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Flawless Arguments In Support Of Prophethood
Posted by Sohail Kouser on May 26, 2021 at 12:48 pmSalaam,
To say that God is communicating with a human being is an extremely serious claim so the arguments that God is actually doing this must also be flawless.
What are the strongest arguments that Prophet Muhammad was actually communicating with the true God and not that his mind was talking to him or something else was happening .
In short, what are the flawless and strongest arguments in support of such an extremely serious claim?
Faisal Haroon replied 3 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 31 Replies -
31 Replies
Flawless Arguments In Support Of Prophethood
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 2:07 pmSalam.
Its like asking flawless arguments in support of existence of God.
First you need to examine whether or not there is a God. You also need to ask yourself if you personally believe in God or not. Do you have arguments & reasons in support of your belief or not? (Whatever you believe, whether Islam or Atheism, it doesn’t matter, but there must be strong reason to believe in it..)
If you already have strong reasons to believe in God Than it will be relatively easy to understand the Concept of Revelation. The concept of Prophethood is tied to the concept of God. Prophethood is a consequence of the existence of Almighty God. Secondly you also need to ponder over your “concept” of God & His “Attributes”. If God is “All Powerful” than can he communicate with his chosen human beings or not…? Or Is God “limited” in his Power to communicate..?
The Basic point is: no one really understands the concept of Revelation except that it is a “Will of God” only “experienced” by the Prophets. The ordinary human beings have no access to this special knowledge/experience and neither the Prophets told us its exact nature and functioning or characteristics…
Again its like asking How do the Miracles mentioned in the Quran actually happened..? What is Rooh(Soul/Spirit)? How do Angels communicate with God & Prophets? etc etc
All these Metaphysical Questions and Realities are shrouded in Mystery only known to God. We are limited by our experience here and hence we don’t know. At least I am truly Agnostic on these Questions.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 26, 2021 at 2:12 pmBro, what irrefutable arguments we can present that the real God was actually communicating with Prophet Muhammad . I am asking for concrete arguments that can withstand the rigor of academia because the claim is a very serious one with consequences.
Member May 26, 2021 at 2:59 pmFor me the answer to this question is Quran. No human of that time can possibly write it on his own. Not possible.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 26, 2021 at 3:32 pmIts a subjective statement.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 3:44 pmFirst you need to define what is irrefutable? If you mean concrete scientific evidence that can be shown and tested in a Scientific Laboratory. Than the answer is a resounding NO. Revelation cannot be shown or tested in a Lab for experiments or for Proof of its existence. Quran is a work of literature with specific audience in a specific period in history when there was no “Science” to begin with.
But If you mean a rational argument that can be understood through common sense and intellect. Than yes. Quran presents several. And by rational i mean the arguments from the Quran itself and History of which common sense dictates that must have come from a Divine source. I will just mention one of them which fascinates me..
The Historical Argument:
There are no contradictions in the Quran. It is the only Prophetic Book on earth which is preserved in its Original language, Classical Arabic, from the Period of its Collection & Compilation i.e. 7th Century Arabia. The Bible on the other hand is not preserved in its original language and are translations of their Original texts which have been long lost. The Jewish Bible & Torah has been reconstructed and translated into Hebrew. The Original Classical Hebrew Text of Jewish bible does not exist. While the Christian Bible & Gospels(New Testament) has been translated into Coinage Greek from Aramaic. There are no original Aramaic texts of Gospels that survive. So in the case of the Christian Bible the language has been changed altogether. We Dont have the Original Languages of Either of these texts.
The Prophet Muhammad himself and his Audience were unlettered and illiterate Bedouin desert dwellers of Arabia who could not read or write. The Entire Tribal culture of Arabia was an Oral Culture. Folk tales, stories and legends were circulated throughout generations through word of mouth and poets who carried them forward through their poetry. And yet the Quran is the highest work of Arabic Literature which inspired the scholars to derive The principles of Arabic Grammar, Linguistics, Arabic Dictionary, Arabic Poetry etc from it. There are specific themes and Rhetorical devices in the Quran. The foundation of Arabic language rests upon the Quran..
Sohail Kouser
Member May 26, 2021 at 3:58 pmThanks for your reply.
If some work of literature is considered of a very high calibre , how does it prove it is from God ?
