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  • US Tour 2015 – Q&A Sessions With Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

    Posted by Ahsan on June 26, 2021 at 11:10 am

    1- How can we justify God when we see much cruelty in this world? From start to 12:48

    2- Why animal suffer in this world when they are not being tested? From 12:48 to 14:03

    3- Why Religion is source of hatred, war and terrorism? From 14:03 to 19:15

    4- Why religion is being misused? From 19:16 to 22:14

    5- What should we do for moon sighting? From 22:14 to 29:24

    6- Why God made moon sighting so difficult? Different eid in same region From 29:24 to 31:24

    7- What is benefit of reading Quran without translation? From 31:24 to 31:49

    8- When Muslim will come to power again? From 31:49 to 40:38

    9- What is the condition for zabiha meat and remarks about artifical meat? From 40:39 to 44:43

    10- Is mortgage permissible? From 44:43 to 50:21

    11: Arent you simplifying Islam? 50:21 to 51:50

    12- What is correct procedure for divorce? From 51:51 to 59:33

    13- Why should we accept you as aalim? From 59:33 to 1:01:21

    14- What is your opinion about Ibne tamiyah comments on ijtihad? From 1:01:21 to 1:04:38

    15- Does Islam allow slave? From 1:04:38 to 1:13:21

    16- Can we deal with prohibited food items? From 1:13:21 to 1:19:25

    17- What will women get in paradise? From 1:19:25 to 1:20:25

    18- How can we make most of ramadan? From 1:20:25 to 1:27:47

    19- Does Science lead to atheism, what can a person do? From 1:27:47 to 1:34:32

    20- What is significance of Istikhara and Dream? From 1:34:32 to 1:37:32

    21- Is Islam or Quran superior to other religion and scriptures? From 1:37:32 to 1:43:59

    22- What is the reality of black magic etc? From 1:43:59 to 1:48:55

    23- What is meant by obidient wife? From 1:48:55 to 1:52:53

    24- What is reality of mutah? From 1:52:53 to 1:54:13

    25- Why scholars didnot protest against law about Ahmedi? From 1:54:13 to 1:56:28

    26- Does Dua change the fate? From 1:56:28 to 1:57:19

    27- Can we celebrate others festival? From 1:57:19 to 2:05:16

    28- How Muslim should tackle with situation of making cartoon of Prophet etc? From 2:05:16 to 2:10:10

    29- Is it necessary for women to take hijab? From 2:10:10 to 2:10:37

    30- What are the reasons for terrorism? From 2:10:37 to 2:15:14

    31- Can women shake hands with men? From 2:15:14 to 2:20:14

    32- Can women touch and read Quran during their cycle? From 2:20:14 to 2:20:24

    33- What are directives for the will (wasiyat)? From 2:21:16 to 2:24:30

    34- Why men are allowed to marry four women? From 2:25:23 to end

    Ahsan replied 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • US Tour 2015 – Q&A Sessions With Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

    Ahsan updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator June 27, 2021 at 5:05 am

    1- Why is there a hostility of religion towards women? From 4:43 to 17:40

    2- Why there is no female prophet? From 17:40 to 20:51

    3- Why Quran allows men to beat women? From 20:51 to 35:24

    4- If woman is taking care of financial responsibility then what will be the directive regarding family matters? From 35:24 to 37:10

    5- What are your thoughts about the theory of evolution? From 37:10 to 45:41

    6- Why should we convert someone to be Muslim against God’s will who created them as non-Muslim? From 45:41 to 47:34

    7- About the afterlife, Quran at some occasions say that it would be eternal, while at other places it says it would be until god wills. How will be the matters there? From 47:34 to 48:59

    8- How can we define rizq e halal? What about occupation of Maulvi? From 48:59 to 57:03

    9- Is there any Quranic testimony about the end of prophethood? From 57:03 to 59:55

    10- What is your opinion about different interpretation of Paradise and Hell? From 57:03 to 1:01:47

    11- How can you prove presence of God? From 1:01:47 to 1:03:10

    12- Why Muslim men are allowed to marry women of people of book? From 1:03:10 to 1:11:53

    13- What about interfaith marriages? From 1:11:53 to 1:13:09

    14- Can we pray for non-muslims? From 1:13:09 to 1:14:11

    15- Can we buy house on interest? From 1:14:11 to 1:19:26

    16- Can seeing a person help you get paradise? From 1:19:26 to 1:20:34

    17- What is the relation between politics and Islam? From 1:20:34 to 1:21:57

    18- Can we do takfir? From 1:21:57 to 1:23:57

    19- What is meant by hadith which says women are less intelligent? From 1:23:57 to 1:25:39

