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  • Why Islam Is Best Relegion?

    Posted by Adeel Ahmed on June 12, 2021 at 2:55 am

    How can we prove logically to a non muslim that islam is a perfect or best religion?

    We have a lot of proves from Quran but a non muslim didn’t believe on Quran so what are the logically reasons about the perfection of islam

    Hamza Ali replied 3 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Why Islam Is Best Relegion?

  • Umer

    Moderator June 12, 2021 at 8:31 am

    We are under no obligation to prove to Non-Muslims that Islam is the best religion. We just need to give them true message of Islam in the form of Quran and let them make a decision for themselves instead of downplaying other religions just to prove that Islam is the best religion. The religion in the eyes of Allah has always been Islam, starting from Prophet Adam (sws) and culminating on Prophet Muhammad (Sws).

  • Nadeem

    Member June 12, 2021 at 8:38 am

    Brother Umer is absolutely right! We do not need to prove anything or get into a useless argument with anyone. It leads to nothing. The only time it helps if someone is sincerely seeking knowledge to reach a truth, to find God or trying to find a true religion, then helping answer their questions and providing them Quran is likely to lead them to Islam. For those who are there to argue and seeking absolute proof, no matter what proof you bring, they will make up a reason to reject Allah and redicule you. Even if they see the biggest mirracle, they would reject it by calling it magic or trickery.

    On the other hand, if you need information why Islam is the best religion to strengthen your faith, we can provide you a few solid points.

    • Hamza Ali

      Member June 12, 2021 at 10:09 am

      ”On the other hand, if you need information why Islam is the best religion to strengthen your faith, we can provide you a few solid points.”

      Would love to get access to a video or any sort of work proving the Quran as divine. You can also provide a link to any other person’s argument for proving the Quran divinity too. I need information on why Islam is the best religion to strengthen my faith.

  • Nadeem

    Member June 12, 2021 at 11:01 am

    Brother Hamza, rather than dumping tons of information on you, I can provide step by step information following my journey from an aetheist to a believer. Everyone takes a different path, but I can share my path that may or may not work for you. But, please note that if you are seeking absolute and irrefutable proof of Allah, you will not find it. If that was the pupose Allah would have made us the believer using his power or shown himself to us. This World is created as a test and a test requires that there is no absolute proof, but having overwhelming and logical signs to show that Allah is the truth and Quran is the word of Allah and thus Islam is the best and the true religion. It is important to agree on this premise.

    • Hamza Ali

      Member June 13, 2021 at 5:32 am

      Brother Nadeem, I agree with the premise you just pointed out. The fact that the world is created as a test for mankind and the other things you said are totally rational to me. I would like you to provide me some areas to look into to conclude Islam is the true religion, rationally. I don’t want you to write a long paragraph here(unless you’re okay with it)for that, just give me some solid points and I’ll look into them in detail by meslf.

  • Fahad Iqbal

    Member June 12, 2021 at 11:12 pm

    Give the following logic without mentioning the references from the Quran:

    اللہ، فرشتوں اور اہل علم کی گواہی ہے کہ اس کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں، وہ عدل و قسط کا قائم رکھنے والا ہے، اس کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں، وہ غالب اور حکمت والا ہے۔اللہ کا اصل دین اسلام ہے۔ اہل کتاب نے تو اس میں اختلاف علمِ حق کے آ جانے کے بعد محض باہمی ضدّم ضدّا کے سبب سے کیا ہے۔ جو لوگ اللہ کی آیات کا انکار کریں گے تو وہ یاد رکھیں کہ اللہ بہت جلد حساب چکا دینے والا ہے۔اگر وہ تم سے اس بارے میں جھگڑتے رہیں تو تم ان سے کہہ دو کہ میں نے اور میرے پیرؤوں نے تو اپنے آپ کو اللہ کے حوالہ کیا اور اہل کتاب اور امّیوں سے پوچھو کہ کیا تم بھی اسی طرح اسلام لاتے ہو؟ اگر وہ بھی اسی طرح اسلام لائے تو وہ راہ یاب ہوئے اور اگر وہ اعراض کریں تو تمھارے اوپر ذمہ داری صرف پہنچا دینے کی ہے، اللہ اپنے بندوں کا نگرانِ حال ہے۔جو لوگ اللہ کی آیات کا انکار کرتے رہے ہیں، نبیوں کو ناحق قتل کرتے رہے ہیں اور ان لوگوں کو قتل کرتے رہے ہیں جو لوگوں میں سے عدل و قسط کی دعوت لے کر اٹھے تو ان کو ایک دردناک عذاب کی خوش خبری سنا دو۔ یہی لوگ ہیں جن کے اعمال دنیا اور آخرت دونوں میں اکارت گئے اور ان کا کوئی مدد کرنے والا نہ بنے گا۔


    Surah Ale- Imran; Verses:18-22

  • Nadeem

    Member June 13, 2021 at 6:56 am

    Brother Hamza, I am glad to know that you have realistic expectations.

