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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Khimar To Be "extended"?

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  • Khimar To Be "extended"?

    Posted by Gumiho Ki on June 28, 2021 at 10:32 am

    Assalam o allaykum.I was talking to someone about the opinion of sir JG that headscarf is not mentioned in Quran as mandatory for women to wear.The guy was telling me that Quran use the word draw or extended .”Extend your khimar over your chest.So he was saying that this imply that the khimar should stay where it was (on head) and the lower part of it to be used to cover the chest. Is it true that the word mean “extend?”I don t know arabic

    Faisal Haroon replied 3 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Khimar To Be "extended"?

    Faisal Haroon updated 3 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • اشهل صادق

    Member June 28, 2021 at 8:34 pm


    It doesn’t mean “extend,” I think “cast” would be a better rendering. The Quran asks the believing women to not reveal their ornaments in front of men who are not from their families. For this the Quran asks them to cast the khimar they are already wearing on the area between the necks and the chest so as to cover necklaces and other ornaments women might wear. These are the etiquettes for male-female interaction if women are dressed up (wearing jewelery, for example). Wearing a head covering will only be necessary if women have embellished their hair too with jewelery and other ornaments.

    This is how I understand Ghamidi Sahab’s view. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong.

    • Gumiho Ki

      Member June 29, 2021 at 12:17 am

      Thank you.That is the way I understood it too .But I wanted to check if any word or expression in the ayyah mean that the khimar should be left where it was (head).I wonder why Allah said to cover bossom with khimar and not just to cover the bossom

    • اشهل صادق

      Member June 29, 2021 at 12:52 am

      Thr main point is to not reveal ornaments in front of men. What follows are the steps one has to take to follow this injunction. So, Allah is clarifying the confusions in the phrase الا ما ظهر منها, except what are naturally exposed. The first is whether necklaces need to be covered and the second is about ankle bracelets. Clarifying that both of these need to be hidden, Allah guides women on how to hide them effectively and without making things difficult on themselves. He basically says that part of your khimar is already hanging lose, use that to hide necklaces and regarding ankle bracelets, He asks women to take care that their gait is not one which exposes the ankle bracelets hidden under their garments.

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator June 29, 2021 at 12:51 am

    For Ghamidi sahab’s comments about this question, please refer to the following video from 00:06:31 to 00:09:04:

    • Gumiho Ki

      Member June 29, 2021 at 4:03 am

      Ok,two more questions.We’ve seen in some countries(ex.KSA)the majority of women wear headscarf jilbab niqab.I suppose they believe that this is the right way for a women to be covered and anything less than that will mean disobedience of Allah s rulling and inmodesty.

      Although(as per my understanding sir JG opinion) these items are not mandatory to be covered ,

      1)it become compulsory for a woman to cover these body parts taking in consideration that this is the way the people in that country define modesty?

      2) is it haram for a woman to wear less than the custom of that country if she fulfils the obligatory mandated by Quran and sunnah.?

    • Faisal Haroon

      Moderator June 30, 2021 at 10:49 am

      If in a country or a region, there’s a customary norm to take hijab then we should follow that norm. This is however a matter of ‘aadab’, not a matter of haram/halal. However, if someone presents that custom as part of religion then on the academic level scholars will clarify their error. Saudi Arabia is not a very good example in this case because there it is not only considered part of religion, but also enforced by law. In such countries we should follow the law.

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