    20- If we go for Umrah and extend stay for 1 week in ramazan, can we leave fasting during that time? From 1:25:39 to 1:26:25

    21- What is the reality of namaz-e-tahajjud? From 1:26:25 to 1:30:55

    22- Will the fast be invalid if blood comes out in case of injury?From 1:30:55 to 1:31:49

    23- Can we pay zakat for wife’s jewellery? From 1:31:49 to 1:32:39

    24- What is the blasphemy law? From 1:32:39 to 1:35:26

    25- What is the concept of evil eye? From 1:35:26 to 1:40:26

    26- What should we do if we face troubles after moving into a new house? From 1:40:26 to 1:41:08

    27- Is tabligh necessary? From 1:41:08 to 1:45:13

    28- What books would you recommend for increasing religious knowledge?From 1:45:13 to 1:47:39

    29- What is the extent of pardah for women? From 1:47:39 to 1:51:11

    30- How does the concept of 4 wives fit into the institution of marriage/family? From 1:51:11 to end

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 3, 2021 at 12:42 am

    1- What are your fundamental principles to interpret Islam? From 6:09 to 11:12

    2- Does Quran tell us to be unfriendly towards non-muslims? From 11:12 to 20:19

    3- What is the solution of Islamic terrorism? From 20:19 to 26:10

    4- Should we follow only one scholar or we can learn from every scholar? From 26:10 to 30:08

    5- If we allow person to choose any interpretation then they will take easy way out. Therefore how can it be allowed? From 30:08 to 32:30

    6- What is shirk and how polytheism can be defined?From 32:30 to 34:43

    7- Aren’t christians polytheists? From 34:43 to 36:09

    8- What is the source of Islam? From 36:09 to 43:16

    9- Can we make Quran as the only source of Islam? From 43:16 to 46:35

    10- Why we don’t find any interpretation of Zakat similar to your in the era of Prophet saw? From 46:35 to 49:46

    11- If women is bread winner then who will be the head of the family? From 49:46 to 51:13

    12- Shouldn’t you base your conclusion about sunnah based on more sound references? From 51:13 to 55:51

    13- What is nusrat e deen? Can we give zakat for nusrat e deen? From 55:51 to 59:37

    14- Can we celebrate festivals of non muslims? From 59:37 to 1:02:29

    15- Quran says God will give guidance to humans then what about free will? From 1:02:29 to 1:04:55

    16- Can you explain zabiha meat? From 1:04:55 to 1:06:55

    17- Can women enter Masjid e Haram during their menstrual cycle?From 1:06:55 to 1:07:34

    18- Why intellectuals stay away from religion? From 1:07:34 to 1:08:50

    19- Why did Prophet Ibrahim break the idols? From 1:08:50 to 1:10:32

    20- What is hijab? From 1:10:32 to 1:13:53

    21- How can you allow to give interest? From 1:13:53 to 1:15:53

    22- Why responsibilities were imposed on teenagers? From 1:15:53 to 1:17:43

    23- Why Shias are persecuted in Pakistan? From 1:17:43 to 1:21:05

    24- What is your opinion about test tube babies? From 1:21:05 to 1:23:25

    25- Can we sell drugs or alcoholic beverages? From 1:23:25 to 1:24:30

    26- Can women become Khatib or Imam? From 1:24:30 to 1:26:02

    27- Can we pray with nail polish? From 1:26:02 to 1:26:37

    28- Can we put barriers between men and women during prayers? From 1:26:37 to 1:27:55

    29- Alcohol is not haram in Quran but prohibited to use? Is it really haram? From 1:27:55 to 1:29:30

