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  • Hitler's Respect For Islam?

    Posted by Najia Tariq on April 6, 2021 at 1:45 pm

    I’d like Mr. Ghamidi to see the image and explain with his honest opinion if sharing this image with someone is a sin. Is there something wrong or what’s right about the image? Please explain Ghamidi sahab’s opinion.

    The following is the image of a Hitler with a quote that “there’s only one religion that I respect and that’s Islam, and there’s only one prophet that I honor respectfully and that’s Muhammad”

    Thank you

    Faisal Haroon replied 3 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Hitler's Respect For Islam?

  • Munnoo Khan

    Member April 6, 2021 at 1:54 pm

    In my personal opinion, I do not see any harm in this image.

    Islam is a true religion, even non-Muslims admire.

    • Najia Tariq

      Member April 6, 2021 at 1:56 pm

      And what’s Ghamidi sahab’s opinion? Could it be possible to use this minor question in the Q&A session? I’d really appreciate your cooperation.

      Thank you

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 6, 2021 at 2:53 pm

    First of all, have you verified that these words really came from the person that they have been associated with? If not then sharing these images will be considered as spreading a lie.

    Secondly, Islam is completely against persecution of any kind. So much so that if a group of people of any faith is facing persecution, an Islamic state with appropriate means is obligated to go fight for their freedom. Even if Hitler said those words, his actions were completely against the spirit of Islam.

    Lastly, what would be the purpose of sharing such a message? Islam doesn’t need quotes of famous people to demand respect for itself or Prophet Muhammad SAW. If one is truly passionate about Islam, they should spend the time and the effort to learn and spread the message of God instead. If not, then they should at least learn enough religion in order to practice it for themselves and teach it to their children. Sharing such messages achieves no purpose whatsoever.

    • Munnoo Khan

      Member April 6, 2021 at 3:17 pm

      Very good response by Faisal Haroon.

  • Najia Tariq

    Member April 6, 2021 at 3:24 pm

    So I do agree that it’s really important to know whether the person said it or not. However, if anyone, as a human being, be it from any religion, say something good about Islam or any religion, do you think it’s wrong or should it be considered fine?

    Secondly, no doubt Hitler has been known as the worst human being ever. But if he appreciates Islam or prophet, does it mean he’s insulting Islam نعوذ باللہ

    No doubt Hitler’s actions were completely against the spirit of Islam. And unfortunately many leaders like Netanyahu, Modi are following his footsteps today.

    To be honest, I found this image and wanted to know if it was actually said by him. But people started criticizing me that I shouldn’t post anything about anything said by Hitler. They even said that “Everything is wrong with it. I would not trust anything a man like that says- thus undermining the actual good in that statement by quoting such a personality. Does more harm than good.”

    I understand that Islam doesn’t need quotes of famous people to demand respect for itself or Prophet Muhammad SAW. But does Islam teaches us to condemn the non-Muslims appreciating Islam no matter how they are/were in their actual life?

    • Munnoo Khan

      Member April 6, 2021 at 3:38 pm

      Dear Najia,

      Please view this image’s political implications. Non-Muslim do not leave any opportunity to defame Islam. They would present this image and say “look, Hilter’s did all these mischief on this earth because his role model was Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Then they would defame (nauzobillah) our Prophet Muhammad pbuh. In front of those who have very limited knowledge about Islam and Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

      Why you want to give this opportunity to non-Muslims? If you wish to quote non-Muslims favourable comments about Islam, you can find many well know personalities who wrote good about Islam. Why hitler?

    • Najia Tariq

      Member April 6, 2021 at 3:51 pm

      Okay I think I’m unable to understand how it defames Islam.

      Firstly, I don’t know if Hitler really appreciated Islam or prophet and I don’t really have any resources to prove whether he said it or not.

      Secondly, no matter how worse a human he was, he did appreciate Islam (if this quote was actually said by him). So what was he thinking, what was his intention, I could never learn that as well. But is it okay to doubt anyone’s intentions?

      Let’s say if Modi stand today and condemn France for making fun of our prophet نعوذباللہ does it mean we Muslims will ask modi to shut up coz he has no right to condemn France because he himself has been brutally worse for Kashmiri Muslims?

  • Najia Tariq

    Member April 6, 2021 at 3:27 pm

    Please I’d really request to have a knowledgeable scholar like Ghamidi sahab’s opinion.

    Thank you

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator April 6, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    I have learnt from Ghamidi sahab for almost a decade and a half, and while his direct response will be much more eloquent, in my opinion the gist of it won’t be much different from what I have stated above.

    That said, if you would like to have a chance to directly ask Ghamidi sahab, please feel free to register for the next Ask Ghamidi Live event.

    Discussion 46336

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