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Forums Forums General Discussions Is Absolute Certainty Of Allah's Existence Possible?

  • Is Absolute Certainty Of Allah's Existence Possible?

    Posted by Nadeem on March 13, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    @faisalharoon , I had a good discussion about having unmistakable certainty on Allah’s existence with another person and the other person got extremely upset when I said that “it seems like even prophets didn’t have 100% certainty”

    Recently in another post you stated that with proper understanding of Quran such certainty is achievable.

    I have my doubts. If that was the goal, then Allah would have given us all that certainty and shown himself and there wouldn’t be any test. If that was the case Quran would not have any vague statement that could be interpreted different ways.

    Also prophet Ibrahim wouldn’t have asked Allah for a miracle (the miracle of bird coming alive) . If that is the case there was no need for prophet Muhammad to visit / visualized heavens, etc.

    Also, for example, Allah would have stated the name of Pharaoh in Quran who was drowned and would have displayed his preserved body for public viewing from the day he died.

    Faisal Haroon replied 4 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Is Absolute Certainty Of Allah's Existence Possible?

    Faisal Haroon updated 4 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 13, 2021 at 1:22 pm

    If that was the case Quran would not have any vague statement…

    Quran words are not vague at all. It was revealed بِلِسَانٍ عَرَبِيٍّ مُّبِينٍ (Quran verse 26:195)

    Also prophet Ibrahim wouldn’t have asked Allah for a miracle…

    Quran verse 2:260 responds to this itself. When God asked, Abraham have you not believed? He answered I have but I’m only asking for the peace of my heart. First of all, Abraham didn’t have any impediment in his belief. Secondly, this incident makes a point that for those pious people of God who still require some additional peace of heart, God invariably fills that gap.

    Allah would have stated the name of Pharaoh in Quran

    There was absolutely no need for this.

    God’s intent is not to just make everyone automatically believe. He has sent us to earth and testing us in every dimension – including the use of our resources to reach the truth.

    Below I’m quoting my response in the previous discussion that you referred to:

    Discussion 44274 • Reply 44798

    “…once one starts to understand the Quran from the same perspective that it presents itself from, then it doesn’t allow any wiggle room whatsoever. It makes it’s argument in a way that takes us to the same level of certainty as we have for our own existence.”

    There’s no such thing as absolute certainty, however, if we understand the Quran from the same perspective that it presents itself from, we can reach the highest level that’s humanly possible. The key here is to understand the Quran from the proper perspective.

    Reaching certainty is experiential in nature. We can’t just make speculative arguments to argue against it. It’s just like telling someone complaining about headache that since you just ate an apple and apple is not known to cause headaches therefore you can’t be having a headache.

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