Also, if a book remains unaltered then it is also not a very concrete proof that it is from God.
Infact , the mere fact that it is open to all sort of interpretations confuses the common man and it goes against it.
It looks with all this our confidence level goes up somewhat; however, if we look so hard to proof something then we will find it probably in other books as well.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 5:08 pmThe sudden and spontaneous creation of a work of literature in a culture where ignorance & Illiteracy thrived for centuries does prove that this work did not come from an ordinary source. Its the context in which that work came into existence that is of utmost importance.
The Interpretation of a Book depends upon the preservation of the Original Text. If there is an Original Text(and not translations of that text as there are mistakes and changes while translating a text), in the Original Language close to the era of its creation than the mistake in the interpretation could be minimized and corrected with time. There will always be small mistakes while translating a Book as its a human endeavor but the Bigger message remains the same. Faith in Oneness of God, Prophets, Angels , Books, Judgement Day. Religious Acts of Salat, Saum, Hajj, Zakat are universally same on which there is consensus in the Muslim world.
But if there is no original text to begin with. Than the job of interpretation becomes irrelevant as there is no standard original text to compare it with. The Mistakes in the translated text, copied overtime through centuries, makes it almost impossible to reconstruct the original text and the message. That’s what exactly happened with the Christian Bible
Unless we find the evidence in other religious texts we can say with relative certainty that the text of the Quran is preserved in its Original Language unlike the Bible which is not or other religious books for that matter.
Lastly, the Personality of Prophet Mohammad is recorded in Establish historical era(630 A.D) in which History was carefully preserved in writing. Other Prophets like Jesus came in an era of Ancient History( 30 A.D) in which only few people could read and hence people could not preserve it.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 26, 2021 at 5:33 pmThanks a lot for your detailed reply.
Did not come from an ordinary source , still doesn’t prove that it came from the true God.
Also, what is bothering is the prevalent opinions among muslims that morality and laws of 7th century Arabia as universal which may also be a correct interpretation because no where in Quran it categorically says that these laws and social norms , and morality is a reformation of 7th century Arabia and humans can and should evolve with their intellect. So it looks Prophet Muhammad was a reformer and a genius with an internal voice dressing to him . Since these geniuses are born in centuries so we don’t have many examples of them.
Man has evolved advance and sophisticated social , political, economic without any reference to revelations so one would expect that God the Creator of universe would have done a better job.
Quran definitely is a revolutionary book for 7th century Arabia but the world has moved on with trial and error and is making mistakes but evolving.
Even if it is in original language there is no regulation of its interpretations and some of these interpretations are completely different from each other with all consequences , so why would God with His infinite knowledge send a book that is open to so much interpretations and confusion . And God has not given any mechanism for regulating its interpretations.
Thanks a lot
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 26, 2021 at 11:11 pmProve? How do you define proof? In what sense do you want proof? Direct Proof from God? Fine its a No. I didn’t receive any communication from God that the Quran present in my home is a Revelation from the Almighty. Indirect Proof from God? Sure. As an inference that the source may not be human in nature. Yes. As the Conditions of Arabia at that time: The various Superstitions, Barbaric tribal laws and Tribal Warfare could not possibly produce a piece of literature that became a benchmark of their language & Culture. The language which they were so proud of as its poetic significance. Its Humanly impossible. Now if the source isn’t human than there is room for only two possibilities: 1) Source is Divine 2) Source is Alien. I tend to trust the former as there is no evidence of Alien life forms yet.
Also how do you “prove” the existence of God. or for that matter “true” God? Do you have any arguments for the existence of God or its Non-existence? Plz enlighten me on this. Do you personally believe in a God? If you don’t than why not? What are the reasons of your Belief or Disbelief?
Regarding Morality and Moral laws in the Quran. These are two distinct issues. The Basic Morality/Ethics is universal in human nature. And doing something Immoral is a Sin. For example Adulatory/Fornication is a Sin and also morally/ethically reprehensible.
Now The Laws in the Quran are based on these Moral foundations. And they were implemented for peace and stability in the Tribal warfare culture. I do agree that these punishments’ and their severity was contextual to that period of human history in Bedouin Arabia. Initially the Criminal punishments of Blood money as ransom for killing, Stoning to death, Public lashes, Cutting off hands etc were Progressive in nature as they were meant to replace and prevent Barbaric practices Like Revenge Killing, Temporary Marriage, Theft and Rape in that society.