    30- Will Allah forgive all sins? From 1:29:56 to 1:32:42

    31- How to justify eating fish meat? From 1:32:42 to 1:33:06

    32- What can we do with interest money? From 1:33:06 to 1:33:33

    32- What can we do for moon sighting? From 1:33:33 to 1:37:56

    33- Can we go to events of music? From 1:37:56 to 1:39:24

    34- Can we drink alcohol if it is not intoxicating? From 1:39:24 to 1:40:37

    35- What is Islamic point of view on adoption? From 1:40:37 to 1:41:17

    36- Will our relations be the same after Qiyamah? From 1:41:17 to 1:42:47

    37- If we couldn’t fast in ramazan, what can we do? From 1:42:47 to end

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 10, 2021 at 1:41 am

    1- What is the objective of Islam and religion in general? From 6:29 to 16:31

    2- What are the responsibilities of Muslims? From 16:31 to 29:41

    3- What is the objective of Al-Mawrid? From 29:41 to 31:18

    4- If everything is preplanned then why we blame each other? From 31:18 to 35:14

    5- How should Muslim organize themselves today? From 35:14 to 37:52

    6- Why should we believe in Imamat and its history? From 37:52 to 39:15

    7- How can we educate ourselves in religion within one year? From 39:15 to 43:05

    8- Can we understand Quran without Hadith? From 43:05 to 44:00

    9- Can evolution be compatible with Islam? From 44:00 to 49:38

    10- Is breaking promise and cheating bigger sin? From 49:38 to 51:32

    11- What is nikah misyar and mutta?From 51:32 to 55:06

    12- Can husband eat wife’s meat during starvation? From 55:06 to 55:43

    13- What is importance of 15th Sha’ban? From 55:43 to 56:51

    14- What is your opinion about gender interaction and takfir? From 56:51 to 1:00:01

    15- Does nail polish invalidate ablution? From 1:00:01 to 1:04:11

    16- Is mortgage allowed? From 1:04:11 to 1:06:10

    17- Can we combine different prayers?From 1:06:10 to 1:07:38

    18- Why your opinions are different from others? From 1:07:38 to 1:08:39

    19- Is there difference between men and women’s prayers?From 1:08:39 to 1:09:42

    20- Can women marry non muslims? From 1:09:42 to 1:14:16

    21- Is there any limitation according to verse 2:223? From 1:14:16 to 1:15:25

    22- If a person is genetically homosexual then what can such a person do about it? From 1:15:25 to 1:17:40

    23- What should a wife do when husband forces her to do act of qoum-e-loot? From 1:17:40 to 1:18:50

    24- What is your opinion about zabiha? From 1:18:50 to 1:21:08

    25- Can we take franchise of McDonald’s? From 1:21:08 to 1:21:44

    26- Why is gold Haram for men? From 1:21:44 to 1:22:35

    27- Can a muslim drink alcohol on doctor’s prescription? From 1:22:35 to 1:23:12

    28- What is the punishment of apostasy? From 1:23:12 to 1:23:56

    29- Can we have tattoos? From 1:23:56 to 1:25:19

    30- How can we justify miracles with science? From 1:25:19 to 1:28:10

    31- Is it ok to live in non muslim country? From 1:28:10 to 1:29:30

    32- What is zakat on rental income? From 1:28:10 to 1:30:15

    33- Can we subtract tax from zakat? From 1:30:15 to 1:30:54

    34- If there is judgment day, then what’s the point of punishment in grave? From 1:30:54 to 1:32:44

    35- What is salah prayer? From 1:32:44 to 1:34:43

    36- What is the punishment for blasphemy? From 1:34:43 to 1:35:58

    37- How are different sects formed? From 1:35:58 to 1:37:08

    38- Can we sell lottery tickets? From 1:37:08 to 1:37:35

    39- How can we find Shab e qadar when there is difference in ramazan in different regions? From 1:37:08 to 1:42:06

    40- How to respond to those who laugh on Muslims’ concept of resurrection? From 1:42:06 to 1:42:52

    41- Can wife be divorced in anger? From 1:42:52 to 1:45:15

    42- Can wife ask for divorce? From 1:45:15 to 1:46:09

    43- Can parents force us to marry someone? From 1:46:09 to 1:47:39

    44- If cousin marriage creates problems then why does Islam allow it? From 1:47:39 to 1:47:50

    45- Can we pray or change clothes in the presence of pictures? From 1:47:50 to 1:48:45

    46- What is the matter of shafat? From 1:48:45 to 1:49:45

    46- Can we take narcotics? From 1:49:45 to 1:50:02

    47- Why you differ from Taliban’s point of view? From 1:50:02 to 1:50:47

    48- Can we say Ya Ali madad etc? From 1:50:47 to 1:51:23

    49- Can we pray with eyes closed? From 1:51:23 to 1:52:26

    50- Can we use ultrasound to end iddat? From 1:52:26 to 1:53:23

    51- What are the reasons of our downfall? From 1:53:23 to 1:55:30

    52- What can we do for fasting at extreme conditions? From 1:55:30 to 1:57:20

    53- What’s your opinion about dances in marriage? From 1:57:22 to 1:58:22

    54- What is the principle of Tauba? From 1:58:22 to 2:00:07

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 15, 2021 at 1:36 pm

    1- If God is just then why there is injustice in society? From 2:30 to 13:07

    2- Why this worldly test is so difficult? From 13:07 to 18:20

    3- Why God has chosen the poor for the test of physical pains etc? From 18:20 to 20:23

