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Praising Allah During Hard Times
Posted by Shehar Bano on May 26, 2021 at 2:33 amHow can we praise Allah (do ‘hamd’) during times of extreme suffering or traumatic experiences (e.g. painful illness, war, physical torture, rape etc.)?
Shehar Bano replied 3 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Praising Allah During Hard Times
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 4:51 amBy looking around. Paying close attention. Seeing different people around us especially those who are in relatively more pain and suffering than us. Only than can we realize the blessings of Allah upon us and truly thank him for his mercy.
Secondly look towards the examples of Prophets in the Quran. How did Prophet Ayub behave for example in tremendous suffering. Utmost Patience and Sincere Prayer. Realizing this calamity is from Allah and only He can alleviate it. Realize that Suffering is a Test, a trial and Tribulation from God to see if we are Faithful, thankful and patient even in difficult times. The Only way to Succeed in this test is Not to fall in Despair. Not to give yourself in the hands of Evil & Satan. Be steadfast and Upright and righteous. Do your Best & leave the ret to God. Its only a matter of Time that suffering will be removed.
Shehar Bano
Member May 26, 2021 at 7:40 amI understand that we should strive to do Sabr during hard times, but I am struggling to understand how one can do Hamd (which we are required to do in every salat) during difficult times as it combines elements of praise and gratitude (Shukr) to Allah.
Most people find it easy to thank Allah when things are going well, but it’s not so easy to praise Allah while suffering from loss, persecution, or hardship. Perhaps the gratitude (Shukr) is not for the calamity itself, but emerges from trust in the greater good that Allah intends for the person if they persevere and hold on to Iman through trials. This is what I think, but I’ll appreciate more clarity on this topic.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 9:06 amWhat is Gratitude Towards Allah? Its an attitude. Its a whole different mindset. In fact its a way of living a decent life. We see examples of it daily in our life. Sometimes we see people in terrible conditions specially the poorest of the poor. but yet when we meet them, there is always calm and smile on their faces. That is how they keep their dignity and self respect intact. They dont want to give the impression that they are worthless beggars always crying for their needs but rather they want to show that they struggle and strive for themselves and Allah provides for them…Its a Hopeful Mindset. That at the end of the Day no matter what happens, Allah is there to look after them and protect and guide them through difficulty. It is as you said an attitude of complete trust in God. Its a Positive Message that helps to keep nihilistic, suicidal thoughts away and prevents despair from Life. Its an attitude that keeps one struggling to make his/her life worth living. We all are doing it on some level everyday. Struggling to make our today just a notch better than yesterday to make our future better..
We Meet some people in our lives who always have a positive outlook towards everything even in the most difficult of circumstances…When you ask them how are they… they always reply that they are thankful to God.(Alhumdulelah) For Everything… that Allah will make everything right… and that Allah will give them and Protect them….. Even though knowing fully well what they are being going through….
A rational person may ask what is there to be thankful about.. in such misery and pain. Better to Die or just commit suicide than to live in such horrifying and inhumane condition. But That is exactly the challenge of Human Free will. It wants to struggle, Survive, Adapt and chart a pursuit of happiness for itself. In these times little things of survival such as food, shelter, clothing for your children matter. after a hard day at work, A glass of water to quench one’s thirst becomes source of gratitude towards God. Sometimes Family and Friends become source of our praise for God. Little things that we take for Granted.
Most People actually Forget Allah altogether when things are going well. and attribute their well being to their own hardwork. rather than gratitude to Allah. However when things start to get bad they suddenly remember God. That God did this to them. They are in bad luck etc etc. For Man is ungrateful. He Forgets Allah in Good and remembers him in bad situation.
Saiyed juned Alimiya
Member May 26, 2021 at 10:12 amAccording to prophet yunus lailaha illa inta subahanaka inni kunto minaz zalemin. Prophet ibrahim habonallahu nemal vakil prophet Mohammad saw ya haiyun kaiyum berahmarika astagis
Shehar Bano
Member May 26, 2021 at 12:56 pmThanks for your input, Jizakallah.
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 26, 2021 at 6:45 pmWe must holistically understand our lives which includes a small portion on this earth and a huge portion thereof in the hereafter. Additionally, we must also understand that this life is given to us on the principle ibtila (trial). Even after humans have advanced in so many different ways today, there’s not a single soul on this earth who can claim that they are immune to pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is the essence of this life. Once we understand this and that God has not only given us this test but also the resilience to deal with it, and that as a result of this test He will grant us a a reward beyond our imagination, then praise and gratitude comes all but naturally.
For further details about ibtila please refer to:
Shehar Bano
Member June 4, 2021 at 4:07 amThanks, Jizakallah
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