But today there is no need for these Laws as they are no longer applicable in today’s organized nation state with institutions of justice and reform. In my opinion these laws should be reformed and replaced either with Financial payment/compensation or Prison/Jail Time with judicial intervention through legislature in a democratic state. So i do agree that Humanity has evolved. But the Basic Morality: Protection and preservation of human life, Family Life, Property & Dignity have remained the same.
Quran is still relevant as a Book of guidance. We learn from the past. We also learn from the great personalities. Likewise we should learn from the Prophets as well. Their love for Poor and Orphans, their fight against the rich oppressors and their sacrifice for Truth is a universal Message that resonates with billions in this world.
The Regulation is no longer needed in interpreting the Text of the Quran. Quran was revealed in an era where the Human Being evolved to a stage, where it could use its conscious, intellect and basic common sense to understand the Message. There is no longer need of any Pope or Mufti for a Final authoritative interpretation of Quran. As the time goes on Experts will interpret the Quran according the needs of their time and place. That is the beauty of the Text.
The Final Authority was the Prophet himself and he died in 7th century. Now Your own intellect and conscious is a self regulator for truth… 🙂
Sohail Kouser
Member May 27, 2021 at 3:52 amSalaam
The Quran categorically says that those who do not judge according to God’s laws are , disbelievers and sinners ( kaafirun and faasiquun) so where is the room to say that these laws were applicable in 7th century Arabia .
And most importantly, this unregulation of the interpretion of the Quran has lead to chaos and mess resulting in sects, groups, etc each claiming that there interpretation is the ONLY TRUE one.
My question again is that why would God in all His knowledge leave his message (laws, etc) open to such controversy and appearing so confusing to the common man and leading to so much fasaad because of the interpretations of many groups each one legitimizing itself in the name of God and this point leads us that the maybe after all the source of Quran may not be the real true God.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 27, 2021 at 5:47 amThe Verse you are referring to is from Surah Al-Maidah, Ch:5, Verse:44 whose Translation is:
“Indeed, We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to Allah’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers.”
First, nowhere in this verse, it says that the Sharia punishments in the Quran are eternal in nature. Its talking about the general attitude of people towards the Revelation. God has revealed several things in the Quran and they must be read in context to understand and interpret the Message. Can we apply each and every law in the Quran upon the society literally and verbatim? The Quran gives the Right of Qisas(Personal Revenge) to tribes to avenge their losses to life and property from another tribe. Does this societal and Mob vengeance applicable even in islamic states? Saudi arabia or Iran? Of course Not. Of course this law was meant to satisfy the instincts of tribal justice and avoid tribal warfare. There are personal laws concerning modesty in the Quran but no punishment is ascribed in the Quran for violating them. So should the state impose hijab on women and punish those who violate it? Where is the specific law for that punishment? Similarly, Alcohol is prohibited in the Quran but No punishment is ascribed. And yet even secular states have laws regulating alcohol consumption. Which means in certain areas the scholars can do ijtihad(form a new opinion) from common sense and intellect and ascribe an alternative law & punishment even for these issues in today’s time.
Secondly, The Verse is addressing Specific audience. In this case the Jewish & Arab Tribal & Religious leaders of the Prophet’s Time and may be the Prophet himself. Indeed Allah’s Revelation was the only source of Law for those people during that time, which could bring peace, stability and security to people in a tribal culture. And diverting from that source/Revelation/Torah/Quran meant rampant killing, Tribal warfare, chaos and anarchy in the tribal society. Indeed The Alternative to this Divine law was barbaric Tribal Customs & practices of Arabs. and certainly I believe that in that time diverging from God’s law was tantamount to disbelief, Hypocrisy and ungratefulness from God’s Mercy & Compassion .
However today the Society is much more organized into institutions of Justice. and Hence we have an alternative to these Punishments in the Quran. Keeping the Moral Principles intact, we have a chance to reform the Sharia Punishments according to needs of the society, custom, today’s institutions and modern penal code punishments in the judicial system. The end goal of the Quran is to create a fair & just society and a clean decent people and not just the application of punishments.