    Here is the summary and then details afterwards.

    1. To find true god, see or meet the god or talk to him…if not possible.

    2. Find the authentic message of god.

    3. Read the message to get the feel of it.

    4. Perform more thorough research to make sure the message is from god.


    1. To evaluate any religion, I needed to see its god(s) or talk to him (them). I tried but that is not possible in any religion; except where a human claims to be a god; which I reject out right. Talking to god directly is possible for only a few chosen, and I am not the one. So talking to god it out of the question. So all religions were same in this respect.

    2. I can read god’s message and try to judge if it is actually from a god. So I started my search for god’s messages from all major religions, starting with a few of the most popular ones. My first criteria was the message has to be authentic and never modified by any human. How can I trust a message if people are constantly modifying it as they wish. In my research to find authentic message; all other major religions failed right from the start; except Islam. In my research I found that Quran seems to be original and authentic for at least 1200 years and this is accepted by non-Muslim researchers as well. This is the first win for Islam over all others. Still this doesn’t tell me that it is a book from god, but just that I can trust the message.

    3. So the only book worthy enough to read was Quran. So I planned to read a few surahs to see what it is all about. I found it so interesting then I ended up reading the Quran translation cover to cover in just a few days. The purpose of my reading was not to perform a critical analysis or judge each word or sentence, but to get the bigger message and the meaning. That is where I found the first intangible proof that this book is from God. My heart was swept away from the message. My internal voice was screaming that this is a book from god, but I wanted my mind to be convinced too.

    4. If it was a book from god, it wouldn’t have any contradictions and no historical or scientific mistakes. Also the message would make sense. I spent a few years reading every sentence and every word of Quran, multiple translations and put them in computer to compare, but I couldn’t find any contradictions; except 2 or 3. Then I performed my research and it cleared to me that those are actually not contradictions. Since the book is authentic since 1200 years ago, the following scientific facts blew my mind. The Quran couldn’t have been written by a person 1200 years ago in the middle of nowhere by an illiterate person and have such great scientific facts that we just found out a few decades ago or in the last couple of hundred years. Only a creator could know these things. Also, it made more sense that this universe is created as a test and everything else in Quran fit into this premise like a jigsaw puzzle. I organized the entire Quran over a few years by subject and then decided to share my work with others. See here

    Here are just a few scientific references in Quran that lead my mind to believe that the message is from Allah.

    The universe came into existence from a single unified mass (21:30)

    Initially the universe was just gas, smoke or dust (41:11)

    The universe is expanding (51:47)

    States that all heavenly bodies are rotating and orbiting and heading in certain direction (21:33), (39:5), (13:2), (31:29), (36:40), (81:16)

    The Sun produces light and the Moon reflects light (10:5), (25:61), (71:16), (78:13)

    All life is created from water (24:45) , (25:54)

    Humans are created like plants from water, dust and aged mud (6:2), (15:26), (15:28), (23:12), (25:54),(30:20), (32:7), (35:11), (38:71), (40:67), (55:14) (71:17)

    At one time the whole Earth was covered with water (11:7)

    The mountains are not stationary, but moving like clouds (27:88)

    The Sun and Moon and heavenly bodies will expire after the designated duration (30:8), (39:5), (46:3)

    Predicts Egyptian pharaoh (Fir’awn – فرعون), Rameses II’s body will be preserved as long as humans are around. Currently it is preserved and displayed in Egyptian Museum (10:90-92)

    The word “Sea” (water) and “Land” (Dry Land) is exactly repeated with the same ratio as water and dry land on this Earth (71.11% water to 28.889 land)

    Gives exact and accurate details of child development in womb starting from inception , (22:5), (23:13-14), (32:8-9), (35:11), (40:67) (75:36-39), (76:1-2), (77:20-23), (86:6-7), (96:2)

    How all worker bees are females (16:68-69)

    Describes uniqueness of human finger prints (75:3-5)

  • Nadeem

    Member June 13, 2021 at 7:04 am

    Correction: Quran doesn’t tell the name of the Pharaoh. It just predicts Egyptian pharaoh (Fir’awn – فرعون), body will be preserved as long as humans are around. (10:90-92)

    • Hamza Ali

      Member June 13, 2021 at 11:44 am

      Wow! This is some totally mind-blowing stuff and I’m going to look into each ayah. I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much!. May Allah bless you with his eternal mercy!!

    • Hamza Ali

      Member June 13, 2021 at 12:04 pm

      Nadeem, please check out this video too :

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