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Quran Word Of God?
Posted by Hamza Ali on June 30, 2021 at 2:06 pmHow can we actually prove Quran is the word of god? I’ve watched the series of Zavia-E-Ghamidi but it was hard to understand due to the difficult language used. Would be great if you’d share other resources of Ghamidi sahab or anyone else..
Hamza Ali replied 3 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Quran Word Of God?
Moderator June 30, 2021 at 2:22 pmthe easiest video to understand is follows
Hamza Ali
Member July 1, 2021 at 1:49 pmWould be great if you could link me to any other detailed lecture og Ghamidi sahab proving divinity QURAN AL KAREEM apart from Zavia-E-Ghamidi
Member July 2, 2021 at 8:08 amBrother Hamza, You might find some clues here.
Hamza Ali
Member July 2, 2021 at 12:08 pmBrother Nadeem! Thank you for sharing this video. I see many so-called scientific miracles on the video. I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you to go check out this video:
Or you can read on this topic here:
Scientific miracle method for proving divinity is not right.
May Allah bless you:)
Member July 2, 2021 at 12:27 pmBrother Hamza, I have read many articles and arguments on this topic. Yes, it is possible to argue some points, but not many can be rejected. Even Ghamidi Sahib’s approach is non scientifict and he translated many words as people would have understood 1400 years ago, still there are many verses that he couldn’t or cannot be translated but as a scientific fact. I personally see science in Quran to be the most overwhelming proof that the book is from God. Any other method is less convincing to me.
I also observed that Quran is a live book and as meaning of various words in Arabic is evolving, the new meaning still fits perfectly in the translation. For example the word that had a meaning of a dust particle or thr smallest particle, now has a meaning of an atom. Both seem valid to me because the inherent mening was the smallest object.
Let me find an article that addresses both approaches and comes to a conclusion that both approaches are valid.
Member July 2, 2021 at 12:36 pmThe article you referred has one big problem. It states that all science in Quran was already known and it is copied from somewhere. Lets accept that assertion. Than most prople would also agree that in those those times most of the knowkege or science was erroneous too. Why did that erroneous science did not get copied in Quran. Did prophet Muhammad collected all the knowledge from around the World, surrounded himself with the most educated, verified all the science and then randomly referenced it in various places in Quran… when it is not even a book of science.
Member July 2, 2021 at 6:32 pmBrother Hamza. I read every word of the article you referenced. It is written eloquently, but that doesn’t make it correct. The author is unduly impressed by Atheist’s argument and couldn’t answer intellectually because of lack to knowledge of Islam. There are critical flaws in this article. There is too much to write, so if you contact me privately, I can refer to those major flaws.
Just because Atheist can put DOUBTS into some scientific references in Quran, using baseless ASSUMPTIONS (without facts or proof), it doesn’t make all scientific references incorrect. First, we have no reason to argue with atheist or anyone else except to provide information if someone sincerely seeks such information. Atheist have no ground to stand on. Their own belief is based on conjecture and opinion. They can’t stand to argue with Quran which stands on solid grounds.
Regarding Quran, whether it may be scientific facts or the overall subject of Quran, there are overwhelming signs that it is true and it is a word of god. Let’s assume for a moment that it is not true, then what does a person looses by believing… nothing. Being a Muslim minimally only requires belief and not committing Shirk.
On the other hand if it is all true, it will be a regret for an eternal life.
If nothing else, a Muslim’s belief is an insurance for a good eternal life. If it is not true, what would that person loose…a belief, doing good deeds, helping other people, giving charity, etc.
Hamza Ali
Member July 3, 2021 at 12:30 pmBrother Minhas, i’ve found some important points in your reply. Especially, this point hit me:
”Did prophet Muhammad collected all the knowledge from around the World, surrounded himself with the most educated, verified all the science and then randomly referenced it in various places in Quran… when it is not even a book of science”
I will do some more research on this topic Insha’ Allah. Thanks you for replying!
Member July 3, 2021 at 1:03 pmBrother Hamza, I have a long list of such items. Let’s see if some of these points also click.
1. Why major errors in science/belief from that time did not creep into Quran.
2. At that time or any time previously, it was thought that the Earth is either flat or round/sphere. Why would prophet diverge from this and say in Quran that Earth is egg shaped; which is neither right or wrong. I probably know the answer, but I will share with you later.
3. Any fact or science coming from Ibrahimic religion is still part of Islam and information from the same Allah. Unless the information got corrupted, it is not supposed to be wrong. A repeat of the same info in Quran shouldn’t be a surprise.
3. Quran itself stated that Allah created many genetations before that were more advanced than we are. It also refers to an incident where a human with the knowledge of book in Prophet Sulman’s court bringing a throne from 100s of miles away in less than a blink of an eye.
Quran talks about Gins, Alien life and 7 universes each containing a similar Earth in each.
So the Quran itself tell you that more advanced knowledge existed before. How can Atheist refern to a few chosen items and prove that Muhammaf pbuh copied existing knowkedge from around the World.
Hamza Ali
Member July 4, 2021 at 6:33 amBrother Minhas, you’ve pointed towards some stunning points. If Quran had been written by a human, he must have pointed out some interesting points. Let me look into these in detail Insha’ Allah.
Moderator July 2, 2021 at 8:03 amPlease refer to the video below from 1:29:04 to 1:31:26
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