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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Why God Created Disable Persons


  • Why God Created Disable Persons

    Posted by umer Khan on March 24, 2021 at 11:13 pm

    I have a question in my mind that why god created a persons with mental disability because if life is a test then they aren’t capalable to give test then what would be the purpose of their creation?

    Dawinists said that it can only be explain through random mutations . Iam cofused about the purpose of their creation

    Umer replied 3 years, 12 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Why God Created Disable Persons

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 25, 2021 at 9:39 am

    God’s test includes all kinds of variations, including mental, physical, and intellectual, challenges, as well as environmental factors for any given individual. If everyone was given exactly the same of everything then there would not be any point in a test. The nature of the test is such that not only an individual is being tested according to what he has been given, but others around him are also being tested through his situation.

    As a side note, when we say that mutations are random, we are in fact agreeing that there’s some external entity who is in control that we cannot seem to grasp. Even if we find an exact law about how these mutations take place, we still have not falsified the concept of God because in our experience a law never comes into existence without a lawgiver.

  • Umer

    Moderator March 25, 2021 at 9:55 am

    Please see this response by Ghamidi Sahab as well:

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