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Is Religion A Human Creation?
Posted by Arsalan Riaz on May 25, 2021 at 8:13 amWas religion created to control the humans ? The theory is that thousands of years ago some very wise people thought about creating a ‘god’ so that people become fearful of it and can be controlled.
ودود replied 3 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Is Religion A Human Creation?
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 25, 2021 at 9:54 amIf religion is a human creation then surely we would have evidence that in the beginning people had no religion. Every theory is just a pigment of imagination unless supported by evidence.
Moderator May 25, 2021 at 7:21 pmFollowing video covers this question to great extent, please refer to the video below from 3:03 to 10:53
Alternative Link: ilm-o-Hikmat 12-03-2017
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 1:07 amReligion was created by whom? By a few Prophets?(124,000 according to a weak tradition in a population of Billions) and How did religion had such a grasp on So many People. Did they lack the common sense and intellect to grasp that religion is a force for control and not truth? How do Billions of people believe in religion today in the Presence of Scientific Progress? Are they brainwashed too?
Are We Naturally inclined or biologically evolved to believe in a Creator?
Some questions to Ponder over…
Member May 28, 2021 at 3:45 amNot sure about other religions, but Islam asks you to ponder, seek truth and use logic which is aligned with the scientific way of learning. Why would someone who wants to control people encourage them to think independently and not to follow anyone blindly for love or fear? That’s why Islam cannot be a man made religion.
Member May 26, 2021 at 3:58 pmFor me sacred scriptures are a proof Religion is not a human creation. Without the scriptures it would have been impossible to know.
Mohammad Yaseen
Contributor May 28, 2021 at 7:42 amIn the name of Allah, the greatest guide.
As I see it!
I have analyzed, in my own way, that there is a want and a need.
The need is water, food, and shelter, and I will come to God later.
Nature provided necessary provisions for the survival of human beings, in the environment they were growing up in, evolving. These are the necessary needs of a life form.
One can have a life without good health, and that is a tough life. Health seems vital to stay away from despair and depression and finally from death. Hence, it is crucial for the survival of the species. We can call health as essential need number 1 for “life.”
For this “life with health,” there are certain indispensable elements.
There can’t be any life without water. The water is the simplest thing, which is the source of life, which is the sustenance of life, which is the propagator of life. This is the need we have. We didn’t create water, it exists. The subsequent comprehension would be, are all the liquids essential for life! For example, soft drinks, alcohol, juices, etc. We can say that these are drinks but, these are not essential for life; instead, they are toxic and unhealthy. Nature did not produce them; we did. We created a want from a need by appealing to the senses.
We can trace water and life to the beginning.
There is an essential requirement for life in the form of energy, and it must be continuous. Nature provided certain types of food that are necessary for life and health. Then we made a want from a need and designed our own edibles, which are 90% of the time detrimental to the human species. Exhibit A: junk food. Food exists, we didn’t create it!
We can trace water and food, and life to the beginning.
This is so self-explanatory, if thought of, as following the same idea as in the above two categories. We made this need into a want as well.
We can trace water and food and shelter, and life to the beginning.
I see a pattern here. I want to explore it further. It is this. What nature gave was a need and it existed, and we corrupted it—distorted it—created disharmony in the life form.
We also know that humans, who believe, have a better chance of survival and recovery from disease and hopelessness. We also see the existence of deity or deities worldwide, from the remotest to the advanced, from today into the past. Reverse engineer this, and we will find the first man and the first God, just like we reverse engineer and reach the first organic, replicating molecule. God is a need and exists, we did not create him!
We can trace water and food and shelter and God and life to the beginning.
Life without God will have a depressing death and not congenial for the survival of a species. Realizing this, humans have tried to meditate and ponder to bring solace to the mind that is yearning for a creator. We have brought forth this idea that a deity is not essential for meditation and spirituality without God is attainable, but, if forced upon the average person, how will he focus, and how many will be able to that. God gives focus and that improves meditation for one.
We have survived over ages through religion and God. This, in perspective to the human as a species, is a necessity, a need, not a want. Like everything else, humans want to corrupt this need as well. They label it as a want and create godlessness as corruption.
Needs are real not created!
And God knows best.
Member May 29, 2021 at 10:21 pmBro @yaseen, the question is if the religion of Islam is man made – you are trying to answer if the concept of God is man made. That’s not the same question.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 30, 2021 at 6:11 amTraditional Islam as professed by Muslims today is indeed man made. Following beliefs have no basis in the Quran itself.
1) The Concept of Khalifate/Caliphate, preached by Sunni Muslim Scholars.
2) The Concept of Imamate, preached by Shia Muslim Scholars.
3) The Concept of Tazkiya e Nafs/Purification of Self, preached by Sufi Muslim Scholars.
4) Blind Following of Tradition preached by both Sunni & Shia Muslim Scholars. Using independent thinking through Intellect/common sense is tantamount to following the ways of Devil/Satan/Iblees/Shytaan in these ideologies.
These Beliefs and many others have caused doubt on the reliability of Quran as a divine text. I only mentioned these few since these are professed as the “Only True Purpose” of Islam without whom one would leave the fold of Islam essentially becoming a Murtad/Apostate.
Member May 30, 2021 at 9:21 pmWe need to keep the following distinctions in mind while talking about any religion
1. the religion
2. the understanding or interpretation of the religion
3. the followers of the religion and the way they follow and practice their understanding.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 31, 2021 at 6:13 amWhile it is important to make these distinctions, its equally important to remind that we cannot reach 100% purest form of islam but rather only relatively close or closer…
The reason is that human beings are bound to make errors. And There is no Prophet among us to identify the true islam from the false one.
Truth is relative with respect to every person’s mindset/rational and logic.
Absolute truth only resides with Allah or His Messenger, Both of these sources are not available to us.
Member June 2, 2021 at 8:08 amTrue 👍🏻
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