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Forums Forums World Religions Disappearance Of Laws In Christianity And The Fate Of Islam

  • Disappearance Of Laws In Christianity And The Fate Of Islam

    Posted by Sohail Kouser on April 22, 2021 at 3:33 pm


    Christianity once the dominant force in Europe has been reduced to private life. Laws completely opposite to the teachings of Christianity such as gay marriage, lgbtq, common law partners, abolishing death penalty , women rights, etc etc are common place and widely accepted and respected.

    Is Islam and Muslims also going the same path , and the change is further expedited by globalization. ?


    Haris Virk replied 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Disappearance Of Laws In Christianity And The Fate Of Islam

    Haris Virk updated 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • Haris Virk

    Moderator April 22, 2021 at 4:22 pm

    Assalam-u-Alaikum! I think it’s important to not overlook the politico-religious differences and particular historical context within which changes like these take place. While it is true that globalization has, in some ways, accelerated the flow of liberal and secular ideas across the world, sometimes through soft power and sometimes through coercion, it is equally agreed upon that there have appeared extreme reactions against such ideas, especially from the Global South and the Muslim-majority countries.

    The following discussion might be fruitful in understanding the difference between the context of Christianity and Islam, and why the two cannot go towards the same path in terms of abrogation of laws/Shariah: From 30:38 to 44:42

    • Sohail Kouser

      Member April 22, 2021 at 4:36 pm


      Its amazing how strikingly similar the situations of both these religions are .

      Just as Christianity was sectarian, anti science, the nexus of the clerics and the King, holy wars , supernatural views like magic and witch hunting, ritualistic etc etc to name a few Muslims and Islam are going through the same situation.

      Christianity could not withstand the onslaught of progressive ideas and has not been reduced to private sphere and to the pope in the Vatican atleast in majority of western countries.

      If the mainstream muslims were responding with logic and reasoning there was hope but in majority of cases its just violent stifling of freedom of thinking and ideas which now can’t be stopped because of social media and globalization.

      So it looks its just a matter of time and its a pipe dream that we muslims can stop this on slaught with the type of intellectuals we have.


    • Haris Virk

      Moderator April 22, 2021 at 5:03 pm

      So, as I see it, there are two distinctions which we need to draw here:

      A) In terms of the overall social behaviors, it seems plausible that we’ll gradually move towards greater tolerance and peaceful coexistence with different communities. (At least, that’s what I hope so, despite the resurgence of populism and right-wing politics across the world). Similarly, we will do away with cultural problems like misogyny, which have nothing to do with religion. In that area, we are definitely doing a lot better now and hopefully the situation will drastically change with more education and rise of awareness owing to exposure to mass media and so on.

      B) In terms of religious obligations and shariah, there is no way that they are going to get disappeared due to globalization or increased contact with the West. Why they disappeared in Christianity is explained in the video I shared by Ghamidi sahab wherein he discusses the role of Saint Paul, a religious authority, in abrogating the religious laws in Christianity long before Reformation and globalization.

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