran mostly comprise of the much coveted longings of the Arabs? Why is there no mention of the blessings of the modern world in this narration? From 4:57 to 8:10
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:38 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 3
Q. Why has God not described the rewards of Heaven in a universal language without using parables? From 0:02 to 2:04
Q. If there are different ranks in Heaven, wouldn’t it make people unhappy and dissatisfied for being in the lower rank? From 2:05 to 3:54
Q. Who will get the highest rank in Heaven? From 3:55 to 4:23
Q. The Prophets were people who were chosen by God, and it is certain that they will reside in the highest rank of Heaven. Isn’t this discrimination against the rest of the people who weren’t chosen for the position of prophethood? From 4:23 to 7:33
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:40 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 4
Q. If God is All-Merciful, how is it possible that he will punish humans for committing crimes like polytheism? From 0:03 to 2:38
Q. God says that He has set a seal on the hearts of the deniers of truth. Does this imply that we are predestined to go to Heaven or Hell? From 2:39 to 3:54
Q. If someone has done good deeds throughout their life, and then, due to some distress, committed suicide. How will they be adjudged in the afterlife? From 3:55 to 5:36
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:41 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 5
Q. Are Gog and Magog and all their descendants predestined to go to Hell? From 0:01 to 3:17
Q. How do we know that Islam’s concept of the afterlife is more authentic as compared to other religions and ideologies? From 3:18 to 7:41
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:43 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 6
Q. What will be the relationship of time, space and evolution in the Hereafter? From 1:12 to 2:40
Q. What is the meaning of the narrations attributed to Prophet Muhammad sws that all believers will enter Heaven? Who will reside in Hell for eternity? From 2:41 to 4:27
Q. It is often narrated that if someone has sinned their entire life and then end up doing one good deed which God likes a lot, they will enter into Paradise. So, is the entry into Heaven dependent upon luck and God’s will irrespective of one’s overall record? From 4:27 to 6:20
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:44 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 7
Q. Why is it that even after being familiar with the rewards of Heaven and the torment of Hell, man still continues to commit sins? From 0:01 to 1:40
Q. If the decisions of Heaven and Hell are going to be made on the Judgment Day, then what is the reality of torment in the grave? From 1:41 to 3:06
Q. While every sect has its own criterion for the path towards Heaven or Hell, on what basis is God going to adjudge all of us? From 3:07 to 5:32
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:45 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 8
Q. If we are going to be held accountable according to our own knowledge, shouldn’t we refrain from acquiring more knowledge as it could be held against us that we knew but didn’t act? From 0:01 to 1:22
Q. If one believes in someone who accurately prophesizes about the future, would it be considered as shirk? From 1:23 to 2:24
Q. How is it justified to give eternal punishment to someone for their crimes in a short, limited life? Would there be a way out of Hell? From 2:25 to 3:49
Q. How authentic is the narrative that everyone will eventually enter into Paradise after completing their punishment time in Hell? From 3:50 to 4:25
Q. It is said that the teeth of the inmates of Hell will be equal to the size of Mount Uhad and their skin will be so thick that even after a journey of three nights, it won’t end. How is this possible? From 4:24 to 5:34
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:47 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 9
Q. Why is the concept of afterlife in mystic religions not acceptable? From 0:01 to 2:02
Q. How could a layman understand the concept of Heaven and Hell? From 2:04 to 3:47
Q. Why do intelligent thinkers and scientists like Einstein not accept Islam? Is it only less intelligent people who believe in the concept of the afterlife? From 3:47 to 8:23
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 10:48 amThe Concept of Heaven and Hell – Part 10
Q. Why would God not forgive shirk (idolatry/polytheism)? From 0:01 to 1:49
Q. Doesn’t doing good deeds just for the sake of rewards defy the essence of morality? From 1:49 to 3:11
Q. If all our desires shall be fulfilled in Paradise, how will we grow and evolve? From 3:11 to 3:55
Q. If the punishment of Hell is fire, then how will Djinns be punished as they are themselves made of fire? From 3:55 to 5:05
Q. How does human nature play its part in our understanding of the concepts of Heaven and Hell? From 5:06 to 5:36
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 11:05 amIs Heaven only for Muslims and Hell for Non-Muslims?
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 11:07 amWho will reside in Hell for eternity? Is there a possibility that God will forgive everyone and end Hell at some point?
Haris Virk
Moderator February 20, 2021 at 11:12 amHow will Allah set His court on the Judgment Day? How will He reward the righteous and punish the sinful? How many people will reside in Heaven?
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