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  • FAQs About Islam And LGBTQ

    Posted by Haris Virk on February 21, 2021 at 5:22 am

    Frequently Asked Questions about Islam and LGBTQ

    Q. Although LGBTQ is a community, ultimately the buck stops at individuals. What is the relationship of God and religion with a human being? What makes someone an addressee of religion? From 0:49 to 3:04

    Q. Apart from man and woman, does Islam recognize any other gender? From 3:04 to 3:52

    Q. Modern science has a perspective that gender is fluid and it keeps on changing with time and circumstances. What is Islam’s view on this? From 3:53 to 4:53

    Q. Does Islam consider not being a man or a woman as a disorder? From 4:54 to 6:10

    Q. Did such people (LGBTQ) exist at the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? From 6:11 to 6:50

    Q. Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) treat these people the same way as the rest of the human beings? From 6:51 to 7:25

    Q. Why does religion intervene in people’s sexual relationships and their sexual identity, things that are so personal? Why does it issue rules and guidance regarding these matters? From 7:26 to 9:22

    Q. Why has God put so much depth and complexity in the world? Having put us in such a quandary, where people experience these kinds of desires, what does God want to achieve from human beings? From 9:23 to 12:54

    Q. Does Islam consider it to be an impurity for a man to have a relationship with another man, and a woman with another woman? From 12:55 to 14:07

    Q. Why does God care about how a person inclines towards another and in what way? From 14:08 to 18:48

    Q. Does homosexuality lead to any negative consequences on a societal level? From 18:49 to 20:09

    Q. Has religion failed in addressing the issues of the contemporary world? Is there a way to bring religion and modern issues into harmony? From 20:10 to 21:58

    Q. If someone is fighting with such tendencies and is conflicted with such desires, does religion offer him any solutions? From 21:59 to 25:04

    Q. If a person wants to go for a sex reassignment surgery, for example because the person is a man but feels like a woman inside and wants to change their private parts for happiness and pleasure, how would Islam look at it? From 25:05 to 26:24

    Q. What edict will Islam issue on those who indulge in homosexuality, but by all worldly standards are good Muslims? Would their good deeds earn them a place in Heaven, or because of one bad practice, as Islam believes it to be, they are certain to reside in Hell? From 26:25 to 29:08

    Q. Hypothetically, if the Righteous Caliphate or some Islamic form of government is established today, would such an Islamic state punish the people who indulge in homosexuality, and those who consider it acceptable and promote it? From 29:09 to 31:41

    Q. In the Islamic law, there is a punishment for zina (adultery). Can that punishment be implemented on homosexuality? From 31:41 to 32:53

    Q. What would happen, in an Islamic state, to an ordinary Muslim who doesn’t indulge in homosexuality himself, but supports it as other people’s freedom and their right? From 32:54 to 35:14

    Q. If there is an ordinary Muslim, who doesn’t indulge in homosexuality himself, neither thinks about it nor does he consider it as bad in his heart, is that acceptable? Or, as a Muslim, is he required to denounce it in his heart? From 35:15 to 36:50

    Q. How is an ordinary Muslim supposed to coexist with people belonging to LGBTQ community? Is it even permissible in Islam to coexist with them? From 36:51 to 40:50

    Q. How should Muslims convey their message to LGBTQ people, atheists, agnostics, and those who are searching for answers? From 40:51 to 43:09

    Q. Is it permissible to offer namaz behind someone who leads prayer as Imam but openly identifies as gay? From 43:10 to 44:18

    Q. Why is it so that religious groups have failed, all over the world, in conveying their message to the LGBTQ community? From 44:19 to 46:44

    Q. Considering the disgraceful and humiliating way in which our society treats LGBTQ community, would it be true to say that, as a collective, we are all complicit in the crimes against them, and therefore, are criminals ourselves? From 46:45 to 48:12

    Q. Why is it necessary to view every practice as right or wrong, sinful or rewarding, vice or virtue? Why can’t we view it as someone else’s choice and just accept it? Why can’t we just let it be? From 48:13 to 52:40

    Q. What is Ghamidi sahab’s advice to people who are unable to make sense of religion’s case and have a distorted picture of religion in matters like LGBTQ? From 52:40 to 53:54

    Haris Virk replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • FAQs About Islam And LGBTQ

    Haris Virk updated 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Haris Virk

    Moderator May 6, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    Transgender People, Human Rights and Our Society

    Q. Introduction and the meaning of the word ‘Mokhannas’ From 0:11 to 3:13

    Q. How is it possible that the Quran asserts, on the one hand, that God has created everything in pairs but, on the other hand, He has created transgender people who do not have pairs? Doesn’t the Quran claim that this world is based on the principle of perfection? From 3:14 to 10:03

    Q. The Quran has issued exclusive edicts for men and women. Are there any specific instructions issued in the Shariah for transgender people too? How can we do Ijtehad in the issues of transgender people? From 10:03 to 17:32

    Q. In the times of the Prophet (pbuh), how were transgender people treated by the society? How can we understand the narrations wherein we find that sometimes they were not allowed to enter in the homes? Were they allowed to take care of mosques? From 17:33 to 26:08

    Q. What should be the attitude of parents to whom such children are born especially when there are so many societal taboos and lack of education facilities? From 26:09 to 29:25

    Q. Why does the state neglect the issues of transgender people? What kinds of reforms are needed in this regard? Shouldn’t there be a third section of gender identity in Hajj application forms? From 29:25 to 34:08

    Q. If a treatment is possible in the form of gender/sex reassignment surgery, is it permissible to undergo such an operation? What principles should be kept in mind in this regard? From 34:09 to 38:59

    Q. Are the funeral rites of transgender people the same like the rest of Muslims? From 39:00 to 44:53

    Q. How will the transgender people be in the Afterlife? From 44:54 to 45:44

    Q. In matters of organ and blood donation from transgender people, does the religion give any guidance? From 45:44 to 46:58

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