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  • Quran 49:13 – Identifying Oneself As A Muslim

    Posted by Altamash Ali on June 4, 2021 at 7:07 am

    Assalamu alaykum(peace be with u).. Heart Exclamation

    i Have came across to very simple and basic question..

    In Qur’an no where i have been commanded to attach the word ‘Muslim’ with me, the word ‘Muslim’ means ‘Submission’ that’s it… maybe in Classical history(last 1000 years) of the ‘people who claim to believe in Muhammadﷺ’ call themselve ‘Muslim’!! But do the companion of Prophet Called themselves ‘Muslim’ as a Community?

    i want to highlight some Ayahs of Qur’an :-

    And Abraham instructed his sons [to do the same] and [so did] Jacob, [saying], “O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims.” ~sahih international

    And Abraham enjoined the same upon his children, and so did Jacob: “My children! Behold, Allah has chosen this religion for you. Remain till death in submission (to Allah).” ~Tafheem-ul-Quran – Abul Ala Maududi

    -Quran 2:132

    yes, now doing tadabbur in it.. Abraham and his son Jacob said be ‘Muslim’ at the time of dying. So does Bani Jacob(israel) named themselves ‘Muslims’ or ‘Submitted’ in their language?? But what we see is They remained calling themselves by their Respected Tribe or Ancestor’s name

    Now let’s look, What Qur’an give hidayah to what to call us.. let’s see famous 49:13 Ayah.!

    O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Aware.

    So yes,, now looking back at what Bani israel did was according to this… they named themselved by their tribe not by Whether they are Muslim(submitted to God) or not.

    and u know Quran Says the one who is ‘Muslim’ will always 100% will go to to Heaven and will be on Successor.

    in ‘believers on Muhammadﷺ’ i think the arrogance that ‘they will inherit Heaven and they are successful’ has come from misunderstanding this word ‘Muslim’, while they are not Muslim as Whole As a COMMUNITY. yes some are really Muslim(submitted to God) but many are not submitted, some are Munafiq(hypocrite)..and we can never be able to know about any other person that whether they are Muslim(submitted) or not, we can’t look into anyone’s heart, so How can we call any other person ‘Muslim’?? and saying Muslim is that we are Guaranteeing that person that he will go to Heaven for sure. But we don’t know…

    near me, the word ‘Muslim’ seems like word ‘Hoor’. -Believers of Muhammadﷺ really misunderstands many things. these both words are adjective.

    So Question 1 ;- was companion of Prophetﷺ called themselves Muslim As a Community? or they just said ‘yes i am Muslim’ i submitted to God.

    Question 2 :- is it ok for myself to not call myself ‘Muslim’ AND only be know by my Ancestor’s or tribe’s name? as Commanded to me by Ayah 49:13

    Question 3 :- isn’t it hypocrisy(Munafiqat) that on the oneside u say a community ‘Muslim’ and then u say some ‘Muslims’ ‘submitter to God’ also will be in hell… ?? Where is God’s promise and his justice?? in this sentence?

    What Ghamidi Sahab had said is this… :- “Only getting registered as a Muslim is not enough to enter heaven.” source :-youtube Video

    The next words that i am going to tell u is From Qur’an itself!! read it

    Indeed, for the righteous with their Lord are the Gardens of Pleasure.

    Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals?

    What is [the matter] with you? How do you judge?

    Or do you have a scripture in which you learn

    That indeed for you is whatever you choose?

    -Quran 68:34-38

    pls, i will wait for my answers.. thanks..

    Faisal Haroon replied 3 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Quran 49:13 – Identifying Oneself As A Muslim

    Faisal Haroon updated 3 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 4, 2021 at 1:34 pm

    Every person has multiple identities, for example the family that they’re born into, their gender, their tribe, their country, their language, etc. Being a Muslim is also an identity. The word Muslimeen (الْمُسْلِمِينَ) is used many times in the Quran and the Hadith in their proper context. For example Quran 22:78 tells us that it was Prophet Abraham AS who named us Muslims.

    Quran 49:13 is not commanding us to let go of our Muslim identity, but in fact telling us that God has created different groups of people so that they can be identified. However, belonging to a certain group is no guarantee for salvation; it is righteousness instead.

    There’s no hypocrisy in some people from the Muslims community going to hell. Anyone who commits a crime, regardless of their beliefs can face God’s punishment. In fact, the sharia punishments in this world are also based on the same concept.

  • Altamash Ali

    Member June 5, 2021 at 7:45 am

    Salam..Slight Smile

    From the Above mentioned Things all the identities are related to Tribe, Except country!!.

    Do you know how a country come into Existence? If a person or group of person declare that this piece of land is “xyz Country” then it is.. .. and no one asks whether a Country exist in reality or not!! Did you see any border on Earth existed? Or borders are just imaginary lines on ‘Earth of God’ to separate people in the name of race, history or xyz reason..

