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  • Malala Controversy

    Posted by Zuhair on June 3, 2021 at 4:33 am

    Recently, there is a controversy revolving around comments made by Malala in which she said that instead of signing contracts (nikkah) people can stay as partners in a partnership if they like each other. What is Islams counter narrative on this statement and people often ask such questions which further lead to the western concept of live in relationships etc, so how should such questions be dealt with?

    Haris Virk replied 3 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Malala Controversy

    Haris Virk updated 3 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • Muhammad Abdullah

    Member June 3, 2021 at 10:37 am

    The Quran has been very clear in its stance, “and do not go near to zina (fornication and adultery)”.

    With that restriction, one should be vigilant of all the steps/actions that can potentially lead to that act e.g., being alone in a remote place or within a house etc as it can lead to the blatantly prohibited act of sex outside marriage.

    With live-in-relationships, one is simply throwing this rule/prohibition away which makes it not allowed.

    Now, Nikah is also a live-in-relationship however, with the intention of staying together for the rest of the life and raise a family AND an open announcement of this intention. If any of these 2 requirements is missing then this won’t be a Nikah if both are being fulfilled in any way then no matter what you call it should be allowed.

  • Fahad Iqbal

    Member June 3, 2021 at 11:30 am

    Malala asked a valid question: “I still don’t understand why people have to get married. If you want to have a person in your life, why do you have to sign marriage papers, why can’t it just be a partnership?”

    We have to understand the difference between the two concepts:

    Nikkkah/Marriage: An institution to create a family, in which husband and wife bear responsibilities and rights over each other for raising their children in a protective environment/household. Hence to fulfil those obligations and rights, Marriage/Nikkah, contracts are compulsory so that the couple is held accountable in court of law on principles mentioned in the contract. The children have rights and privileges’ that must be ensured by parents. And similarly the parents have certain rights and responsibilities over children as clearly defined in the law.

    Partnership: Its usually referred to as “Living together without Marriage or Cohabitation or Free Union.”

    Cohabitation: Cohabitation is an arrangement where two people are not married but live together. They are often involved in a romantic or sexually intimate relationship on a long-term or permanent basis. Such arrangements have become increasingly common in Western countries since the late 20th century, being led by changing social views, especially regarding marriage, gender roles and religion.

    Free Union: A free union is a romantic union between two or more persons without legal or religious recognition or regulation. The term has been used since the late 19th century to describe a relationship into which all parties enter, remain, and depart freely. The free union is an alternative to, or rejection or criticism of marriage, viewing it as a form of slavery and human ownership, particularly for women. According to this concept, the free union of adults is a legitimate relationship that should be respected. A free union is made between two individuals, but each individual may have several unions of their own.

    Nowadays even Partnerships are sanctioned under law in certain EU countries. But the rights and responsibilities of couple and children are loosely defined as compared to Family Unions/Religious Marriages. The children are more likely to get insecure, ignored and abused in this relationship as their parents could easily drift away/get separated from each other. Although Partnerships are increasing in the West but the couples are less happier under Cohabitation while the couple in a marriage are more likely to be satisfied with their partner. Please refer to following articles and research for more information:

  • Shabana Khan

    Member June 3, 2021 at 11:37 am

    I have seen today video of javed ghamidi sir…… And I have one doubt will you please resolve it???

    • Fahad Iqbal

      Member June 3, 2021 at 12:35 pm

      Please share your doubts 🙂

  • Zuhair

    Member June 3, 2021 at 11:51 am

    I have the same opinion as Muhammad Abdullah but I need more info @UmerQureshi sir please respond

  • Haris Virk

    Moderator July 5, 2021 at 8:20 am

    For Ghamidi sahab’s comment on the issue, please refer to the following video from 37:21 to 43:12:

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