    4- What is the concept of nusrat in religion? From 20:23 to 26:43

    5- Is the hadith about women’s deficiency in wisdom authentic? From 26:43 to 28:53

    6- Is the hadith about end of days authentic? From 28:53 to 34:35

    7- What is the responsibility of men towards family members? From 34:35 to 42:38

    8- Quran says that all creation has been made in pairs. How is that so? From 42:38 to 43:32

    9- What is the reality of miracles? Isn’t the incident of Noah’s flood unscientific? Can it be metaphorical? From 43:32 to 53:05

    10- If an atheist has good character, what will happen to him in Qiyamah? From 53:05 to 55:35

    11- How can we give dawah in today’s world? From 55:35 to 59:47

    12- What is the stance of Islam on slavery? From 59:47 to 1:08:00

    13- If Islam is against slavery then why muslim rulers had slaves? From 1:08:00 to 1:09:16

    14- Why understanding of Islam is restricted to 4 imams? From 1:09:16 to 1:10:47

    15- How can salaried person give zakat? From 1:10:47 to From 1:13:00

    16- What is Islam’s stance on homosexuality? From 1:13:00 to 1:14:30

    17- Can Muslims support gay candidates in election? From 1:14:30 to 1:16:00

    18- Is insurance salary halal? From 1:16:00 to 1:17:00

    19- What is traweeh prayer and what about the moon sighting problem? From 1:17:00 to 1:26:50

    20- How can we reconcile Islamic rituals with life in west? From 1:26:50 to 1:28:37

    21- Why muslims who even offer prayers are sometimes the worst in public dealing? From 1:28:37 to 1:32:21

    22- What is the difference between your opinion and those of secular people? From 1:32:21 to 1:36:40

    23- Why Allah accept prayers of people from other religion? From 1:36:40 to 1:37:20

    24- What is the reality of istikhara? From 1:37:20 to 1:40:32

    25- Are dogs not allowed in Islam? From 1:40:32 to 1:43:09

    26- What is the reality of magic? From 1:43:09 to 1:46:57

    27- How can we tell our children about Islamic rituals? From 1:46:57 to 1:51:14

    28- Can we shake hands with women? From 1:51:14 to 1:53:40

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 20, 2021 at 9:17 am

    1- How should muslims treat non muslims? From 03:08 to 09:46

    2- If some Quranic verses were relevant only to Prophet’s era then why we recite them today?From 09:46 to 10:50

    3- How can we know which verses are conditional? From 10:50 to 11:18

    4- Does prayer (dua) really work? From 11:18 to 13:17

    5- If God is just then why some people were chosen as prophets?From 13:17 to 16:32

    6- Why prophets were sent in same region? From 16:32 to 19:30

    7- Why there were no prophets in Bani Ismael? From 19:30 to 21:38

    8- Can people who committed adultery marry? From 21:38 to 23:50

    9- Why Sahaba were killed in punishment after Rasool’s itmam e hujjah? From 23:50 to 25:17

    10- If parents and husband force us to stop doing Hijab, what should we do? From 25:17 to 29:08

    11- Why are husbands superior to wives in the institution of family? From 29:08 to 32:02

    12- How can we decide for marrying? From 32:02 to 34:42

    13- Distribution of wealth after divorce? From 34:42 to 37:22

    14- Is falling in love not allowed? From 37:22 to 40:48

    15- What is favorite action in Allah’s eye? From 40:48 to 42:27

    16- What is the ruling about organ donation? From 42:27 to 43:03

    17- What type of meat should we eat in the West? From 43:03 to 45:44

    18- Do Muslim worship a stone (Hajr-e-Aswad)? From 45:44 to 50:54

    19- Why we cannot pray with Khushoo in ramazan? From 50:54 to 54:04

    20- Why people blame you for denying hadith? From 54:04 to 58:27

    21- Why Islam is labeled as the most violent religion in the world? From 58:27 to 1:00:19

