Need Correction On Women's And Men's Rights And Responsibilities In Islam
Need help in correcting the following summary list of women’s and men’s rights and responsibilities in Islam. Did I miss or misstated anything?
A Woman’s Rights and Responsibilities in Islam
A woman has no financial responsibilities and Islam doesn’t impose any restriction on a woman to work
A woman has no responsibility to protect husband or family or to participate in war
A mother has a greater honor and respect than father
Islam recommends half the share of inheritance for a woman than a man unless a will specifies otherwise
A woman is required to cover two areas of body
Upon death of husband, the wife get 4 month and 10 days worth of living expenses
A woman receives expenses related to taking care of children
A wife gets full amount of Mehr-Mukadam immediately upon marriage as agreed in marriage contract
A wife gets full amount of Mehr-Muakhar as agreed in marriage contract or any amendments thereafter, anytime during marriage or at divorce, but do not receive half of everything by default upon divorce
There is no mention if a wife can or can’t beat a husband in case of insurrection to avoid divorce
Only in financial disputes, two female witnesses are required against one male witness
Islam doesn’t put any responsibility of cooking, cleaning or taking care of children upon a wife.
A Man’s Rights and Responsibilities in Islam
A man is required to earn and support family
A man is responsible to protect woman and family and participate in war
Father has lesser honor and respect than mother
Islam recommends twice the share of inheritance for a man than a woman unless a will specifies otherwise
A man is required to cover one area of body
Upon death of husband, the wife is paid 4 month and 10 days worth of living expenses
A man pays expenses related to taking care of children
A husband pays pay full amount of Mehr-Mukadam immediately upon marriage as agreed in marriage contract
A husband pays full amount of Mehr-Muakhar as agreed in marriage contract or any amendments thereafter, anytime during marriage or at divorce, but do not pay half of everything by default upon divorce
A husband can mildly beat a wife in case of insurrection as a last resort only to avoid divorce
Only in financial disputes, one male witness is required against two female witness
Islam doesn’t put any responsibility of cooking, cleaning or taking care of children upon a husband
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