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  • Two Ahadith About Hijab

    Posted by Mumin Ahmad on June 8, 2021 at 12:58 pm

    Assalamu Alaikum. There were two hadith about hijab in my mind. Sorry I don’t remember their numbers or exact wording but they were something like this:

    1) The first one talks about when the Sahabi women first heard the hijab verses they tore some clothe(idr exactly if it was waist sheet) and then covered themselves with it. Doesn’t it mean that they covered their heads too because the Arabic verb used to describe this contains khimaar.

    2) The second also talks about the actions of Sahabi women after the revelation of the hijab verses. It says something like when they came for the fajr prayer the next morning they couldn’t be recognised or that as if they had black crows on their heads( really sorry as i don’t remember the exact wording)

    My questions are: are these ahadiths sahih? Also, if they’re sahih , don’t they indicate the necessity of covering head for women?

    Mumin Ahmad replied 3 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Two Ahadith About Hijab

    Mumin Ahmad updated 3 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • Ayesha Riaz

    Member June 8, 2021 at 1:20 pm

    I think one of the hadees, I also wanna know about the status and matan of hadees …… I have heard a long discussion of ghamdi sahib on parda I clarify about all points but I wanna clarification about this hadees

    عائشہ رضى اللہ تعالى عنہا كہا كرتى تھيں کہ جب يہ

    آيت نازل ہوئى :

    *”اور اپنے گریبانوں پر اپنی چادریں ڈالے رہیں اور اپنی آرائش(زیب و زینت) کو کسی کے سامنے ظاہر نہ کریں”*

    _سورہ نور :31_

    تو ان عورتوں نے اپنى نيچے باندھنے والى چادروں كو كناروں سے دو حصوں ميں پھاڑ ليا *اور اس سے اپنے سروں اور چہروں كو ڈھانپ ليا “*

    📚[صحيح بخارى؛ حديث نمبر | 4758]

  • Mumin Ahmad

    Member June 8, 2021 at 1:22 pm

    Yes it is one of the two ahadith whose clarification I needed. Yes I have watched that video but I still need more clarification.

  • اشهل صادق

    Member June 8, 2021 at 1:36 pm


    I don’t know whether these Ahadith are Sahih or not but they don’t clash with the narrative of the Quran, so, they are not a problem. These Ahadith are talking about Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 59. That verse is regarding a certain situation, like we have a situation right now and can’t go in crowded places without wearing a mask. For that situation, women were ordered to cover themselves up with a big cloth when going out, so that they may be recognized as free women and not harrassed by the hypocrites of Medina and their allies.

    You asked whether the head was covered or not. Well, the verse doesn’t say how to don that big cloth but covering the head was and still is an Arab custom. Both men and women used to and still wear خمار to cover their heads. Whether you believe that the verse asked women to cover their heads or not (because the verse just asks women to don a big cloth when going out اِن کی شرارتوں سے اپنی حفاظت کے لیے)، اے نبی، تم اپنی بیویوں اور اپنی بیٹیوں اور سب مسلمانوں کی عورتوں کو ہدایت کر دو کہ (اندیشے کی جگہوں پر جائیں تو) اپنی چادروں میں سے کوئی بڑی چادر اپنے اوپر ڈال لیا کریں۔ اِس سے امکان ہے کہ الگ پہچانی جائیں گی تو ستائی نہ جائیں گی۔ اِس کے باوجود (کوئی خطا ہوئی تو) اللہ بخشنے والا ہے، اُس کی شفقت ابدی ہے۔), they would’ve covered their heads anyway because it was their custom.

    Regarding the second hadith you cited, it just shows how passionate the women were in fulfilling God’s orders. They made sure that they were completely covered up. Does that explain it? By the way, please read the translation of the whole of Surah Al-Ahzab!/quran?chapter=33&paragraph=1&type=Ghamidi for better understanding.

  • Mumin Ahmad

    Member June 8, 2021 at 1:43 pm

    So, isn’t the first hadith related to Surah An-Nur?

    Regarding the second hadith, I think your explanation is correct because the hadith also says that they couldn’t be recognized, which means their faces couldn’t be seen, but we know from other ahadith that face covering is not mandatory.

    But still it would be great if someone could tell if these ahadith were sahih or not as it would clear my confusion.

    And thanks a lot for responding 😊

    • اشهل صادق

      Member June 8, 2021 at 2:03 pm

      No, the first hadith is related to Surah Al-Ahzab. I will try to look them up for you. If I am not able to, I am sure someone here will. Let’s all learn together. 😁

    • Mumin Ahmad

      Member June 8, 2021 at 2:27 pm

      Thank you ☺️

    • اشهل صادق

      Member June 8, 2021 at 2:28 pm


      Update: You were right. The first Hadith is about Surah Al-Nur, verse 31:

      I got confused with another Hadith, I am extremely sorry.

      It says that they made خمار out of their thick outer garments. I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing this was because the Quran ordered them to cover the area between their neck and chest (جيب) with their خمار but either the خمار of the Muhajir women was not long enough to cover the جيب or it was too thin and didn’t do the job properly. Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong.

  • Mumin Ahmad

    Member June 8, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    The verb in this hadith is فاْختمرنَ بها

    Does this verb simply mean “they covered themselves” or does it mean “they veiled themselves” ? Also does veiling include covering head ?

    Anyone who knows anything about this?

    • John Marston

      Member June 8, 2021 at 3:07 pm

      The word is they “khimaared” themselves, which doesn’t mean either cover or veil. It basically means the women did what the Quran asked them to which was to cover their bosoms with their headcovers.

    • اشهل صادق

      Member June 8, 2021 at 11:20 pm


      John is right. اختمرن بها means they wore that thing (thick outer garment) as a خمار, which is the traditional Arab headcover. It doesn’t mean to veil nor does it mean to cover. I already proposed two reasons as to why they would make a خمار out of their thick outer garments. Remember, the Hadith says that the Muhajir women did it and doesn’t mention the Ansar women doing it. This is probably because of the difference between the style of خمار of the people of Quraish and the people of Yathrib. Their خمار must have already done the job and, that is, to cover the جيب.

    • Mumin Ahmad

      Member June 8, 2021 at 11:57 pm

      So according to the picture that you’ve attached to your reply, this verb can either mean wearing a khimar or putting a khimaar on her head? Are both of these meanings possible?

      Also, there’s another tradition which says that Omar( R.A) ordered a slave woman to uncover her head. Is that tradition authentic? Because if it is , it would mean that covering head is not obligatory since the Quranic verse in Surah An Nur doesn’t differentiate between free and slave women.

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