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Forums Forums General Discussions Proof That Isa عليه السلام Is The Messiah?

  • Proof That Isa عليه السلام Is The Messiah?

    Posted by A Hasan on April 10, 2021 at 7:03 pm

    What are some evidences for this? Because the Quran doesn’t comment on the evidences and classical jews would posit that the tanakh doesn’t allow isa عليه السلام to be the messiah and that tigers and cattle were supposed to lie with one another snd babies were to play with snakes as the world is rid for war.

    Ammar Raja Bhoj replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Proof That Isa عليه السلام Is The Messiah?

  • A Hasan

    Contributor April 11, 2021 at 1:02 pm
  • Munnoo Khan

    Member April 11, 2021 at 2:45 pm

    Jew’s holy books are altered, hence the conditions being presented by Jews as evidence for true Messiah has no value. They can add or subtract whatever conditions, Qur’an has already testified Hazrat Esa as true Mesiah. Qur’an is not not a book of debates it is emphasis is on guidance and NOT to prove others hypothesis as wrong.

    Mohsin Khan: And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) but must believe in him [‘Îsa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), as only a Messenger of Allah and a human being] before his [‘Îsa (Jesus) عليه السلام) or a Jew’s or a Christian’s] death (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he [‘Îsa (Jesus)] will be a witness against them.

    (Qur’an 4:59)

    یہودی کی مقدس کتابوں میں ردوبدل ہے ، لہذا یہودیوں کے ذریعہ سچے مسیحا کے ثبوت کے طور پر پیش کیے جانے والے حالات کی کوئی اہمیت نہیں ہے۔ وہ جو بھی شرائط شامل کرسکتے ہیں یا منقطع کرسکتے ہیں ، قرآن نے پہلے ہی حضرت عیسیٰ کو سچی مسیحا کی حیثیت سے گواہی دی ہے۔ قرآن مباحثوں کی کتاب نہیں ہے اس میں زور دیا گیا ہے ہدایت پر ، یہ دوسروں کی تمام قیاس آرائیاں کو غلط ثابت کرنے کے لئے نہیں ہوئی ہے ۔

  • A Hasan

    Contributor April 27, 2021 at 2:16 am

    Yes but the Quran tells the jews to read the Torah. Of course the Jews of today aren’t the same as the Jews 2000 years ago and their arguments seem to be from the actual torah itself according to them. So what can we say to them?

  • Ammar Raja Bhoj

    Member April 27, 2021 at 5:47 am


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