    “Do not follow blindly what you do not know to be true: ears, eyes, and heart, you will be questioned about all these.۝

    -Quran 17:36

    And Certainly i do not born with identity of Country but, this label attach with me on the day i swear to be noble with Constitution of that xyz country

    “The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “A Muslim has to listen to and obey (the order of his ruler) whether he likes it or not, as long as his orders involve not one in disobedience (to Allah), but if an act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed one should not listen to it or obey it.”

    -Sahih al-Bukhari : 7144

    Now the Second thing..

    Yes, in this 22:78 Ayah, Ibraheem pbuh liked and named those “who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship their Lord and do good” (Quran 22:77) as ‘Muslim’

    and the detail is in 2:132 of how Ibraheem told his sons where he enjoined his Sons to be Muslim(Submitted) at time of dying, NOT TO CALL themselves ‘Muslim’ as a community.

    And it is clear too that it is Ibraheem that named Muslim for those who worship According to (Q 22:77)… Because in Quran the Word Muslim is only appeared with Musa, Sulayman, Isa & Muhammad (PBU them all) and They were all came After Ibraheem. & word ‘Muslim’ does not appear with Hud, Adam, Nooh, and all those who came before Ibraheem.

    So yeah if anyone “who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship their Lord and do good” (Quran 22:77) Call themselves Muslim then it’s Correct, and then it will be correct that Ibrahim chose this name for that person because of his These Acts

    So yeah, now let me tell you something that Whether Early ‘Follower of Muhammadﷺ’ called temselves Muslim or not? & whether Muhammadﷺ Called his People as ‘Muslim Community’

    Read this from Sahih al-Bukhari and it’s quite famous but read again..

    First, i want to ask the people who prayed with Prophetﷺ Were ‘Muslims’(as a community) right??? Now read..

    “The Prophet (ﷺ) became sick and when his disease became aggravated, he said, “Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.” `Aisha said, “He is a softhearted man and would not be able to lead the prayer in your place.” The Prophet (ﷺ) said again, “Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer.” She repeated the same reply but he said, “Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. You are the companions of Joseph.” So the messenger went to Abu Bakr (with that order) and he led the people in prayer in the lifetime of the Prophet.

    -Sahih al-Bukhari : 678

    Prophet ﷺ knew that a Community cannot be Muslim(submitted to God) as whole, some will be hypocrite(Munafiq) and some ‘just Humans’.. That’s why Heﷺ Said “Lead the People in Prayer” and not “Lead the Muslims in Prayer”.

    Do i need to make something clear now??

    Now next point.. :-

    Being a “Muslim” isn’t Identity, But it is a Claim.. Like anyone say i am Truthful, or i am of righteous People. Like wise Quran address it in this way below…. And i would like you to see analogy in below ayahs..

    “And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah while being a doer of good and follows the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth? And Allah took Abraham as an intimate friend.۝”

    -Quran 4:125

    And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, “Indeed, I am of the Muslims(Submitted).۝

    -Quran 41:33


    Now coming Toward your Statement!! … that “Anyone who commits a crime, regardless of their beliefs can face God’s punishment.” (and a Muslim can also be punished in world and hereafter)

    NO, By The one Who Taught Me all the Good names.

    Read This Hadith…

    Messenger of Allah Said:

    “The fornicator who fornicates is not a believer so long as he commits it and no thief who steals is a believer as long as he commits theft, and no drunkard who drinks wine is a believer as long as he drinks it.” & Abu Huraira made this addition: “No plunderer who plunders a valuable thing that attracts the attention of people is a believer so long as he commits this act.”

    Sahih Muslim : 57

    And from Quran 22:77 we know that to be a ‘Muslim'(submitted) a person have first to be a believer (in his Conclusion with full honesty).

    So Anyone who Commits Any crime Cannot be Muslim and in Abu hurayra’s words he the one who plunders Other’s Wealth because of his desire Also Cannot be Muslim .( i know it’s sad thing for Medivial Period’s So called ‘Islamic Kings’ and in today’s world too where MBS buys Most Expensive Painting from people’s Money.)

    Now Question 1 :- was Followers of Prophetﷺ in his lifetime called themselves Muslim As a Community? or they just said ‘yes i am Muslim’ i submitted to God?

    Question 2 :-

    Read this Ayah…

    “Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who Guard their, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who remember so – for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.”

    -Quran 33:35

    Isn’t word ‘Muslim’ is just a Quality of Person just like other words mentioned in Ayah?? :- Muslim, Believing, Obedient, Truthful, Patient, Humble, Cheritable, Fasting, Who Guard, Who Remeber ???

    Question 3:- Read, this ayah..