    22- What is the reality of honor killing in Islam? From 1:00:19 to 1:03:58

    23- What is the meaning of shariah? From 1:03:58 to 1:05:30

    24- What do you mean by sufism as a parallel religion?From 1:05:30 to 1:10:20

    25- Who establish zakat rate? From 1:10:20 to 1:13:19

    26- What is the reality of black magic etc? From 1:13:19 to 1:18:46

    27- What is Islamic point of view about family planning and abortion?From 1:18:46 to 1:21:21

    28- How Muslims in west are different from those in the East? From 1:21:21 to 1:23:49

    29- Why Muslims judge others? From 1:23:49 to 1:25:53

    30- Is Islam a way of running a country? From 1:25:53 to 1:28:17

    31- Did Prophet Mohammad saw not know Kalala? From 1:28:17 to 1:29:28

    32- Can we curse the oppressor? From 1:29:28 to 1:32:40

    33 – Which is superior Haqooq Allah or Haqooq ul Ibaad? From 1:32:40 to 1:36:20

    34- What is the punishment for being false witness? From 1:36:20 to 1:36:49

    35- Did the Quran allow Sahaba to wage war? From 1:36:49 to 1:42:17

    36- What should we focus on to raise pious kids? From 1:42:17 to 1:44:46

    37- Are test tube babies Halal or Haram? From 1:44:46 to 1:48:03

    38- Can you comment on interest on loan? From 1:48:03 to 1:53:40

    39- Why is it not described what women will get in Jannah unlike men? From 1:53:40 to end

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 25, 2021 at 1:37 am

    1- Is mortgage permissible? Is the salary of person working in bank halal? From 00:51 to 05:33

    2- Can we invest in govt saving scheme? What is you opinion about insurance? From 05:33 to 6:43

    3- What will be zakat on rental income? From 6:43 to 8:28

    4- How can we strengthen our eman? From 8:28 to 13:00

    5- What do you think about taviz? From 13:00 to 15:30

    6- What can we do for rising muslims? Or can we solve conflicting thoughts in youth? From 15:30 to 20:34

    7- In Quran God says It donot burden person more than he could bear. Why some people face much difficult position? From 20:34 to 22:10

    8- Shall we pray farz, wajib, sunnat? From 22:10 to 25:48

    9- Can we recite bismillah before eating any meat? From 25:48 to 29:00

    10- How to deal with LGBTQ community? From 29:00 to 33:32

    11- How can we teach kids about Islamic value? From 33:32 to 37:03

    12- Can women marry christian or jews? From 37:03 to 41:27

    13- Can non muslims go to Paradise? From 41:27 to 44:21

    14- What is your opinion about govt saving schemes? From 44:21 to 45:15

    15- What is the objective of Fasting? From 45:15 to 48:29

    16- What is sharai hijab? From 48:29 to 51:16

    17- What is Islamic point of view on homosexuals? From 51:16 to 52:39

    18- Is Quran is arranged correctly? From 52:39 to 53:20

    19- Does Magic or evil eye exist? From 53:20 to 55:41

    20- Can we do arts? From 55:41 to 58:39

    21- Can we keep pet dogs?From 58:39 to 1:01:38

    22- Can we do sexual transplantation? From 1:01:38 to 1:02:13

    23- Why non muslims can not enter Makkah? From 1:02:13 to 1:04:09

    24- What is nusrat e deen? Can we use zakat for it? From 1:04:09 to 1:06:15

    25- Can we do Milad? From 1:06:15 to 1:09:16

    26- What is your opinion about drawing images? What is blasphemy law? From 1:09:16 to 1:13:19

    27- What is your opinion about Quran khawani and Chaliswan etc? From 1:13:19 to 1:16:18

    28- What is reality of Miraj? From 1:16:18 to 1:21:41

    29- Why Islam didnt finish slavery? From 1:21:41 to 1:31:02

    30- Can we eat nazer food? From 1:31:02 to 1:32:00

    31- Can we give zakat to Pakistan? From 1:32:00 to 1:33:18

    32- Since wahi is blessing so it should be continous today? From 1:33:18 to 1:34:54

    33- Can we give Quran to non muslims? From 1:34:54 to 1:36:03

    34- Can we have tatoo? From 1:36:03 to 1:36:55

    35- Can we go to non muslim countries? From 1:36:55 to 1:38:17

    36- Does Hadith has any relvence to Islam? From 1:38:17 to end

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