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  • عورت کو کب انسان سمجھا جائے گا

    Posted by Bushra on April 20, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    Hi. I am completely distressed by this issue and want to see what ghamidi sahb says about this shikwa.

    Jab se civilization ka aghaaz hua, tab se pata nahi kisnay ye rule bana lia k aurat ko insan nae smjhna. Usay mard ki ghulami krni hai aur uski zindagi har tareekay se ghuttan ki zindagi banani hai. Dunya me kae mazhab aye aur gae lekin aj tak ksi mazhab ne bhi aurat ko mukammal insan nae smjha aur ye baat bilkul durust hai agar insan yaktarfa hue bger analysis kre.

    Dunya k tamam mazahib ki sari interpretation majority mardun ne ki hai aur sari interpretation aesi ki hai jis se mard ko faida ho. Aese me ye baat vague hojati k kia khuda ki aema par ye sab aesa hai ya ksi mard ki tang nazri hai. Zindagi k har aik pehlu me aurat ko ghulaam bnaya gaya, kabhi bhae ka kabhi baap ka kabhi shohar. Shohar ko khulli azadi k vo jitni chahay shaadiyan kre magar aurat k hissay me srf shadi na krnay ki daleelain. Mard ka islam behad asan hai jabkay aurat ka islam kam se kam is dunya ne shadeed mushkil bnaya hua. Mainstream muslims k mutabik aurat na bhaag skti hai, na bike chala skti hai, na wali k bger shadi kr skti hai, na talak de skti hai, na bahir ja skti hai without mehram, na mardun k barabar job krskti hai, park me tehlnay ki ijazat srf mardun ko hai baki auratun ko sans lena allow kia hua vahi kafi hai. Mard sarkun par naach bhi skta hai magar aurat agar apnay haq k lie avaz bhi uthae to badchalan. Aurat chahay PHD kr le, mard se laakh darjay zyada zaheen ho magar mainstream muslims k mutabik vo naqis ul akal hai kiunkay Islam aesa kehta hai. Husband hargiz na bardasht kre apni bivi ko share krna magar aurat ko dusri shadi bardasht krnay ka zimadar theraya.

    Beshak is sab discrimination ki laakh daleelen di jaen, sach to ye hai k daleelain dene vala koi bhi mard aesi pabandiyun aur ghuttan ki zindagi na bardasht kr ske jo aurat krti hai.

    Khuda se ye shikwa hmesha rahega aur uska insaf tab tak pura nae hoga jab tak bilkul aik aur aesi hi dunya qayamat k baad bnae jae jismay roles reverse hojaen aur mardun ko vo sab jhelna pare jo aurat k saath unho ne is dunya me kiya. Srf tabhi insaaf ka taqaza pura hoskta hai. Mere is shikway ka jawab ghamidi sahab please zror de dain.

    Saira Qureshi replied 3 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • عورت کو کب انسان سمجھا جائے گا

    Saira Qureshi updated 3 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 17 Replies
  • Saira Qureshi

    Member April 20, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    میری بھی غامدی صاحب سے درخواست ہے کہ اس مسئلہ پہ تفصیل سے اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں

  • Ahsan

    Moderator April 21, 2021 at 12:43 am

    Kindly go through this thread to get answer to many points you raised
    Discussion 43839

    • Bushra

      Member April 21, 2021 at 4:19 am

      I have gone through most of the videos. Let me rephrase my question:

      Nearly all the interpretations of religion have been done by men in history. We know that throughout the history of mankind, there has been a bias against women and women are not considered equal. So why should we accept the interpretation of men when there is a high chance that the interpretation will be biased as evident in case of imam ghazali and almost all islamic scholars other than ghamidi who don’t consider women as equal.

    • Ahsan

      Moderator April 22, 2021 at 3:14 am

      Either approach this problem with theology or evolutionary biology, there has been reasons to undermine women.
      Islam only require you to follow Quran o sunnah. If you find a particular scholar better, you can follow him or her.

      P.S. I am still unable to understand your question clearly.

    • Bushra

      Member April 24, 2021 at 7:27 pm

      We have seen many great scholars throughout the Islamic history. All of them have written about what women should and should not do. Why isn’t there any women scholars in islamic history? Why haven’t they written about what men should and should not do?

