Participating In Employee Stock Purchase Plans
Assalamu Alaikum
I know that we cannot purchase shares and invest in companies that deals in haram things for example betting and alcohol companies etc.
However I am confused about companies that provide services. I work for a company that provides IT services to clients. Clients can be any other company. I can choose which client I work with. So far Alhamdulilah I have only worked with a client that helps people in need and the client does not do anything that’s haram. But my company do have certain clients that deal in haram things like betting and alcohol. My client pays day rate for my services to my employer and my employer pays me salary. I dont consider that haram because I dont work with those haram companies directly. However my company offers shares to employees on discounted rate. My question is can I enroll in this scheme and buy shares in the company I work for? knowing that my company also has clients whose business is haram?
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