    “ [To whom Allah will say], “O My servants, no fear will there be concerning you this Day, nor will you grieve,۝

    [You] who believed in Our verses and were Muslims.۝

    ‘Enter Paradise, you and your spouses: you will be filled with joy.’۝”

    -Quran 43:68-70

    And now Read your Statement :- “There’s no hypocrisy in some people from the Muslims community going to hell.”

    Is there really no Contradiction in your Words and in Quran??? Or “Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals?۝

    What is [the matter] with you? How do you judge?۝

    Or do you have a scripture in which you learn۝

    That indeed for you is whatever you choose?۝”

    -Quran 68:34-38


    At last, Actually at last i just want to see Humans as People, Just like how Prophetﷺ Saw Humans as People According to Bukhari : 678.

    And i just want to see more and more people Claiming Themselves Muslim.. not Because of Ignorance, But with full consciousness.. AND People are people they born, walk and live according to their Fitrah and some destroy their Fitrah AND Muslims are the one who believe & Really submit to God, and God make Muslims a witness over People of world(Quran 22:78, and 3:64 ).

    And what u think ‘is becoming a Muslim hard??‘ NO by the Mercy of God. Read Quran

    “And you cannot guide the blind away from their error. You will only make hear those who believe in Our verses so they are Muslims [i.e., submitting to Allah]. “

    -Quran 27:81

    “And you cannot guide the blind away from their error. You will only make hear those who believe in Our verses so they are Muslims [in submission to Allah].”

    -Quran 30:53

    Same Ayahs but in Two different Places..

    So yeah Whoever Hear this Quran and Ponder in it with full Honesty, is really a Muslim.

    I would again like to Wait for Responce From ‘ASK Ghamidi’.. and Thanks for this facility ‘to ask’ i am really thankful to Ghamidi Sahab and his Team.

    Orange Heart

  • Nadeem

    Member June 5, 2021 at 8:44 am

    Brother Alttamash. In my opinion, I agree with your point that the word Muslim is not an identity but a set of beliefs and acts.

    So if someone believes and claims to be following those beliefs and acts as a Muslim can call himself Muslim. Similarly a community can call itself a community of Muslim if they believe and act like Muslims. We are not responsible to judge someones beliefs and declare if the person is a Muslim or not…that is Allah’s responsibility.

    Since we are all humans, even Muslim make mistakes. Sometimes their faith will be weak too, but these do not make them non-Muslims. If a person is a beliver in Allah and does not commit Shirk, the person can call himself Muslim. If the person commits more sins than good deeds, then that Muslim will be punished, but after completing his punishment he will be out of hell. On the other hand, nonbelievers who commit Shirk may not get out of hell.

    • Altamash Ali

      Member June 5, 2021 at 10:18 am

      yeah, i can’t judge anyone nor i do on their claim of Belief..

      But let me come with this Ayah…

      The believers are only the ones who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then doubt not but strive with their properties and their lives in the cause of Allah. It is those who are From ‘Sadiq’.” -Quran 49:15 (Sadiq = Truthful)

      And From there i now Call my whole community as “Sadiq”.. But what you think can a Community as whole can be Sadiq(truthful)?? There will surely be liars in Community.. and then you will say “that Some Sadiq can also be in hell.” look this is contradictory.. if they are really liar then how can u call them Sadiq??

      like wise we label identity Muslim(submitted to God) to a Community?, Quran says it can only be applied to those who are According to Quran 22:77 that is, to be believer, not harming other .. and then if a Muslim do adultery, or steal something.. what do we say?? a Muslim Stealed,, a Muslim did Adultery!!.. This IS CONTRADICTORY. And Prophet Told us thorugh Sahih Muslim : 57 a Fornicator a theif Cannot be believer.. and hence can’t be Muslim(Submitted to God)

      & yeah your Opinion is just like This Hadith… i agree with you..

      Narrated `Aisha:

      When Abu Bakr As-Siddiq was chosen Caliph, he said, “My people know that my profession was not incapable of providing substance to my family. And as I will be busy serving the Muslim nation, my family will eat from the National Treasury of Muslims, and I will practice the profession of serving the Muslims.

      -Sahih al-Bukhari : 2070

      What Abu bakr(God please with him) Said here is Just like what if a Person say “I will be busy in serving the Sadiq(Truthful) Nation, My family will eat from National Treasure of Sadiq(Truthful) peoples..(since those who paid Tax did so with Honesty and with truthfulness)

      You used Non-Muslim, can u tell me how can a Adulterer Be Muslim(submitted to God) ? non-Muslim = not submitted to God.. that’s it.. you just made no Claim.. you are just normal Human living according to Fitrah of God

      just like Non-Sadiq = Non Truthful.. ,, you just made no Claim, you are just Normal Human, living According to Fitrah of God.

