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What Is Hukm For Fard And Sunnah
Posted by Ahmad Zia Jamili on May 18, 2021 at 6:32 amDear Sir,
as ustad ghamidi says that prayer, haj, zakat, Qurbani is Sunnah then what is Fard could you provide example for it, moreover what is difference between Hukm “حکم” of neglecting Fard “فرض” and Sunnah “سنه” ?
Fahad Iqbal replied 3 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
What Is Hukm For Fard And Sunnah
Moderator May 18, 2021 at 7:17 amFollowing thread will be helpful for you
Discussion 46106-
Ahmad Zia Jamili
Member June 3, 2021 at 2:15 amThank You
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 18, 2021 at 9:37 amPeace.
Sunnah: The Establish way/procedure or method to perform Farz/Faraiz of Islam established by Prophet Mohammad. Example: Method of Praying Salat, Giving Zakaat, Performing Hajj and Fasting. All these methods are Sunnat e Rasool.
Farz: The Compulsory part of Deen e islam. One which is Obligatory and for which we are answerable to God on the Day of Qiyamat.
Nafl: The Optional Part of Deen. One which is not Obligatory and for which we are not responsible on the day Qiyamat.
God Bless.
Ahmad Zia Jamili
Member June 3, 2021 at 2:16 amThanks you so much for clarifications
Moderator May 18, 2021 at 5:39 pmSunnah is an independent source of religion and has the same religious sanctity as Quran. To understand further, please see:
Discussion 49769 • Reply 49794
Principles of Determining The Sunnah:
Among these Sunnah, some are farz like Salah, Hajj, Zakat (subject to some conditions) and some are mustahab (nafal with emphasis or recommended) like matters of customs and etiquettes, Qurbaani (animal sacrifice). To understand which are farz and which are optional, please refer to following response by Hassan Sahab:
Discussion 46106 • Reply 46728
Meaning of ijma and Tawatur in the context of Sunnah and how to trace it:
To understand how is this determined which Sunnah are farz and which are optional from ijma and tawatur, please refer to following response by Ghamidi Sahab:
Ahmad Zia Jamili
Member May 31, 2021 at 11:23 pmThen what about Qurbani and method of Qurbani is Qurbani Fard and method of Qurbani is sunnah ?
Fahad Iqbal
Member June 1, 2021 at 12:08 amQurbani is a Nafl Ibadat when done in isolation at home for Aqeeqa or Eid ul Azha etc.
But it becomes a Farz ibadat while performing Hajj as its a part of Hajj Ritual.
The method of Qurbani i.e. Zabiha is Sunnat which is: 1) Saying Bismilah before Sacrifice(Tamiya) 2) The person doing zabiha must believe in oneness of God,(Tawheed) 3) Removing the animal’s blood during Qurbani.(Tazkiya)
Moderator June 1, 2021 at 7:36 pmQurbani is a nafal ibadah (optional ritual) whether it be done in hajj or in any other event.
Ahmad Zia Jamili
Member June 3, 2021 at 2:08 amThank you so much for the answers and clarifications.
Fahad Iqbal
Member June 3, 2021 at 10:36 amAlways a pleasure to satisfy people here with simple common sensical answers. 🙂
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