The upregulation of interpretation hasn’t resulted in sects. Infact its the opposite. The Strict control over scriptural interpretations by one school and declaring the other school who disagree, as Disbelievers caused such chaos. Had Various schools of thought prevalent among Muslims been satisfied with their own interpretation and left the rest to God in Qiyamat these sects would not have created. This Race for the “True” Islam will never finish as there is no presence of Prophet Mohammad among us to settle this debate ones and for all for us that which Interpretation is the “Right” one. Hence the only way to know the True Islam is to wait for the Judgement Day. The only thing we can do is to sincerely pursue the truth even if it means diverting away from our culture and tradition. To follow the truth is to follow the evidence wherever it may take you using your God given intellect and common sense.
God left the message for the Human beings to interpret so that people are forced to think and ponder over the verses of Quran and gain wisdom. Quran wasn’t revealed on Animals or robots. It was revealed for people who use their intellect to understand the message.
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 26, 2021 at 6:19 pmPlease see the following discussion for details about faith and beliefs including that in the institution of prophethood and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar May 27, 2021 at 7:56 amThe ultimate proof of communication of God with Muhammad (PBUH) is Quran, the living evidence.
one needs to know how it is a living evidence/miracle, a non-human expression exists in our world.
I outline a few points to ponder:
1. Quran’s literary merit is very lofty. The prophet, who brought it afore, never showed any sign of his interest or skill in literature, books or knowledge. He never gave speeches, or compose poetry, the practices, prevalent during his time. He suddenly came up with an expression which stunned his audience.
2. Quran shows no traces of evolution of human thought in it. If it were from the prophet, it must have evolution of human thought process. It is consistent without fail in all its principles, basics and challenges.
3. Quran does not contain subjectivity of the prophet, his emotion, bitterness, resentments, triumph etc.
4. The predictions made by Quran came true as they were: like triumph of the prophet against his opponents, conquest of Makkah, victory of Byzantine over Persia etc.
5. Quran is preserved for ages with a CLAIM, not accidently, and it is the only incident in the human history that a book is preserved in words in such a manner that there is not a single doubt in its preservation. It was preserved at a time, when this was not possible.
5. The knowledge and information of the previous books of Bani Israel, are mentioned and referred by a book whose carrier (the prophet) could never read or learn those books.
6. In its essential teachings and rituals of Deen, Quran and the prophet are in complete agreement with the teachings and practices of previous prophet which were well documented and practiced by the “People of Book”, except for the things they innovated or extra liabilities they were inflicted with by God.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 27, 2021 at 12:25 pmSalaam
Are these arguments strong and good enough to support that the real God communicated with the Prophet ?
When we read the Quran with an open mind we come across these:contradictions of 6 days or 8 days creation of earth with our best efforts to reconcile it, confusion regarding evolution and creationism, Ibrahim (A.S) breaking of idols which is not tasteful in our current morality, references to jinns and magic which can be proved nor disproved like other mythical creatures, child like stories of jinns working for Prophet Suleiman, talud jalud fighting with sling shot, gog magog story with all sort of weird explanations, sadistic punishments in hell, multiple interpretations of laws and whether they are time bound or universal etc etc, etc . Does the book looks to be from the Creator of universe or from a 7th century God ?.
Yes, there are a few references which may appear to be advance and ahead of 7th century Arabia.
Also we are trying very hard to prove that it is from God. It looks that if we had done the same level of exertion with other scriptures or books we could have come with a list of supporting arguments.
Thanks a lot
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar May 27, 2021 at 12:54 pmThe points which I put forward can’t be refuted with some other points. You need to judge then first. The objections Like these are based on multiple confusions, disinformation, hasty conclusions and subjective approach of some minds.
The mind I am talking to seems to have an image of God of it’s own and it is not ready to accept a different God. God can’t be changed for anyone. He is what He is.
He punishes His sinners and Yes He does.
Rationality demands to see if God really exists that way or not. He has given proof of his existence in the form of this universe and religiuksu in the form of Quran which can’t be ignored.
Thanks and welcome
Member May 27, 2021 at 1:14 pmI would probably use one paper to write things that warrant Quran being Word of God and another paper with the contradictions you mentioned. I would read/listen to scholars for each contradiction with open mind. In the end I would compare and weigh two thoughts and make an educated guess.