      “person who do not Commit shirk is Muslim”.. wait wait.. Muslim = the one who is Witness over World and he will testify on Day of judgement(Quran 22:78),

      You Can’t make any person who does not shirk as a Muslim… – THERE IS NO LOGIC AND NO AYAH. if u can provide any Ayah regarding this then plss. the person who do not Shirk is just like Normal Human ,, kids don’t Make association(shirk) with God what Prophet said they born in State of Fitrah not said they are Muslims… he is Just a Normal Human.

      Sir, you need to understand ” a Muslim = the one who Submitted ” a Muslim(submitted to God) is Sinless. Submission to God is Great Thing you need to understand.

      The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Allah, the Exalted, and Glorious said: ‘A slave committed a sin and he said: O Allah, forgive my sin,‘ and Allah said: ‘My slave committed a sin and then he realized that he has a Rubb Who forgives the sins and punishes for the sin.’ He then again committed a sin and said: ‘My Rubb, forgive my sin,’ and Allah (SWT) said: ‘My slave committed a sin and then realized that he has a Rubb Who forgives his sin and punishes for the sin.‘ He again committed a sin and said: ‘My Rubb, forgive my sin,‘ and Allah (SWT) said: ‘My slave has committed a sin and then realized that he has a Rubb Who forgives the sin or takes (him) to account for sin. I have granted forgiveness to my slave. Let him do whatever he likes”.

      [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

      The last sentence “let him do..”. means, as long he keeps asking for forgiveness after the commission of sins, and repents, Allah will forgive him because repentance eliminates previous sins“. (Editor’s Note)

      -Riyad as-Salihin : 421, Sahih Muslim : 2758a

      a Muslim = Submitted to God, on the Side of God.. and god isn’t Unjust.. and yeah should i repeat Ayah? “Then will We treat the Muslims(person submitted to their God) like the criminals?۝ -Quran 68:34-38


      Heart Exclamation

    • $ohail T@hir

      Moderator June 5, 2021 at 11:23 am

      Probably your understanding of Muslim is similar to that of Khawarij.

      “In particular, they had a high regard for Abu Bakr and Umar as, according to them, they governed justly. Uthman, on the other hand, had deviated from the path of justice and truth in the latter half of his caliphate and hence was liable to be killed or displaced, whereas Ali committed a grave sin when he agreed to the arbitration with Mu’awiya.

    • Altamash Ali

      Member June 5, 2021 at 1:46 pm

      i Can never Expect a reply like this From ‘Ask Ghamidi’

      do i need to respond on this green message?? i have Zero interest with politics where Book and Wisdom of God is concerned.

      i asked my Question and waiting for answers, and i’m really confused by this Reply.


    • $ohail T@hir

      Moderator June 5, 2021 at 3:50 pm

      Salam – I might have misread your comments but some of your questions like

      a) How can an adulterer be a Muslim?

      b) How can a Muslim be a liar (non-Sadiq)?

      c) How can a Muslim be a thief?

      This type of definition fits with how Khawarij viewed “Muslim”.

      It is not a binary like you are suggesting. I hope you might find this comparision useful to review your comments.

      I could be completely off here but that ok in a discussion.

      Take care,

    • Altamash Ali

      Member June 6, 2021 at 12:13 am

      Messenger of Allah Said:

      The fornicator who fornicates is not a believer so long as he commits it and no thief who steals is a believer as long as he commits theft, and no drunkard who drinks wine is a believer as long as he drinks it.

      -Sahih Muslim : 57

      Adulterer = The one who commit adultery and have Intention to do so Further, He doesn’t Repent nor he do reason.

      and if He Repented and submitted to God, then who am i to Judge in his Faith? i can’t look into anyone’s heart, it’s a matter of Ghayb!

      likewise , “no thief who steals is a believer as long as he commits theft” and if He doesn’t steal further and repented and submitted to God, Then who am i to Judge in his Faith? i can’t look into anyone’s heart, it’s a matter of Ghayb!

      a Muslim is Thief” this Statement is Wrong and Contradictory… & “a Thief is a Human from xyz Tribe and after theft, He repented and submitted to God(Muslim) Again” is Correct Statement.

      Every Person is Human and that’s why we Shuould be known by our Tribe(Quran 49:13).. not by our Quality( on Community level e.g. “as whole community is righteous” “whole Community is Muslim(submitted to God)

    • Faisal Haroon

      Moderator June 6, 2021 at 12:49 am

      Thank you for your opinion. As explained above, the basis upon which you claim this opinion (Quran 49:13) is not saying what you think it’s saying.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 5, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    It really doesn’t matter where the identity of country comes from – it still forms one of our identities.

    The concept of Muslims as a community is not against the Quran as it has been explained in my previous response.

    Please read the verses that you’re quoting in their respective contexts in the frame of the entire religion as it was given to us by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

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