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Forums Forums Sources of Islam 10. The Incident Of The First Revelation And The Cave Of Hira


  • 10. The Incident Of The First Revelation And The Cave Of Hira

    Posted by Faisal Haroon on March 4, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Following videos are from Ghamidi sahab’s Response to 23 Questions series. In these videos he analyzes the misconceptions that surround the incident of the first revelation (wahi) of prophet Muhammad SAW.

    You may also want to refer to the following detailed analysis of narrations regarding the first revelation:

    Discussion 1663

    Faisal Haroon replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • 10. The Incident Of The First Revelation And The Cave Of Hira

    Faisal Haroon updated 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 10 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 4, 2021 at 9:01 am

    Episode 43:

    1. Introduction and Summarized version for traditional narration of first revelation. From 00:00 to 1:58

    2. Why you have different view than traditional view of first revelation? Critical Review of Hadith ( Explanation of Verse 10:16. From 1:58 to 37:16

    3. If you argue from verse 10:16 that there was no indication of prophethood from his behaviour then why he was too strong chracterwise? From 37:16 to end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 11, 2021 at 9:04 am

    Episode 44:

    1. Recap of Previous episode. From 00:43 to 2:20

    2. Explanation of first revelation on Prophet Moses on basis of Surah Taha 9-13, Surah Namal 7-14. From 2:20 to 11:01

    3. Comparsion between Prophet Moses’ first revelation and traditional view of first revelation on Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). From 11:01 to 15:28

    4. Critical Review of Surah Alaq content and Shan e Nazool. From 15:28 to 22:33

    5. Crtical review of later part of Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 3 ( and Sahih al-Bukhari 6982 ( . From 22:33 to 35:15

    6. The reaction of Prophet Moses’ after first revelation and its comparison with the traditional perspective about the reaction of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). From 35:15 to 39:16

    7. Isn’t it strange that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) went to a Christian for calming his mind? From 39:16 to 43:14

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 19, 2021 at 10:47 am

    Episode 45:

    1. Why is it necessary to question how this narration has been transmitted? Critical review of the chain of transmission. From 00:43 to 28:17

    2. Mohadiseen point of view on this narration. From 28:17 to 32:30

    3. Do scholars question the narrations in Bukhari? From 32:30 to 33:45

    4. What are other academic questions which you have about this narration? Discussion about Sirat un Nabi. From 33:45 to 42:47

    5. Introduction to the incident of first revelation written by Ibne Hisham. From 42:47 to end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 25, 2021 at 10:47 am

    Episode 46:

    1- An excerpt from Seerat un nabi written by Ibn e Hisham. From 00:41 to 19:01

    2- Discussion about Aitekaf in Cave Hira. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as a follower of Deen e Hanif. From 19:01 to 23:25

    3- Activities by Prophet Mohammad during Aietekaf and after it. From 23:25 to 26:46

    4- Incident of first revelation as written by Ibne Hisham. From 26:46 till end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 1, 2021 at 8:16 am

    Episode 47:

    1- Recap of previous episode discussion. Form 1:10 to 10:12

    2- Continuation of narrative of first revelation written by Ibne Hisham. From 10:12 to 22:20

    3- Meeting Warqa Bin Noufal. From 22:20 to 35:40

    4- Comparasion of two narrations. A critical review about these narrations. From 35:40 till end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 8, 2021 at 11:20 am

    Episode 48:

    1- What is first revelation? Hadith about Surah Muddathir as 1st surah ( From 1:00 to 19:45

    2- Another narration of Surah Muddathir. ( From 19:45 to 26:40

    3- Third narration about Surah Muddathir. ( From 26:40 to 29:15

    4- Analysis of these narrations. From 29:15 to end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 23, 2021 at 11:16 am

    Episode 49:

    1- General Comments on hadith narrations. From 1:57 to 11:46

    2- While analyzing Hadith narrations, do we question transmission of chains or Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)? From 11:46 to 13:18

    3- What Quran says about incident of first revelation? From 13:18 to 25:52

    4- Background of Surah Fatiha. From 25:52 to 28:33

    5- Rationale of considering Surah Fatiha as 1st surah. From 28:33 to 32:45

    6- Did other scholars also consider Surah Fatiha as 1st surah? From 32:45 to 35:00

    7- What Quran says about incident of first revelation with reference to verse 53:1-11 From 35:00 to end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 23, 2021 at 11:16 am

    Episode 50:

    1- Why there was pause in revelation? From 1:00 to 14:50

    3- How dawah was given during early times? From 14:50 to 20:11

    4- Wisdom behind pause in Quran revelation? From 20:11 to 24:15

    5- How does Quran tell which surah is revealed later? From 24:15 to 31:35

    6- Why does Quran call Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) “O who wrapped cloth”? From 31:35 to 39:43

    7- Next level of dawah after revelation of Surah Muzammil. From 35:23 to end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 29, 2021 at 7:08 pm

    Episode 51:

    1- Why was there a 2nd pause in Quran revelation and what is the wisdom behind it? From 1:00 to 17:53

    2- Why can’t it be argued that having fear after revelation is a result human nature? From 17:53 to 23:38

    3- Isn’t it possible that continuous true dreams caused the fear? From 23:38 to 25:33

    4- Is it necessary that incidents of revelation will be similar for Prophet Moses and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? From 25:33 to 27:45

    5- You claim Prophets do not have any wish for prophethood. But Prophet Ibrahim seemed to ponder over things. How is that possible? From 27:45 to 32:01

    6- Why Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was having true dreams before prophethood? From 32:01 to 33:15

    7- Don’t the events after birth of Prophet Moses show that people were aware that he is a Prophet? From 33:15 to 35:01

    8- What is your point of view about the narrations on the events during journey of Prophet Muhammad to Syria? From 35:01 to 39:36

    9- Why was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stopped from joining an event of music before prophethood? From 39:36 to 42:32

    10- What is the reality of the narrations about the Cave of Hira? From 42:32 to 44:52

    11- The Cave of Hira is a very small place and difficult trail, then how can a whole family go there? From 44:52 to end

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator May 6, 2021 at 10:55 am

    Episode 52:

    1- What is your opinion about the narration that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) went to the Cave of Hira after prophethood? From 00:58 to 3:11

    2- Why did Warqa Bin Naufil perform tawaf? Did he believe in Islam? From 3:11 to 7:33

    3- Why should we accept Ibn e Hisham’s historical record instead of a narration from Hazrat Aisha? From 7:33 to 14:34

    4- Why is there no marfoo sahih narration of incident of first revelation? From 14:34 to 17:34

    5- Why is there no consistency in your point of view because you have taken some ahadith from Zuhri’s narrations in your book Meezan? From 17:34 to 28:06

    6- Has any other scholar criticized, academically, Sahih Bukhari narrations? From 28:06 to 31:10

    7- Is there a possibility that the incident of revelation mentioned in Surah Najam happened after prophethood? From 31:10 to 34:04

    8- Final Conclusion of whole session. From 34:04 to end

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