      Why are there no muslim women scholars and their interpretations about the religion that we can follow? It’s well observed that patriarchy has always been part of every culture and the same concepts of patriarchy are reflected in religious interpretation by men.

    • Nadeem

      Member April 24, 2021 at 7:58 pm

      Sister Bushra, perhaps you asked a good question and you should find the answer why there had been no big women scholar. I see some on you tube, but why more women can get Masters degree in science than men, but why they don’t in religion.

  • Fatima

    Member April 21, 2021 at 6:25 am
  • ودود

    Member April 21, 2021 at 7:08 pm

    Many scholars have confused roles with gender. Simply separate the two and you’ll find answers to most of your concerns.

    2ndly, not everything that we see in our culture is Islamic. You need to separate culture and religion too.

    • Nadeem

      Member April 24, 2021 at 7:59 pm

      I agree brother Wadood.

  • Nadeem

    Member April 22, 2021 at 3:41 am

    Well this is a valid question but it is not man and woman issue. Making this a gender issue is completely unfair and misplaced. It is definitely not a religious issue.

    This is an issue of strong and weak, powerful and helpless and rich and poor.

    Take the gender out and observe how women treat women and how men treat men when there is a difference in power, strength and money.

    Regardless of religion or country, this behavior is exactly the same.

    See this video that shows how Islam gives rights to women and no responsibilities. All responsibilities are on men. If Muslims don’t follow religion, then it is human issue.

    By the way to answer your question when a woman will be treated as a human… the answer is when women will be more powerful than men. But then they will equally abuse men in the same way as men abuse women now.

    I have personally experienced this.

    • majid latif awan

      Member April 22, 2021 at 4:30 am

      Well explained !

    • Nadeem

      Member April 22, 2021 at 6:46 am

      I would like to add to my answer above and state that women will be treated well in two conditions. Either they become more stronger, powerful and wealthier than men or both men and women start following Islam.

    • Bushra

      Member April 24, 2021 at 7:30 pm

      I disagree. When power is held by one person, one class, one social group then it always abuses that power. However if the power is distributed among human classes then a just society can be built. Same is the case with gender. No gender should have greater power over the other, everyone should have equal power; only then justice will prevail and everyone will be considered an equal human being.

    • Nadeem

      Member April 24, 2021 at 7:53 pm

      Sister Biya, power will always be held by one person or there will be wars until it is achieved. Where in the world do you see two presidents of a state, where do you see two presidents of an organization. I have lived most of my life in Western society. Even here there is apparent facade of couple making decisions. Even in the best and most educated families, one of the spouse naturally takes the leadership role and makes most of the decisions or has an influencing personality. Even in gay couples, one person naturally takes the lead role. In the best situations, power is divided such a way that one makes decision for certain sets of matters and the other for other matters. Simply the family splits into two business units and each spouse becomes president of his or her business unit.

  • Bushra

    Member April 24, 2021 at 7:20 pm

    Ghamidi sahab says Islam nips the evil in the bud or in his own words akhri darjay par jakar bandish lgata.

    The system that Islam suggest according to him is the one where men are head of the house and wives are obedient to the head. The reasons he gives for this narrative look justified only in case of utopian society where men do not abuse their power to discriminate against women. However in practical life, even a slight deviation from this utopian concept results in advantage to men and injustice towards women e.g. men use their power as a leader of house to beat(in worst case) and control lives of women in the house. Same thing is replicated on a bigger level in society as well. My question is, why doesn’t Islam nip the evil in the bud in this case? Why is that the system it proposes gives some relief only in a utopia and in practical life even a slight deviation from it results in injustice towards women?

    • Nadeem

      Member April 25, 2021 at 12:01 am

      Sister Bushra, Let’s for a moment forget about religion. The situation you are mentioning is exactly the same or worse in other third world non Muslim countries.

      As I said it is not the religion that is causing it, but lack of religion.

      The suggestion you mentioned is in fact utopia where everyone treats everyone with love and respect. The powerful and the helpless, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, all living in harmony.

      When in the human history did this happen?

      The religion guides people to live this way, but only a few follow the religion.

  • Saira Qureshi

    Member April 25, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    I agree with Nadeem sb. Culture is the one responsible for this injustice and not Islam. Islam guides people but how many follow Islam. Look at the slavery. Quran abolished it clearly 1442 years ago, but we saw it till 1962 in Saudi Arabia 😊. Who is to blame ??

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