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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran Chapter 13:7, States All People Have Guide

  • Quran Chapter 13:7, States All People Have Guide

    Posted by Faisal Ukani on March 27, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Can current nations around the world Be considered as prophets Mohammad’s p.b.u.h nation? 1400 years have passed and demographics are quite different now with 8 billion worldwide population vs 200 million world population at the time of Prophet i.e only 2% of current population in comparison.

    Quran mentions that every nation has a guide at several places and interestingly ayah 13:7 says ur only a warner and all nations have a guide.

    What is the difference in warner and a guide and how come current nations around the world don’t need one?

    Faisal Ukani replied 4 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Quran Chapter 13:7, States All People Have Guide

    Faisal Ukani updated 4 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator March 28, 2021 at 7:57 am

    It has to do with scheme of Prophethood which can be inferred from Quran once we collect all the verses related to the subject-matter. Initially a Rasool was sent to every nation and their fate was decided after itmam-e-hujjah being done on them. In the second phase, prophethood was limited to only Prophet Abraham (sws) and His Progeny, with prophethood culminating at Prophet Muhammad (sws).

    Please watch the following thread which contains ample amount of information to get an understanding of the whole scheme of prophethood, specifically the following videos:

    Discussion 4625 • Reply 22688

    Discussion 4625 • Reply 17715

  • Faisal Ukani

    Member March 28, 2021 at 11:20 am

    That still does not clear why a guide/hadi is not needed or dont exist any more.

    If every nation has a guide why current nations dont have one. We are not the same nation that existed 1400 years ago. We are not even same as nations 50 years ago.

    If Quran differentiates between rasool and hadi. Risalat and nabooat has ended but why cant hadi or hidayat continue?

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