Believing in God or his Word is through signs and is NOT supposed to be easy I guess, that is why it is a test and have a promised reward.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 27, 2021 at 1:29 pmI think its the responsibility of all religious scholars from all faiths and their countless sects, sub sects etc to first sit down and figure it out themselves and come to some consensus.
They call themselves experts so they owe to humanity to give clarification that how is it that their understanding of divinity and theology is so different from each other and everyone is claiming salvation for its followers and damnation for the rest. !! No wonder people have started taking them not seriously and religion at best is becoming a private affairs and usually irrelevant .
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 28, 2021 at 9:34 amIts actually the opposite of what you are suggesting brother. Its the responsibility of an individual to use his intellect, basic ethics and just basic common sense to judge which interpretation of religion best appeals to him as the Truth. God has given him Brain and thinking faculties. What the use of them if we only want to Blindly follow the scholars and not use our own brain. That’s what . Blind following of Scholars causes extremism and sectarianism. Use your God Gifted free will, freedom of choice and conscious to decide on your own. God created you free. and didn’t bind you into enslavement of particular scholars.
Furthermore, The Scholars will never agree on a particular interpretation. Creating a Consensus among scholars is a futile Exercise. It has never happened in 14 centuries and it never will. There is no Final Authority or an Ultimate judge to decide among them or force them on a consensus. The Prophet had that authority & could have united them. Now no one can.
I agree that the current traditional interpretation of islam prevalent in the Muslim world is inherently Regressive in nature. And the Traditional Scholars are responsible for instilling hatred in our youth in the name of Religion. However there are other scholars like Javed Ghamidi Sab who’s interpretations are Progressive in nature. Similarly Molana Waheed ud deen Khan Sab. etc. We should keep looking for alternative and fresh perspectives on Islam. That’s how we should renew our faith.
Secondly the Scholars Themselves are human beings. They can make humanly mistakes & They have the God given freedom to disagree with each other. Who are we to dictate to them to come on a consensus if they don’t want to. There is no Commandment in the Quran or the Hadith to build this kind of consensus among Muslim Scholars. So where would the incentive to unite come from? The only think we can appeal to our scholars is to present a message of unity among common Muslims themselves and present Quran as a common point that can unite all Muslims.
The issue of Salvation in the hereafter is left for God to decide On the Judgement day. Best leave it for Him and wait for that day.
Lets fulfill our personal responsibility instead of finger pointing towards the Scholars all the Time.
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 28, 2021 at 10:37 amSohail what you’re asking for is not only unrealistic, but it also goes against the test that this world is created for. In every field of knowledge, whether it be science, philosophy, theology, or anything else, there have been and always will be differences of opinion. It is this very dialectical nature of knowledge that propels it forward.
It’s not up to the scholars of each field of knowledge to come together and reconciles their differences so that we may have a unified understanding of everything. If that were the case then we would not be humans who have been given intellect and free will – we would instead be robots who simply followed instructions. In every field of knowledge, it is up to us to weigh evidences, accept what meets the criteria for truth, and reject the rest. This is a fundamental part of our test.
Quran 16:19
Translation by Asad
For, had God so willed, He could surely have made you all one single community; however, He lets go astray him that wills [to go astray], and guides aright him that wills [to be guided]; and you will surely be called to account for all that you ever did
“…religion at best is becoming a private affairs and usually irrelevant”
Religion is becoming irrelevant only to those who want the easy way out. They fail to realize what human being really is. They never look around and wonder in amazement about such a startling design and aesthetic sense behind everything in this universe. They don’t concern themselves about the deeper questions like what knowledge is or what truth really means. They see with their very own eyes the ‘magic’ of birth where matter turns into life and consciousness but never concern themselves about why. They know very well that despite all the wealth and advancement in science, no human ever is prone to pain and suffering; yet they conveniently reject the claim that life is a trial where everyone is bound to be tested. They would much rather believe that this universe came into existence merely by chance, the odds of which are statistically so negligible that for all intents and purposes it’s beyond impossible; yet they daringly deny life after death. Even science tells us that there is an enormous amount of unseen around us (Higgs field among other ideas), yet they raise an eyebrow about the invisible beings (angels and jinns) mentioned in the Quran. With all due respect, religion is not meant for such ignorant people. Quran is very clear right in the beginning that this book is only meant to guide those who are God conscious and believe in what is beyond human perception on the basis of evidence and intellect (Quran 2:2-3).
