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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia 1. The Status Of Beard In Shariah – 23 Questions Series

  • 1. The Status Of Beard In Shariah – 23 Questions Series

    Posted by Haris Virk on March 27, 2021 at 4:45 pm

    Response to 23 Questions – Part 1 – Beard (Darhi) – Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

    The Status of Beard in Shariah Episode 1

    Q. Why doesn’t Ghamidi sahab consider beard as a Sunnah? What is his approach towards this issue? What is the actual message of the narrations/Ahadith regarding beard? From 1:48 to 23:33

    Q. It is generally said that the words used by the Prophet (pbuh), regarding beard, are in imperative mode which makes something as obligatory. What is Ghamidi sahab’s opinion on this? From 23:40 to 28:16

    Q. For some time, Ghamidi sahab had the same opinion like traditional scholars that beard was the Sunnah of the Prophets and therefore men in Muslim society should keep it. On what basis did Ghamidi sahab have this opinion in the past? From 28:17 to 32:05

    Q. If keeping beard is an expression of love for the Prophet (pbuh), doesn’t it become incumbent upon those who preach religion to keep beard? From 32:06 to 34:25

    Q. If we say that growing beard is a distinctive mark of Allah’s servants who believe in Him, can it then fall under the overall framework of religion? From 34:26 to 37:39

    Q. How is the issue of beard discussed among the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) and early jurists of Islam? From 37:40 to 39:44

    Q. After doing so much research work on religion, when Ghamidi sahab faces objection on account of not having beard, does he wish sometimes that Allah Almighty had given him a natural long beard so that he didn’t have to face this objection? From 39:45 to 42:18

    Q. Does Ghamidi sahab think that beard looks good on men? What relation should be kept in mind with regard to the narrations of the Prophet (pbuh)? From 42:38 to 48:26

    Q. Why is it that people propagate against Ghamidi sahab that he does not believe the Ahadith regarding beard? From 48:27 to 52:52

    Haris Virk replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • 1. The Status Of Beard In Shariah – 23 Questions Series

    Haris Virk updated 4 years ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Haris Virk

    Moderator March 27, 2021 at 4:47 pm

    Response to 23 Questions – Part 2 – Beard (Darhi) – Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

    The Status of Beard in Shariah Episode 2

    Q. Does trimming beard distort fitrah? In Surah Ar-Rum, verse 30, Allah has explained that He created humans upon a certain fitrah (innate nature), and we have to act accordingly and not attempt to alter it. It is argued by people that beard grows on the face as a natural process and therefore trimming it stands in contradiction to this verse. What is Ghamidi sahab’s response to this? From 1:51 to 20:12

    Q. The most prominent difference in the outward appearance between men and women is that beard grows on the face of men. So, if men and women are required to not try to imitate each other in their looks as it corrupts fitrah, shouldn’t beard be kept to maintain this difference? From 20:14 to 24:08

    Q. In Surah Al-Nisa, verse 115, there is a strict warning for people who oppose the Prophet (pbuh) or leave the path of those who sincerely professed faith in him. Keeping beard is something which the entire Muslim ummah and even the Prophets have been practicing, isn’t trimming it in contradiction to all that? Should everything that the Prophet (pbuh) did in his life be viewed and designated as a matter of religion? From 24:09 to 41:20

    Q. There is a Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) narrated on the authority of Syeda Ayesha RA in which the reporter lists ten things which comprise fitrah, and that includes beard. Doesn’t that refute the entire perspective of Ghamidi sahab? Shouldn’t the verses of the Quran regarding fitrah be interpreted in the light of this Hadith? From 41:21 to 46:06

    Q. There is not one but several Ahadith regarding beard. It has been said in a few to grow a beard, trim the moustache and stand in opposition to the polytheists. In others, it is said that do not opt for the appearances of the disbelievers and grow a beard. What is Ghamidi sahab’s opinion on all these narrations? From 46:07 to 58:46

  • Haris Virk

    Moderator March 27, 2021 at 4:52 pm

    Response to 23 Questions – Part 3 – Beard (Darhi) – Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

    The Status of Beard in Shariah Episode 3

    Q. If beard is not part of fitrah, then on what principle can we engage with someone who shaves off their eyebrows or eyelashes? From 0:22 to 1:43

    Q. If beard is not to be considered as Sunnah, then why did all the esteemed companions of the Prophet (pbuh) keep beard and no one shaved it? From 1:44 to 3:06

    Q. It is one of the fundamental requirements of Islam to have love for the Prophet (pbuh). Does it not follow from this that it is compulsory for the ones who love him to emulate his appearance? From 3:07 to 4:56

    Q. Some individuals, e.g., soldiers, are asked to adopt a special appearance as a requirement of their ranks. For instance, soldiers at Wahgah border keep long moustaches to intimidate others. What would be the ruling of religion in this situation? From 4:57 to 5:55

    Q. What would the Prophet (pbuh) had done if he wanted to declare keeping beard as a religious obligation and issue it as a Sunnah? From 5:56 to 7:24

    Q. If someone keeps beard, on what principle will we tell him that its length shouldn’t exceed more than the length of a palm? From 7:25 to 8:09

    Q. A government servant says that he has kept beard with the intention of preventing people from demanding unlawful services from him. What about this? From 8:10 to 8:30

    Q. Will keeping beard as an expression of love for Prophet (pbuh) make us eligible for some reward in the Hereafter? From 8:31 to 10:18

    Q. Is it true that a companion just had one hair as beard and when he trimmed it, the Prophet (pbuh) stopped looking at him? From 10:18 to 10:36

    Q. A lot of people these days keep long moustaches as fashion/trend without any intent of arrogance. What would religion say about it? From 10:37 to 12:01

    Q. If an officer commands his subordinate to shave his beard due to some necessity, is it permissible? From 12:02 to 12:54

    Q. Ghamidi sahab says that religion has been transferred through the tradition of the Prophets. We find some passages in the Bible wherein it is said that do not cut your hair or trim your beard. How can we understand these lines? From 12:55 to 13:41

    Q. The summary of Ghamidi sahab’s entire point of view regarding beard and its status in religion From 13:45 to 18:37

    Q. On the issue of beard, is the entire Muslim ummah as sensitive as those living in the subcontinent? From 18:51 to 19:32

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