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  • Head Covering For Women During Salah

    Posted by Daniyaa Khan on June 8, 2021 at 11:16 am


    Hope you all are doing well

    I’m learning about Pardha in Islam and I’ve learnt that head covering is not mandatory in Islam but there’s a hadith about head covering for women during prayers. Sir Ghamidi said this is kind of “Adaab” of prayers.

    What Prophet Muhammad S.A.W have said isn’t it compulsory? How to differentiate that these things that prophet Muhammad S A.W said are compulsory and these things are kind of Adaab are not compulsory?

    How to identify that if we women don’t cover our head for any reason our prayers will not nullified.

    I heard Sir Javed Ghamidi’s view on it and He said head covering is not compulsory in anytime it’s preferable but it’s your choice but then why in prayers then?

    How to differentiate between That it’s compulsory it’s optional because If we take it as “Adaab” then Adaab of meeting of male and female are also mentioned in quran which are mandatory. But to identify them?

    If there is relaxation in head covering in prayer if we don’t cover it we will not be asked for it then how to identify that there is no relaxation in the 4 Adaab of meeting with opposite Gender we will be asked for it if we don’t do it?

    During Hajj and Umrah women also cover their heads How they declare that there should be head cover during Hajj. How to Identify this Hukam? When this head covering started during Hajj. It’s mandatory or optional during Hajj?

    Now if we look at the other religions there are commandments of Head covering of women. Bible also talk about it. Bible also says Women hair should be cover and it also says on another place that women should cover their head during prayers and prophecy.

    Christianity also talk about head covering strictly. It says women’s hair should be covered up and also during prayers but in Islam it’s not compulsory any time and during prayer it’s comes in criteria of Adaab prayers will be nullified?Also we see all the nuns in churches cover their heads.How to justify it

    Here are references of head covering from Christianity.

    Rehmat Istefahani replied 3 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Head Covering For Women During Salah

    Rehmat Istefahani updated 3 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member June 8, 2021 at 11:21 am

    I’m not here to give my remarks on anything or to criticize anything I want to learn. This platform is for the people who have questions who need help who need clarifications, satisfaction, Answers who want to learn about Islam. Please Consider it as my Question which I’m asking as a student. I heard about Sir Javed Ahmad Ghamidi from some of friends and recently I started hearing him and learning about Islam more. These are my confusions my questions a Woman regarding Pardha, Head Covering etc nothing else. Please Help to find satisfactory answers. Help to make things clear in my mind.

    Thank you

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 8, 2021 at 12:16 pm

    Ghamidi sahab has not stated that head covering in salat is optional. I shared this video with you before in response to the same question that you raised a few days ago. What he says in this video is that head covering for women in salat is categorized as ‘aadab’, which means that in an unavoidable situation if head is not covered then salat still remains valid. He also said to not consider lightly the ‘aadab’ that we have been given in our religion.

    Please refer to the video below from 1:17:50 to 1:18:35

  • Umer

    Moderator June 8, 2021 at 12:19 pm

    For something to be considered as obligatory, it should be initiated by the Prophet himself (sws) and should be transmitted through ijma and tawatur of Muslims. Quran and Sunnah are both transmitted through these means and hence are the most credible and only sources of religion. Just the way directives of Quran make it very clear as to what is the real prohibition i.e. ‘fawahish’ taking its extreme form in ‘zina’, all such directives of norms of gender interaction are given to prevent the means leading to such act or acts. If a Muslim, after knowing this directive of Quran, and knowing very well the reason behind these directives, intentionally ignores them, and even if it doesn’t lead to Zina, it does lead to ‘istakbaar’ in front of Allah. Same is the case with Sunnah. Sunnah initiated and sanctioned by the Prophet Muhammad (sws) relates only with matters of ibadah, customs, etiquettes and other practical matters only (‘amaal’). One can extract the Sunnah from the same ijma and tawatur, and it is the same ijma and tawatur which tells the difference in the nature of directives i.e. which ones are obligatory and which ones are optional. How to determine that? the following response elaborates this matter from a principle stand point.

