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  • Surah Najam First Revelation?

    Posted by Muhammad Umer on March 31, 2021 at 11:19 am

    I have listened to several lectures by Ghamidi sb on رسالت پر ایمان۔ also the current series on Waqa-e-Hira.

    My question is about when Ghamidi sb say that need to read surah Najam thoughtfully.

    I have tried to follow his advice but I could not find understand why these verses are pointing to the feeling of first revelation. It is not mentioned in words.

    In Al Bayan it is not explained. Also I could not find these verses being referred to as the feeling of first revelation in Tadabur e Quran either.

    A reply is very is very much appreciated as one of my friends and myself got confused about it. My friend said that if some thing is not mentioned in quran then we should be careful about saying that quran mentions a concept in words when that is not case.

    Muhammad Abdullah replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Surah Najam First Revelation?

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 31, 2021 at 12:54 pm

    The first revelation in Ghamidi sahab’s opinion is surah Al-Fatiha. In Al-Bayan he introduces this surah as follows:

    With regard to its subject-matter, this surah is a supplication to seek guidance from the Almighty for the straight path – a prayer which was the wish of every upright person during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (sws). After the Jews and the Christians had distorted the face of religion through their innovations and deviations, it was in fact the desire of every heart to receive fresh guidance. The Almighty articulated this desire through the tongue of His Prophet (sws) in these eternal and matchless words.
    This prayer for fresh guidance after the Torah and the Injil is also the central theme of this surah. Consequently, its relationship with the Madinan surahs of the first group is that of brevity and detail, as has been mentioned in the introduction to the group; however, with regard to its subject-matter, it is a very appropriate preface to the Qur’an as well.
    Viewed thus, it becomes very evident that this is the first surah that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (sws) in Makkah.

    Please also see:

    Discussion 31208


    Discussion 44130


    Discussion 1663

  • Muhammad Umer

    Member March 31, 2021 at 9:03 pm

    Salam Haroon Sir. Thank you so much for a quick reply. I am a big fan of Ghamidi sb and I have been following him for quite some time now.

    I have watched all of his Al Mizan lectures as well as Al Bayan lectures and Dr. Shahid Sb. lectures and Hassan bhais lectures.

    Actually I agree to your answer completely that Surah Fatiah was the first revelation.

    However if you see the Ghamidi Sb lectures on نبیوں پر ایمان you will find in the first few lectures that Ghamidi Sb mentioned that Quran mentions the FEELINGS of the first revelation in surah where the FEELINGS of the first and second revelation has been mentioned. Also in reply to one of the questions he did mentioned that these verses of Surah Najam should be understood deeply to understand the message there.

    I tried to read Al Bayan and Tadabur e Quran but in both tafseers this is not mentioned in surah najam.

    Can you please refer me to Ghamidi Sb. videos where he has explained the Surah Najam verses. It will be a great help on understanding these verses.

    I once again thank for a quick answer. However my question was a bit different and I need bit more help please.


    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member March 31, 2021 at 10:08 pm

      If I understood your question correctly, the answer is, “Surah Najam is not the first revelation but merely explains how the first revelation happened.”

      It explains how clearly, without any ambiguity, Prophet PBUH had received the message from Jibril AS. If you read the surah, it tells you about the condition of the prophet PBUH when receiving the revelations (that The Prophet’s heart did not doubt what he saw). Meaning, he knew what he was receiving and he was not afraid/worried as you might read in riwayahs.

      Similarly after this, it explains the situation of the second revelation (And he certainly saw that angel descend a second time). After a few verses it then says (The Prophet’s sight never wandered, nor did it overreach) and it goes on.

      Hence, it clearly explains HOW Prophet PBUH received first and second revelations and that how confident was he when he received this (unlike explained in riwayah of ghar-e-hira). However, it does not imply, in any way, that this Surah Najam was the first revelation.


      Translation excerpts from

      TLDR: Surah Najam is not the first revelation but only the explanation of the process of first and second revelation and the condition of the Prophet PBUH while receiving the revelations.

  • Muhammad Umer

    Member March 31, 2021 at 9:06 pm

    I forgot to mention that I have seen all of Ghamidi Sb videos actually. Also I am following the series on 23 questions as well. Still I have a bit of doubt about this situation.


  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator March 31, 2021 at 11:01 pm

    What Muhammad Abdullah sahab posted above is correct. I’m not sure if I understand your confusion. Please watch the videos again – perhaps you misunderstood something.

  • Muhammad Umer

    Member March 31, 2021 at 11:11 pm

    Jkz Abdullah you nailed it. I am not confused about the words of first revelation which is Surah Fataha. Also agree to the point of view of Ghamidi sb about Surah Najam that it describes the condition of the first and second revelation.

    Still however my question is that Does Quran in Surah Najam says it in words?

    I have tried to discover these meanings in Al Bayan and Tadabur e Quran but could not find the words of first and second revelation in Surah Najam.

    I think that it must be related to way of Quran how it describes the facts. I just want to read or listen more detailed discussion on how these meanings have been infered or deduced from these verses. And that is the part I could not discover in Al Bayan, Tadabur e Quran or Ghamidi Sb lectures.

    Thanks again for the kind answer.


    • Muhammad Abdullah

      Member April 1, 2021 at 6:56 am

      If you’re trying to find in Quran something like, “These aayah were instructed in the first revelation” then no. Remember, Quran has a specific context, a particular audience, and a particular style. It is not a book of history in which you’d find the history of the Quran itself such as what surah was the first one and what was the last one. These you’d have to infer from the Quran itself, from Sunnah, and maybe from riwayah. Never in any book you’d find something what you probably are looking in Quran. Something like “The first few pages that you read in this book belong to the first chapter that author wrote.” You already know that and there is no need for that. You see my point?

      However, although the Quran is a different kind of book, still it would probably not make sense to explain anywhere in the Quran that what were the words of the first revelation and the second one and so on unless there had been any confusion about this in that time. If someone had this question in the times of Prophet, prophet would himself would have told them but apart from that there seems no reason to concretely record this information and as said earlier, you simply infer this from the Quran, just like you infer many other things from the Quran regarding the context, the situation, the audience, the style etc.

      I hope, I was able to answer the confusion?

      TLDR: Quran does not mention specifically anywhere that what aayahs were the first revelation. One has to infer and deduce it from the Quran itself (and maybe from sunnah or riwayahs).

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