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Forums Forums Sources of Islam 8. Splitting Of The Moon – 23 Questions Series

  • 8. Splitting Of The Moon – 23 Questions Series

    Posted by Haris Virk on March 18, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    Response to 23 Questions – Part 38 – Splitting of the Moon (Shaq-ul-Qamar) – Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

    Splitting of the Moon Episode 1

    Q. The traditional perspective on the ‘Splitting of the Moon’ From 0:40 to 2:25

    Q. Why does Ghamidi sahab disagree with the popular viewpoint about the ‘Splitting of the Moon’? Why does he consider it as a sign/event occurring directly by Allah Himself and not a miracle of the Prophet (pbuh)? From 2:26 to 6:36

    Q. If the Quran and the ahadeeth prove that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) split the moon with the indication of his finger, will Ghamidi sahab accept it as a miracle of the Prophet (pbuh)? From 6:36 to 11:36

    Q. Why does Ghamidi sahab selectively use the opinions of the same scholars with whom he disagrees on several other topics? From 11:37 to 14:17

    Q. How do the Quran and Ahadeeth describe the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’? From 14:18 to 30:23

    Q. What is the meaning of the word ‘Ayat’ اٰیَۃً and in what context has this word been used in the Quran for the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’? From 30:23 to 39:02 (Answer Continued in the Next Episode)

    Haris Virk replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • 8. Splitting Of The Moon – 23 Questions Series

    Haris Virk updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Haris Virk

    Moderator March 18, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    Response to 23 Questions – Part 39 – Splitting of the Moon (Shaq-ul-Qamar) – Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

    Splitting of the Moon Episode 2

    Q. In what context has the word ‘Ayat’ اٰیَۃً been used in the Quran for the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’? Does it imply an unusual sign of God for the support of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and an argument on the event of Qiyamah or does it imply a miracle that happened at the hands of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself? From 0:56 to 8:15

    Q. How do Imam Amin Ahsan Islahi and Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maududi explain the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’? Why do both these scholars consider it as an unusual sign/miracle by Allah Himself for the support of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and as an argument for the event of Qiyamah instead of a miracle that occurred at the hands of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? From 8:17 to 16:40

    Q. Does the language of the Quran in the Surah Al-Qamar imply that the ‘Splitting of the Moon’ occurred as an unusual sign of Allah by Himself and not as a miracle at the hands of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? From 16:41 to 18:27

    Q. Has the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’ already happened or is it still due to happen near Qiyamah as some scholars argue? From 18:28 to 26:18

    Q. What is Maududi sahab’s conclusive opinion about the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’? Is it an established event from the Quran and Ahadeeth? How exactly did the event happen? Did it happen only once? What is the reality of the story that one half of the moon emerged from the sleeves of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Was it a miracle that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) demonstrated at the request of the disbelievers as proof of his message or was it an unusual event that happened by the power of Allah to which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) drew people’s attention? How can we understand the narration by Anas Bin Malik RA wherein he calls it as a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? From 26:19 to 37:40

    Q. If the Quran, in Surah Al-Qamar, does not present this event as a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), does it not add weight to the argument that the moon did not split by the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) instruction and instead split directly by Allah’s order? From 37:41 to 39:25

    Q. The disbelievers repeatedly demanded miracles from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as proof of his prophethood. If the ‘Splitting of the Moon’ was a miracle at the hands of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), why did he fulfill their demand only at this occasion? From 39:26 to 41:02

    Q. Why is the event of the ‘Splitting of the Moon’ not known across the world as part of established history? Why is it that no current scientific evidence supports the event? From 41:03 to 49:56

    Q. Should we feel any hesitation to use particular arguments and explanations of scholars with whom we disagree on some other topics? From 50:00 to 51:16

    Q. What is the summary of Ghamidi sahab’s research about the event of Shaq-ul-Qamar (Splitting of the Moon)? From 51:17 to 52:50

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