Sohail Kouser
Member May 28, 2021 at 11:18 amSalaam,
Yes there are references to a superb intelligence God in the physical universe .
The problems are in the details. Is it the God of Einstein, of Christianity, of Islam, etc etc or some other being we are totally unaware of ( unknown unlnown). All religious groups have different and contradictory ideas about salvation.
So its a personal journey i agree but most of the religions in history have used these very texts to commit horrendous crimes against humankind in the name of their respective God. Yes, there are other ideologies as well that have done the same in the name of nationalism, etc .
When something can’t be empirically proved then what is the basis of this confidence of each religious group about their version of God and on the top of it in history people were forced to accept their version of God
Respectfully some would argue that religion ( as understood by majority) is the easy way out for most because one doesn’t have to work hard or struggle. Why work hard when supplications will do the job. I know Ghamidi’s sb institute is different but its a fringe understanding. I was taking about mainstream religious understanding.
Thanks a lot
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 28, 2021 at 1:49 pmSohail, Can you empirically prove the concept of Love, Hate, Selfishness, Mercy, Cruelty, Compassion, Kindness, Hope, Despair, Anger, Respect, Dignity or Disrespect etc. ? Can you empirically show us the values of Peace, Justice, Sacrifice, Obedience, injustice, Gratitude, Beauty, Ugliness, Pure, Impurity etc anywhere in the world? Can you empirically prove these Moral & Aesthetic values? Let me remind you that these are the most vital values for human survival, existence and evolution on earth. If you cannot empirically prove them than may be you should change your mindset. looking only for hardcore evidence isn’t enough. sometimes you have to look beyond the Physical.
When nothing works for people they turn towards God and Pray. I don’t know about your personal experience or journey but for most of the people, God is the only ray of hope to turn to in times of pain & suffering. This world is generally selfish and unjust place to live in. Minus God, What is the Alternative hopeful message for people to believe in, who are on the verge of collapse?
Sohail Kouser
Member May 28, 2021 at 2:17 pmSalaam bro,
Yes there are functional aspects of believing in God or Gods. From our perspective hindus turning to their gods which gives them peace but from our perspective their gods are just figments of imagination!
Where is relieve coming from ? The answer is from scientific labs not from places of worship or religious people: science delivers and can be seen to deliver, not dubious claims and unverifiable claims of religions.
So the point is what is more rational : to follow science with its verifiable claims and improve it to solve human problems or to go after religions or versions of gods with all the confusion surrounding it and their unverifiable , conflicting and many times harmful claims packaged in religious wrappers.
Thanks a lot.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 28, 2021 at 3:03 pmCan Science solve the Problem of Pain and Suffering? Can Science stop ageing process and eliminate diseases? Can Science solve the problem of death? Can science make human beings eternal? Is eternal life for humans possible under current scientific advancement? Can Science prevent Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Cyclones that cause enormous death and destruction? Can Science stop Natural Disasters? Can Science solve emotional problems? Can Science eliminate hatred from Human mindset? Can Science stop Racism? Can Science reduce Misogyny? Can Scientific lab experiments make human beings youthful? Can Science convert old people back into their prime youth? Should i continue? Can Scientific labs create artificial babies without human male and female intervention? You got the point though.. the list is pretty long of what science hasn’t achieved yet and possibly may never achieve….
Please don’t get me wrong. Science has given tremendous benefits for people. It has helped them in progress, prolonging human life and increase the quality of life. But it has its own limitations. Don’t make it a new God.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 28, 2021 at 3:12 pmYes sir, science is moving very fast.
Test tube babies, organ transplants, etc are all realities even now. Who knows one day we will find the gene that will make us im mortal . Religious people are even now saying earth is stationary and science has taken vehicles to Mars.
I understand people need companionship, rituals, festivals, etc etc where religion and culture comes in.
How do we know our duas are answered. Even if we do no dua some things will still get done according to the science of probability.
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 28, 2021 at 4:44 pmTrust me, Religion will become irrelevant, the day scientists discover the gene that make human beings Immortal. Since Prophets & Revelation taught us that Immortality and Eternity is only achievable in the Afterlife and not this life. That is our ultimate purpose & reward for struggling in this world…
So i can promise you that…..Atleast i will leave my faith…..If i know that i can be cured from death and diseases. As there will be no point in believing in an eternal God or immortal Life for that matter…
But Till now i have not seen that happening. atleast not in the near future as i see no evidence of that…
Therefore lets just be rational and logical here. and not hasten in setting aside religion for humanity….
