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  • Traditional Narrative And Terrorism

    Posted by Saddamhusen Saiyed on June 21, 2021 at 10:17 am

    I am a big fan of Ghamidi sahab as well as Dr. Israr sahab. I am trying to understand both of them and that process is going on.

    My question is why Ghamidi sahab considers classical religious thought as a root cause of terrorism? as he has said many a times when he has been asked

    Dr israr sahb was a firm believer of this classical religious thought but i never heard him advocating any terrorist activities directly or indirectly and he spent his entire life for revival of khilafah but i don’t think any member of tanzeem e islami would be inclined for terrorist activities.

    Why does not Ghamidi sahab say that there are certain factions which don’t understand even classical religious thought and they are involved in this, but he blames the whole religious thought for this. I don’t believe even maulana maududi also would have advocated terrorism and again he was also firm believer of this religious thought. Is it just because ghamidi sahab wants to stress that only his interpretation is correct and that’s why blames this entire religious thought for the problem of terrorism.?

    and as we all understand it is not as simple as that the root causes of terrorism can’t be one its really really complex issue then why ghamidi sahab stresses on only this reason? His videos are being circulated in groups of our non muslim friends and they come to us showing that this is what your religion is..!! (i understand the difference between religion and religious thought but not many will ) In countries like india where media and certain politicians are hell bent on maligning image of islam and muslims then why a scholar who is internationally recognized should give an opinion like this on a very debatable issue?

    His views on this issue has made me restless

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 3 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Traditional Narrative And Terrorism

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 21, 2021 at 10:29 am

    Ghamidi sahab has analyzed the traditional narrative in the following videos in a lot of detail and how it’s conducive to terrorism:

    Narrative and Counter-narrative |

    Audio in the first few minutes is not clear, but you can skip that portion and it gets better afterwards.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 21, 2021 at 10:33 am

    The proponent of supremacy of Islam (Islamism) if not not got involved in activism, does not rule out that their thought do not have such elements which leads activists to raise arm against the world to gain political supremacy. Dr Israr was waiting for enough manpower and fovour under his flag to occupy the capital city and to prevent the chaos in the cities. Same goes for Jamat e Islami which has its own military wing. once you make supremacy of Islam (in fact of Muslims) an obligation, it will stir activists to go for it.

    you may read the following article of mine on this issue, which makes it evident.

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