    Discussion 50126 • Reply 50134

    Whatever is mentioned in Ahadith is either an elaboration of the same Sunnah or its application, uswa of the prophet (sws) or matters or encouragement or that of ‘adaab’. They can never take precedence over Quran and Sunnah and hence can never be considered as being an obligatory matter w.r.t religion. It is about understanding and placement of directives w.r.t their nature, their mode of transmission and how they fit in within the overall framework of religion as given by the Quran and Sunnah themselves. An obligatory directive can never be solely transmitted through a Hadith, it goes both against the logic and against the very nature of religion itself.

    To understand what is Hadith and it’s status in overall framework of religion, please refer to the following threads:

    Discussion 58889

    Discussion 56414

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member June 8, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    Okay right It does make sense

    Can you explain my last two points Regarding Head covering in Hajj How it started Is it in Quran and sunnah or from Hadith how it started and Head covering in other religions because Islam talks about everything If Allah told head covering in other religions why not in islam. Other religions also have prayers prohibitions same as in islam.

    • Umer

      Moderator June 9, 2021 at 3:50 am

      Hajj has been transmitted through Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sws) along with all the prerequisites, conditions and rituals to be performed during Hajj. And Ihram is one of the conditions whose details are transmitted through ijma an tawatur and differs for both men and women.

      Other religions should not be used as a benchmark to gauge Islam, Islam has been re-transmitted by the Prophet Himself in its purest form after its divine ‘tajdeed’. Islam is the benchmark and not the other way round.

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member June 8, 2021 at 1:00 pm

    And please tell me are women have been covering head during prayers from the time when Prophet S.A.W taught how to pray untill now. Because women have been covering heads long time ago.

    • Umer

      Moderator June 9, 2021 at 3:54 am

      There are other ‘adaab’ of Salah that Muslims have been observing before coming to mosque e.g. People were forbidden to not come to mosque if they have eaten onions or garlic. So does that prohibition actually means a banishment from mosque? No it doesn’t, it is also a matter of ‘adaab’ told to Muslims to observe before coming to the mosque and does in no way means that person’s salah will not be accepted if he comes to the mosque in such condition. However, one should always be mindful of such adaab, being a conscious God-fearing Muslim.

  • Fahad Iqbal

    Member June 9, 2021 at 8:35 am

    @Daniaa Khan When we pray salah we ought to show adaab for Allah as if he is looking at us… The adab is not for the prayer itself but rather its an attitude and behavior of an individual before God… as humble and desperate believer in need of him….Salah is the ritual to show gratitude and receive blessings from the Ultimate Lord of Creator. Its very much similar to us youngsters giving respect to our elders when we meet them and receive their prayers & blessings in return… We bow our head down in respect to greet them and the women cover their head as well besides looking down and bowing down their head in respect. 🙂

    The Quotations that your referenced from the bible are statements of Saint Paul. Paul wrote these letters giving instructions to the new churches in various cities of Roman Empire in Asia Minor, where some new women converts were also leading the Christian congregation. Paul is considered an Apostle/Prophet in Christianity. But The Quran gives no references about Paul. Zero. Therefore Shariat of Paul regarding women modesty does not hold a religious argument for us Muslims. However Quran does recognize Jesus Christ as true Prophet and Messiah. And we don’t find any statements like these about women coming from Jesus in the Bible. 🙂

  • Rehmat Istefahani

    Member November 6, 2021 at 12:15 am

    This article deals with the controversy around hijab and Javed Sahab’s views are incoherent with this article, which is fine. There is a point mentioned in this article that I need a clarification for. In the Quran the word Khamr means intoxicant that covers the intellect, the word ‘khimar’ is derived from the root word Khamr hence it means the khimar covers the head. If that is the case then one can make an assumption that when the Quran uses the word it includes the covering of the hair and the neck. Then the headscarf becomes compulsory if we assume that Allah also assumes that if a woman covers her chest with the khimar then her hair and neck will also be covered. Please read and comment on this article please.

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