Also, Dua is a sign and symbol of Hope and trust in God…A Gratitude for God…. we dont do it for guarantees that our duas will solve our issues at ones. No. not at all. We do it so that we may move forward in life with an optimistic and positive outlook… That no matter what happens God is & will be always there to protect us and guide us…
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 28, 2021 at 12:07 pmI understand. As you correctly pointed out, religion is more of a personal journey. It’s a journey to uncover and surrender to the truth – whatever it may be, wherever it may come from, and regardless of what people around us are doing now or have done in the past.
The key to this is understanding what truth really means. It leads us to determining what knowledge is and what human sources as well as limitations of knowledge are. I have previously shared with you material in this regard so I won’t go into details.
Once it has been established that there’s an intelligent Creator behind this universe, then the next logical step is trying to figure out who that Creator might be, what His scheme is, and what does He want from us.
There’s only one source that we can tap into in order to progress in our journey – investigating those humans who call themselves prophets of God, claim to have communicated with Him, and tell us that they have a message for us from Him. Of course, we can’t just accept anyone with such tall claims so it’s completely logical that we would look for proofs of prophethood, which there are plenty.
Once we accept the institution of prophethood on the basis of evidence and conclude that Muhammad SAW was indeed a prophet of God, then it’s only logical that we surrender to the information that he gives us in the form of the Quran and the Sunnah. For anything that seems illogical, we must look for the proper justification or correct interpretation. This process is no different than what’s widely adopted in science or other fields of knowledge as well. One may ask why Muhammad SAW and why not Jesus AS, for example, but that question is not really relevant if we understand that all prophets and messengers were bearers of the same message, and that Muhammad SAW was the last of the messengers of God on earth.
If we sincerely follow this route while not getting distracted by the noise, I’m certain that we will reach the right conclusion. Even if we reach a wrong conclusion despite sincere effort, we have been guaranteed our due reward. There’s absolutely nothing to lose, except for our own biases, ego, ignorance, arrogance, and rebellious attitude towards the truth.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 28, 2021 at 12:18 pmThanks for your reply.
Just wanted to know that once a person has reached a conclusion that there is a very high probability of the existence of an Intelligence then why is prophethood the only source to progress in our journey. For example why can’t God establish a relationship with each of his creations and with no need for “organized religion” sent through prophethood.
Because God has put a moral compass in all of us and given intellect to all of us then human society can evolve and is evolving so what is the need of prophets and then all the related issues of multiple interpretations etc , etc, etc that come with revelations.
Thanks again
Fahad Iqbal
Member May 28, 2021 at 3:11 pmProphets are the source of knowledge for the next life. Life after death. They are the standard bearer of the bitter truth. The inevitability of death. The end of life as we know it. and the News that we will be subject to accountability on the Judgement day.
Humankind will always need the help of the Prophetic knowledge to gain wisdom about the meaning of death. If today science solves this problem of death & make human beings live forever in eternity than trust me there will be no need of Revelation or Prophets.
The Prophets are not meant to solve the issues of this world.
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 28, 2021 at 12:32 pmIt’s true that the very basis of religion (in fact all knowledge) is a-priori and that we all have been given a moral compass. However, our a-priori knowledge is very basic and doesn’t give us the information we need as I stated in my earlier response: figure out who the Creator is, what His scheme is, and what does He want from us. In order to obtain this information, we only have one source of knowledge, and that is the scripture. The scripture establishes itself on our existing sources of knowledge (empirical evidence, intellect, and established history), however, the only means to reach the scripture is through prophets.
I have shared the following resource with you before, and I realize that there’s a lot of information in it, but I strongly suggest that you take the time to go through it. It will really be worth your while.
Sohail Kouser
Member May 28, 2021 at 12:34 pmThank you for your detailed reply.
Faisal Haroon
Moderator May 28, 2021 at 6:21 pmThis discussion is side tracking from the original topic so it’s being closed. If you would like to discuss side issues, please don’t mind creating separate discussions starting with an objective question for each discussion.
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